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  • SteveHuettl
    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    No help from James to make this happen??

    I feel bad for the people who were looking forward to this drawing.

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats on a great buck Pat!

    I’m glad to hear you finally recovered him.

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats Tuck!!

    Good to see you put one on the ground with the crossbow!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Brennan said anytime your ready for a shot at the belt just name the time and place!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    I’m an absolute believer in the 2-Blade Rage rite now!

    They are absolutely devastating!!!!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    I was expecting full camo and a bow in hand…I’m a little disappointed Ripper!!

    It won’t be long and he will be leaving you in the dust!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Good looking goat GMAN!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    I will be working the Gamehide booth this weekend so if anyone is at the show stop on by and say hello!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Happy B-Day and hope you have a good one!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    One can only hope! Great looking buck!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Anytime Pat!

    Although I’m still trying to get that “gut” smell out of my boat! I think Pat was getting a little sick when I pulled ahead of him 5/1….

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Unfortunetely we won’t be hunting this guy!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    I sent you a text and everything and still forgot!!

    Happy B-Day buddy!

    Are you 40 yet or what!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Happy B-Day Joel!!

    Here’s to a good day on the water and an even better night at the bar!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Just got my preferece point today G!

    I don’t like to see the jump from $12-$52 on the preferece point but it looks like the license costs stayed close to the same price as last year. I still think it’s way too much but I guess that’s the price you have to pay if you want to hunt there.

    I plan on hunting WI this Fall for the first time in many years with my bow. I have a good piece of property to hunt and if it shows the potential I believe it has then I will probably have to second guess hunting in IA again. The price difference is just too drastic between the two states.

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Happy B-Day Jason!

    Sounds like you had a good one!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    And they say turkey’s can’t pick out blinds…..

    How do you feel about that protour!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Happy B-Day again Pat!

    Too bad the B-Day bird streak is over!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    They seem to still be gobbling and strutting in the fields first thing in the morning even with this heat!

    We killed this guy this morning at 7:45am. He was in a field and we called him into the woods where they have been “hanging out” during the day. I would suggest moving to a open wooded area with a lot of shade after you get through the morning push. You can still kill birds in this heat as they’ve been fairly active and responsive in the mornings!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    The number of hunters using blinds has sky rocketed in the past 5 years. That being said why can’t turkey’s become “blind shy”? Deer certainly don’t have a problem becoming “blind shy” so why not turkey’s as well! It’s a simple thing I like to call “survival”!! Every animal out there has one thing in common…the ability to adapt and survive to the conditions given. With more blinds being used these days it’s only a matter of time before turkey’s adapt to this and begin to register them as danger.

    Like I said, it’s a simple matter of survival!

    Just my opinion of course…

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Get out of there and find a new spot!!

    I’ve hunted a property the last two years that receives a good amount of pressure and I can tell you for a fact that birds become “blind shy”! Those that tell you they don’t haven’t hunted turkey’s enough to see it first hand. The only way around it is to completely camo in your blind with branches and whatever else you can find. You need to camo it in like your deer hunting from it. To me that takes too much time and effort that you shouldn’t need to do for turkey hunting. I would rather spend that time looking for a new spot.

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats GMAN on some great hunting! I hunted the same season (Thurs.-Sat.) and know first hand how tough the weather was on Fri. and Sat.!!

    That is a slob of a bird…CONGRATS!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    After this weekend it’s all about the DEER Lip! Back to the really important things in life…chasing big bucks!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    I just think GUT spends WAYYYY too much time in the woods by himself!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats again Buddy!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats on a hard earned bird GUT!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats again on a great bow bird buddy!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats on a nice bird Tony!

    South Metro
    Posts: 224

    Congrats on a very heavy bird!

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