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  • SetTheHook
    Posts: 50

    I had one … a 22 inch largemouth in the early spring. It was the only fish I caught all day.

    Posts: 50

    I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that blue ranger out here. Those pleasant creek whites sure are bruisers. I usually multi-species fish PC, spend an hour chasing one, and an hour another, etc. You can see me in the ugliest boat on the lake – a paint-peeling, bass-stickered, jon boat with “SeeHag” on the back. SeeHag meaning check out this hag of a boat, it’s amazing it doesn’t sink.

    Posts: 50

    Pleasant Creek does have quite the phenomena with all those big whites chasing shad. They will do it sporadically throughout the day, but near sunset it’s like clockwork. All the deep water areas of the lake will have white busting the surface.

    Hey Chitwood, I’ve had a big muskie follow during those white bass frenzies as well. It was also the biggest muskie I’ve seen on that lake. I think the bigger ones are pretty dormant much of the day, then get a big easy meal following those feeding frenzies at dusk. I’ve tried to follow the white bass packs throwing muskie baits a couple times to no avail. I’m sure I look pretty silly to all the other people throwing baits for white bass.

    Last time I tried this, I saw two largemouths in with the school of whites when a feeding frenzy took place right next to my boat. Pretty cool.

    Posts: 50

    I am a smoker, and always planning to quit, but have not yet succeeded. I’m a reformed slob smoker as well. I used to flick butts in the lakes or rivers all day long and finally one day a couple years ago looked out at a number of butts in one of my favorite lakes and thought to myself – damn, that’s ugly. So now I keep a container for butts in the boat.

    Posts: 50

    I’d love to see the reaction if you posted that pic and accompanying commentary on technique on a fly-fishing trout board.

    Posts: 50

    Tried them on dropshots already this year. Got one fish on a tough day, so I will try them again.

    Posts: 50

    As a Minnesota native living in Iowa, I have noticed one positive. Other drivers give me a lot more room on 494 with the Iowa plates.

    Posts: 50

    You’re right kid. Best post ever.

    Posts: 50

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Stark’s. A couple of years ago I had motor problems on the river. Took it to Stark’s and they fixed the problem quickly and I was back out on the river in an hour and for a very reasonable fee. I also bought a used motor from Stark’s and they treated me very well. Had one problem with it and they fixed it without complaint within the 30-day period. I felt like they treated me as if I had bought new and I will give them strong consideration next year when I’m in the market for a new boat.

    Posts: 50

    That’s an entertaining read. Thanks.

    That 27+ fish sure is chubby. She’s ready for spring.

    Through all of my “challenging” experiences similar to yours yesterday, you would think I would be stockpiling wisdom and smarts. Sadly, it seems I just get dumber and dumber (perhaps the Homer Simpson “dumbening gene”?) Oh well, those experiences make for good stories, and one can never get enough of those.

    Posts: 50

    Thanks James, now I do remember reading that.
    Interesting, as I think I’ve done that technique, but not really on purpose. Sometimes when vertical jigging I’ll want to move out farther off a break or shallower or around some structure, speed up the trolling motor and keep the jig down there and rip it as I go along. Have picked up several fish that way and had thought about doing it more.

    Posts: 50

    Hey James, I don’t remember reading anything about snapping ringworms. Do you do this vertical jigging or casting?

    Posts: 50

    So sorry for your loss. Count me in for a release in Cory’s name.

    Posts: 50

    Hey Jack,
    Fine discourse on the eagles and their use of the resource. However, about a month ago I saw one bald eagle twice practice catch and release fishing in the span of 10 minutes. Of course, he was scared stiff by a larger eagle (I believe a golden, but I’m no expert) dive bombing him as he rose from the water with his catch.
    I’m guessing the mortality rate on fish dropped by eagles is relatively high.

    Posts: 50

    That one would be way too easy on the warden Dave. If Brooke is in the boat, you’re obviously paying no attention whatsoever to your fishing rod, so all the fish are hers.

    Posts: 50

    That’s a damn shame. I assume it was at the Washington Union Access?
    It’s just not right to keep a bunch of bigger smallies like that, especially in such a small river. And to dump the remains back in the river at the ramp? Slobs.

    Posts: 50

    I’ve always wondered the same. In the past, I’ve treated them as walleyes to make sure I’d avoid any trouble.

    Posts: 50

    Caught a largemouth with a large sore near its mouth in October, but I was pretty sure it came from handling when it had been caught before. Maybe not?

    Posts: 50

    Pitching jigs and crawlers for nearly all of them. One came on a shad rap.

    Posts: 50

    Wish I could say a piggie like that looked familiar.

    Posts: 50

    That’s funny, regarding Beav’s post on Wally Divers. I’m in the same boat as John (figuratively), I usually catch fish casting Wally Divers, seems like Shad Raps always outperform them trolling for me though.

    Posts: 50

    #1 – Clown

    #2 – Blue and white

    #3 – Firetiger

    I see they’re not making the clown anymore, but they brought blue and white back, so I guess it’s a wash for me.

    Posts: 50

    Whew, was starting to jones pretty bad with a whole day without FTR.

    Posts: 50

    Hey James, welcome to the board. I’m in Waterloo.

    Posts: 50

    I’ve got one major goal for the upcoming season to improve my wingdam fishing. I’m going to try to learn to work the dams better and more efficiently.

    A secondary goal is to work on casting cranks, a method I love to use, but have only sporadic success with. Of course, goal #2 fits in with goal #1. How convenient.

    Posts: 50

    I don’t fish McBride, but have been out on Coralville and Palo quite a bit. I don’t even bother fishing Coralville once it gets past 10 or 11 a.m., unless I duck into a cove or two and dig up some bass.

    I’ve pounded Palo hard for walleyes, with very limited success. I’ve had the best luck at sunrise on that lake pulling rigs (spinner or lindy) on mid depth flats that have access to deeper water. I tend to think that the eyes in Palo suspend much of the summer and chase shad around the main lake. This summer I might put together a better trolling system and try to find some that way.

    Posts: 50

    Great article Beav. Lots of things I practice now. Lots of things I’ll practice this coming season. I’ll have to see if I can master that lure-freeing technique you describe.

    Posts: 50

    Rough year here, biggest eye was 23″. Biggest smallie 19″. Biggest carp — heck if I know, I’m not going to tape or weigh that thing, but it was BIG.

    First ever muskie, an estimated 43″, but botched the landing so there’s no first ever muskie yet.

    I thought I’d save all those big fish for next year.

    Posts: 50

    I picked one up last winter, a 6’6 medium light Fiber Max that I’ve used for jigging and rigging. Like it for jigging, but the action is too fast for rigging.

    I love the rod, very sensitive. I have’t used Loomis Rods, so I can’t compare. As compared to St. Croix, I find my FigRig to be definitely more sensitive than an Avid, but a little less than a Legend Elite. Good quality rod. Check out the web site.

    Posts: 50

    Starks was also fantastic with me when I bought just an older used motor from them. They helped with a number of minor problems with it and I couldn’t be more pleased. I’ll definitely be looking to them when the time comes for my first new boat purchase.

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