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  • staynchargebob
    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33


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    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Im use to it on Wapo, kinda why I waited until 7pm to get out there on Sunday. After 8 we were one of 3-4 boats on the lake. It was actually very peacful. My kids want me to pull them around in a tube but so far I havent given in. Would hate to have something bad happen to them if I goofed up or something. My baot is sacred….for pulling fish around only! Lol!
    If you see a Blue Smokercraft Fazer out there with a Big Blue Bimini on it….Its me!


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I live near Wapo and was wondering if the eyes are biting at all. I am thinking about going out Sunday and seeing if I can catch anything. I have these Hand raised European Nightcrawlers (Belgian Giant Red Worms)that are incredibly active and cold water resistant. I am hoping they work as well as I anticipate in icy waters. I am looking into supplying them to the local bait stores soon. I am still working on getting a good breeding stock going.
    They sure are impressive in the summer! If your willing to give me some decent info on were they are biting on Wapo I would be willing to set you up with a nice batch of these worms at no cost to check out. You have never seen anything like them before! They Need no refrigeration under 85 degrees too. Drop me a note if anyone wants any of these. $5 for 3 doz. Bait size crawlers.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    north american fishing club just did a new product review on these, they seemed to work well, I was thinking about trying one myself.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Can’t be WI. He only got one, he should have been able to take 2-3 with all the extra tags we get over here.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Discount tire has the best prices from what I have found. You can go online and check out if they have it at there stores online at

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I live about 15 miles south of bone lake. Wapo is starting to get ice and so is big lake. Not frozen over but getting there

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Im figuring about $2 a doz right now. I work in Hugo, wouldnt mind stopping by forest lake to drop a few doz off.

    I will sell 100 for $15 but I can’t do too many of those orders for a few months yet. but 100 or so is do-able now.

    Not sure if they are like belgin worms, These are basically giant redworms, they gat to be about 5-7 ” at full size. Most om my breeders are 3-4″ right now. They have been fun to raise and more fun to fish with. they have a slight woodsy scent that the fish seem to dig real bad!

    I have some friends up in Grantsburg, Wi that was doing so well fishing with them last year on the ice she had a guy trade her a septic pump out ($200 worth, hem owns the business) for a doz crawlers after he sat there and watched her pull 3 doz slab crappie out of the ice to his 2 (each, not doz) little ones in the same amount of time. He then was on the same bite action and still to this day is says it was more than a fair trade for him. I thinks its a pretty funny story, trading worms and her got her sewage too! LMAO!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I was an Asbestods removal worker for years some time ago and I believe that Mesothelioma is an asbestos contact related illness. Did she work in a factory or a building that has asbesto’s exposure issues? I still have to go in every 2 years for chest xrays. It may take from 10 to 30 years for something to show up after being exposed. Asbestos was so widely used for fire proofing bcause of its industructable qualities. Unfortunatly the body can not rid itself of the fibers due to this industructability. I am sorry to hear about your friends situation. Reading about it make me worry about my future also.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I hope he likes Jim’s wages…. One Venison Steak cooked to order,(hope ya like it spicy) 3 beers and a bucket full of bait per day (if you have a boat and take him fishing) He’s been known to bonus you an extra beer or two if you actually work and break a sweat. After that all hes good for is good conversation and friendship.


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I knew there was a reason I asked you to help me answer these questions. I figured it was going to get pretty technical. Just a side note here…. I have known Jim for 7 years and I have to say he is a man of action. 6 years ago he told me about this idea and I have to say I was pretty darn confused with what it did and how it worked. He took this from idea to product in less than a year and he has done everything he can to improve the system and introduce a product that is a mixture of new technology and all of the ideas that you fishing folks and the manufactures have requested. I have been using the original sytem personally on my truck and boat and have had no problems with it at all in 4 years of using the StayNCharge. I had a line of buddies waiting for me to charge their batteries on my last fishing outing and with no power available at all at the camp site I saved alot of hassle and dissapointment for them all by keeping their batteries charged up during the whole week. I have had no problems with my altenator and have enjoyed knowing that no matter where I am, I can used my trolling motor anytime and I will never have a dead cranking battery. I hope we get a chance in the future to meet up with some of you at an outing sometime. Sure would be nice to get in some fishing instead of working on this charger all the darn time. I am sure Jim feels the same way. We need to go fishing dude….SOON!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I know a great place for smallies if conditions are right just down the road from Hudson. I have fished the base of the willow river falls, standing on the rock that juts out on the east side of the falls. I cast a med diver rapala, med size, black, gold or silver and have had HUGE Luck for hours at a time. Also a white mr twister with a spinner works well. Beaware that this is a protected trout stream and you may hook into a trout or 2. Do not bring live bait down there, it is prohibited. I was catching 2-3 lb’ers one after another last time I was down there. DNR does visit often so be on the up and up. Also the brown trout are pretty nice there but you can only take one per day and i think it has to be more than 16 or 17″.

    Good luck and enjoy.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Hi Jim,

    This is the other lazy guy i was talking about.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Good question Scott, Unlike an AC charger our system is designed to feed the battery only the amount of charge that they need. A DC alternator charge is different, it is what your battery wants and the vlotage regulator on the alternator insures that no more is sent to the battery than what it desires, just like your trucks battery. We are actually siphoning a charge from an alternator VS forced feeding them through an AC converted to DC charge. This type of charge is actually good for the battery and can increase its life based on test we have done over the years.

    If we were having some problems with this charger not working properly or not fully charging the batteries as we claim, we would have been the first to know about it. So far with over 2000 of them sold and on boats we have had no complaints and we replaced the one with the bad LED.

    To further explain our “ALLCHARGE” system. It is a smart box that allows up to 4 seperate batteries wired in series and/or in parallel to be charged by: #1, your tow vehicle. #2 your boats charging system pulled off the cranking battery or by hooking up a portable AC charger to it to charge all the batteries on the boat at the same time, one at a time in a timed sequence. We do it 12V at a time.
    For example if it is taking you 3 single bank chargers to charge 3 batteries you could actually still use your onboard charger but you would only need one charger wired to the smart box. Same thing with those 1.5amp topping chargers. One hooked up to our unit will allow you to top off all you batteries with one charger instead of a charger for each battery. I hope that makes some sense. We will be doing some shows and tourneys this season yet. Maybe we can have the opportunty to show it to some of you in person. It is pretty darn impressive.

    Our system is also lightweight (4lbs total with wire) and that is a true benefit if speed and boat weight is an issue.

    This system is just another way to keep your boat ready for the water and perfect for lazy guys like me and Jim who have one too many times ignored our batteries after our fishing trip and when we wanted to go later we couldn’t.

    NOW WE CAN!!

    Don’t mean to be long winded, just trying to explain this as best as i can.

    Later All

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Well finally some input. Just so ya know, I’m not bombarding anyone with anything, I was lloking for some input on a product that has some great benifits to some fishermen and boaters. Not selling anything to ya! I have written to the owner of this web site but have heard nothing back. We have over 2000 StayNCharge Originals and Gorillas sold with only one return due to a bad LED. This has been tested for 5 years and does not do any harm to your vehicles electrical system. this system is seperate and it is a concept that is used by the RV industry and is even factory installed on some hitch woting applications. We went a step further and made our system seperate from the wire harness and is well protected. This concept and Idea is based on what allready works. if your trucks altornator is so innefficient at charging batteries then why is it working on your vehicle? This is nothing more than an extention cord in a sense. Our new system is based on what the boating manufactures wanted and we delivered. I’m sorry to hear that some of you are getting a negative idea about this system cuz if you talk to someone that has been using the original or the Gorilla you will not hear negative things come from them. It works very well and we have proven this time and time again. We are just a couple of fishing guys with an idea that we have taken to the public. I appreciate the feedback, kinda wish some of you would open your mind a bit and look at the positive benifits instead of always looking for the negative.

    Must be something special to have some very well known companies try to buy us out. And this is after having there engineers look at this.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Wow! I cant believe that nobody is interested in leaving any feedback. Nobody here has had problems with an undercharged or dead battery on their boat. This problem has stopped us dead 3 or 4 times from fishing in the past that is how this charging system came to be.
    We will be showing this system to Skeeter Boats in September. We are testing head to head with “Stealth” and “Dual Pro” chargers under the supervision of Skeeters head engineer. We have done run our own tests and are prepared to blow both of those chargers right out of the water. The testing went fabulous on Wapo the other day. Our “AllCharge” did what it was designed to do and it does it without generating heat and weight.
    This will be my last post on the subject if there are no responses. I am surprised that no one is at least curious about a Product that will insure that you will have more productive time on the water doing what is important…..FISHING!


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I case anyone was in the area and interested, we will be doing some last minute testing of the “on the water” charging abilities of the “AllCharge” today on Lake Wapogassette after noon today. This is the last set of tests before it goes into mass production next week. Look for the white and blue smokercraft. Wave and say hi if your out there. We would love to show it to ya! Now let me see if I can slow Jimmy down long enough to wet a line or 2.
    Later all

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Hi Guys,
    I was out on the 4th with my boys and wifey. We hit the drop off near the south end of the lake by the entrance to bear trap and caught a few bass. we were out in the afternoon and after my son caught the 3 lb bucketmouth we attracted a crowd. Also the rec cruisers were out in force and the wakes were brutal. We landed a few bass but that was it. I need to get out there on thursday, my day off and check it out without all the traffic. The humps and drop offs are very present in this lake and I would love the opportunty to troll those areas. We were using some monster shiners i fished up from the creek. I am not having a lot of luck with the chubs, they seem to die quite quick in my tank, not sure why, the shiners are doing fine. Hope to get out this week. I’ll tell ya how I do.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    yes your name and your address and phone number and the trap has to sit like an inch or so above surface with your name tag above water. An ultra light reel and rod, a #10 or 12 hook and some small chunks of nightcrawler work too if you don’t mind getting them one at a time.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Thanks for the info river eyes. I would make the wife never come with us again if I caught a sturgeon. btw those were some very nice photos you have posted. I love it out here. I don’t have any bear in my yard but I have a face to face conversation with my favorite deer “bucky” on occasion. He’s been as close as 5 ft away from me. Kinda cool but kinda spooky too. I won’t be doing that during rut I can gaurantee that!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    How true! I have been garage saling all spring and have found an excess of good fishing/boating items for next to nothing. I am into all types of tackle and equipment. I have found some very nice stuff and some old collectable stuff like vintage Abu/Zebco Cardinal 4’s-7’s and some nice older ambassaduer 5600’s and 6000’s. My latest find is an old Orvis 50 A ultra light spinning reel from he 50’s in brand new condition for $3. It is worth up to $175! Also guys be on the look out for old plastic Fenwick Woodstream tackle boxs. Some can sell for a mint on eBay. The Japanese collectors pay a fortune for them boxes. What i don’t keep for myself and my family I sell on eBay to other fishermen all over the world. I have also found some great buys on reels and terminal tackle on eBay for myself.
    I like to keep my eye out at the Walmart store in february and march. I have found some great closeout buys there. Stock up on line and terminal tackle for the summer for CHEAP! Just a few hints…..hope it helps.


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    I know that area all to well (accidentally sank my truck out there at luckies 2 yrs ago when launching my boat for the first time. July 3rd 2002, I remember it all to well. It was a freak accident but it cost me a pick up truck)

    I live out here in Deronda on the south end of the lake not too far from the boat launch at garfield park.

    drop me an email at [email protected] when your in town and we can get together sometime. I’ll bring the Redtails!!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Thank You for the welcome!
    I tend to go 1.5 to 2 feet beyond the 3 way swivel but I also extend the sinker down 6-9″ from the swivel with gorilla braid line. I have only used this for channels. A guide on the red river showed us this method and a KILLER tourney winning spot in graditude for getting him a net big enough to land a 25# Cat that he had to play for 20 minutes or so waiting for us to get his big net from the resort. Me and my buddy won 1st place wins for heaviest stringer 4 years in a row at the the tourneys held by the Catfish Haven resort near Drayton, ND. I hear its gone now. To bad lots of great memories there. we never won the big fish awards but we always filled our stringer limit.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Hi Chad,
    I am new to this forum and live about 3 miles from Wapo. I fished it a bit last year but it was early in the year. The locals say the waaley are there ya just got to find em. We should hook up for an excursion to figure this lake out. Thanks for the input from the other guy. I need to give this lake a try at night. Oh I have also found a neat little place near by to fish for redtail chubs. They are darn expensive at the bait store, the walleyes love them and they are fun to catch and I can bucket 20-30 in a couple of hours.
    later hope to hear back from you.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 33

    Hi Guys, Im new here but wanted to add my 2 cents… for the rotting shrimp, well i have used that on the Red river and It is killer for the channel cats! I also like to use large live suckers and split them open run it on a 3 way with a stinger attached letting its guts hang, works great for the big kittys tucks up under and under cut. Havent been to the red near Drayton ND in years but a 25# Channel cat was not unheard of up there. Any body use HornyHead Redtail Chubs. I have been fishing them in a small creek here and like to keep quite a few on hand for the wallys. The bait shop will buy them from me for .25-.30 a piece, kinda like fishing for money, I like to trade them for tackle.

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