Gotta post a correction re: the “chemical dumping” by 3M. That’s simply not the case. To briefly explain, 3M’s Cottage Grove facility, aka Chemolite, had manufactured for years and years 2 chemicals used in the Scotchgard products. Recently it was found that trace amounts of these chemicals, in the single digit parts-per-million concentrations, were found in fish in the adjacent Mississippi River. It should also be noted that trace amounts of these chemicals were found in fish and other animals in other places in the world, too, so this isn’t a Chemolite-specific finding and is not indicative of chemical dumping in the river. Rather, it indicates that the Miss River fish in P3 have some miniscule quantity of these chemicals in their system. There is no evidence there is any adverse health effect on humans or animals in these concentrations, but 3M voluntarily changed their Scotchgard formulation a few years ago to do away with the PFOS and PFOA chemicals. You can probably google it to find more info if you’re interested.
OK, back to fishing now.
Looking forward to hitting P2 again Saturday. Likely follow up with a trip to P4 on Sunday. Could be a good weekend for pitching shallow assuming the water level starts rising with the recent precipitation.