Hi, I had ACL, MCL, and PCL surgery back in 1959. The Mayo Clinic did not know how to do PCL surgery then. My repair for the ACL was taken from a technique from John Hopkins. Many things have changed since then. Like it was stone age surgery at that point. I want to commend the Mayo Clinic and my surgeon, since retired, Lowell Peterson. However, to answer your post as far as time is concerned please do not rush it for whatever the time is. Make sure that you do the rehab work very dillegently! Also, do not do anything that they tell you not to do. I have had 5 surgeries on that knee with the last one being knee replacement in 2000. Good luck in your recovery and again do not do what you are supposed to not do. I had two other injuries after the intitial injury so that is what I have experienced. Again, time line, do what the medical people tell you to do. Each body is different. JJ
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