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  • Scottie61
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 6

    We’ve done this a few times. Great quick breakfast!

    Regarding melting bags, sometimes the side of the pot above the water can be way hotter than the water is, and melt the bag, esp. if you’re heating over a campfire, so be careful.

    Eat up!


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 6

    Hey all,

    Was up on Rainy and had my license checked. No big deal, and nice guy with fishing advice, too.

    HOWEVER — four years ago me and the family headed to a fast food place to eat on the way to launching down by Red Wing. Right after leaving the launch, my stomach started a-rumbling… know where this is going?

    We made the turn out into the river and here come the flashing lights, and by then I’m about to… lose it.

    The two guy and one woman patrol dutifully asked friggin’ ALL of the safety questions: fire extinguisher, throwable, etc., and by now I’m hopping around. We FINALLY got away and I had to use the bucket loo that I’d brought for my kids. Picture this — kids in front, wife driving, me in back, ahem, sitting on the bucket. When the three-story tour barge goes by, I just smile and wave…

    No fish story.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 6


    June 19th – 21st, or 22nd if things go well!


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 6


    I’ll have to keep up on any reports as our weekend approaches, and I hope the water stays cool until then. We’ll be based out of Island View.

    Years ago the main thing used in Black Bay was just trolling with the Prescott “Strip-On” minnow rig, and that was always the thing that seemed to work best. With the small resort boats we didn’t get out of the bay very much. Rainy, though, will be a new game for us, so we’ll have to listen to you and others for advice.



    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 6

    Just scheduled a long weekend trip for 3rd week in June with my son, so I’m hoping we’ll do better than last year at Kabetogama in the late July heat.

    I’m pretty excited — haven’t fished Rainy since I was a kid in the early 70’s, on Black Bay, and did pretty well.

    Please keep your reports coming!



    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 6

    Thanks for the reports, guys. Gonna try this weekend.

    BTW: First idofishing post — great forum!


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