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  • scott942
    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I have a ’93 50HP merc.

    You bring up a good point, Tom. The difference in the cost of the two oils is only a buck or two. I don’t go through a lot of oil in a year, maybe one large container.

    Thanks for your input!


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Thanks, that was awesome! We should “never forget”.


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Haven’t heard an official total but looks like 8-10″ from the storm last weekend. Getting a couple more today with high winds.


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I’m in! Prizes sound great!!!

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Since opener starts at 9 now I suppose I’ll be out of shells by 9:15.


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Since opener starts at 9 now I suppose I’ll be out of shells by 9:15.


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    You’re right, Fishahollik, I mean ON the river. Thanks for the suggestions. Are the prices all pretty much the same? I know they’re probably going to be high. I heard something about Goose Island having gas. Is that right?


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I liked the FedEx caveman, the streaking sheep and the “magic” bud light fridge.


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    My name’s Hunk Morocco.
    Hope Blue Fleck doesn’t think I’m giving him some competition.

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I, too, liked it when Favre flexed his bicep. Shows he’s still having fun.

    How about the wind affecting the field goals in the Bears game.

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30


    I’d say it would be best to hunt at night


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30


    I’d say it would be best to hunt at night


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30


    My in-laws have some land south of town. Since I married into the family, I guess that lets me be included in their hunting and fishing activities.


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30


    My in-laws have some land south of town. Since I married into the family, I guess that lets me be included in their hunting and fishing activities.


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Yup, I know about group hunting, but thanks for the reminder. Got two Woodies, one drake Mallard Saturday, Two Woodies Sunday. Breasted ’em out after I got home and will get the slow cooker, cream ‘o mushroom soup and bacon ready.

    “A good time was had by all”


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    Yup, I know about group hunting, but thanks for the reminder. Got two Woodies, one drake Mallard Saturday, Two Woodies Sunday. Breasted ’em out after I got home and will get the slow cooker, cream ‘o mushroom soup and bacon ready.

    “A good time was had by all”


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    We had an AWESOME opener!!! Lots of ducks flying…mainly woodies. Seemed like there were a few more mallards than other years. Since I’m new to duck hunting, in spite of aiming advice from my father-and brother-in-law I ended up shooting 50 shells in 45 minutes, two ducks. Of course, I heard about that the rest of the weekend, but it’s all in fun. I did borrow four more shells from my B.I.L. before we went in and did get one more, so my ratio improved.

    Had our limit on Saturday by 1:15, went back and listened to the Badger game

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    We had an AWESOME opener!!! Lots of ducks flying…mainly woodies. Seemed like there were a few more mallards than other years. Since I’m new to duck hunting, in spite of aiming advice from my father-and brother-in-law I ended up shooting 50 shells in 45 minutes, two ducks. Of course, I heard about that the rest of the weekend, but it’s all in fun. I did borrow four more shells from my B.I.L. before we went in and did get one more, so my ratio improved.

    Had our limit on Saturday by 1:15, went back and listened to the Badger game

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I like the camaraderie with my inlaws, playing euchre and drinking a little beer.

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I like the camaraderie with my inlaws, playing euchre and drinking a little beer.

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

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    Welcome to America…now speak English

    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I’m pretty new to duck hunting, so anything I get I enjoy…especially in a slow cooker covered with cream of mushroom soup and bacon!!!!


    Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
    Posts: 30

    I’m pretty new to duck hunting, so anything I get I enjoy…especially in a slow cooker covered with cream of mushroom soup and bacon!!!!


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