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  • silv3rjad3
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Well, as I lost track of this thread and was doing other things it grew a lot bigger than expected. Thank you to all those who support this and to those who are against it. I hope you all have a great night.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    I’ve been told about how shady the organization itself is. I’m just trying to raise awareness about the children being raped and murdered. Any money we raise will be used to make posters and pamphlets to spread around on the 20th. Any left over money will be donated to something local.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    As for this comment. Did I ever say I’ve always cared about them? No. I just recently found out about it and feel that with the help of millions of others around the world that something more can be done. They are called the “Invisible Children” for that reason exactly, because not a lot of people are aware of what is happening to them.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    I’m just supporting the maintained United States presence there to assist with finding and capturing him. I don’t have any idea really as to what they could do over there. I just hope with the money and support that people are giving that something more can be done.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    This is also a really great idea, and thanks for mentioning it. I don’t see why not after this Kony deal is done on the 20th why I can’t carry over our interests to local things as well. Something like this would be a great way to recruit people for that.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    That is really awesome. Would that be an offer that is still standing after I find out whether I’ve been hired at Crenlo here in Rochester?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    No foul felt Timmy. As for the U.S. Government not doing anything, they won’t because it doesn’t come up as important enough for them to do. That’s what this whole movement is about. Showing the government that it is important enough. If enough average joes stand up and say “This is important!” Then eventually the government will listen. Currently there are 100 U.S. advisors over there helping where they can in the hunt for Joseph Kony and a lot of this is also to make sure those men and women stay over there.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Because I’m in the middle of doing something that takes up a large amount of my time and energy. Am I supposed to drop what I’m doing right now and start on a list of [censored] some random guy gave me? Use your head man. I’m currently in charge of telling 560 people where to meet how to make their own awareness stuff and when and how we are going to do this. I have little more than a month to do all of this stuff and you are sitting here telling me I’m not holding to my word?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Really though. Back to the task at hand. I’m not here to figure out what else I can do where I’m at. I’m trying to raise awareness for the cause I have currently taken up. If you guys don’t mind, watch the video, tell your friends, maybe donate a little money, or just copy and paste the video to your facebook walls. I’m just asking you guys for help. All you have to do is either ignore it or push a few buttons. You make the decision.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    I’ve got my plate quite full right now with what organization and handing out of information for this but the suggestions you guys gave are all quite valid. I will look into other things I can do around here.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Name one worthy cause that a 20 year old unemployed man can really make an impact on and I’ll start right up. Just sayin.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    that is a massive amount of money.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Hey this is Sterling. Thank You all for the support it is much appreciated. Your all very welcome, I am following a dream I have had for years, and in the process I will defend American freedom…How much better could it get?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Biggest Walleye I’ve ever seen in my life, congrats. Hope that will make you wanna make a return trip.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    My condolences to the friends and family of the passed…May their souls find eternal peace in Heaven.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    I was born in Austin, Mn. Now live in Little town called leroy, usually just fish the upper iowa or a rock quarry we get stocked. When with Trumar i usually fish up near Evert’s, great memories up there.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21


    I am glad you enjoyed those videos from BK and decided to become a memeber, maybe this summer we can go out and make some of our own <<< pop of course…

    I am looking forward to that, especially seeing as summer is just around the corner.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Thank you all for such a quick and gracious welcome, its truly appreciated. Look forward to hearing from me again soon.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    Truly an enjoyable post.

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