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  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    that poor kid… maybe after years of therapy he will be ok… or perhaps just one good coach…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    more food for fodder… speaking of volcanos they are charting an almost certain eruption in Alaska… and some feel there maybe one in yellowstone as well.. a FEW think that one could be major… but in general neither is thought at this time to be major.. the yellowstone one is generally thought to be a minor explosion that could remove dirt in a hole the size of a football field or smaller… still it seems there may be an upswing in volcanic activity at the same time as a reduction in sun power… combined with possible huge fires in the west from drought and massive pine wood die offs there could be enough smoke and ash to further reduce sunlight…. looks like maybe wind power is a better choice?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I use a Red Fox… and if he dont get them the Greated Horned Owl does…. but then if they both somehow fail.. then the coyotes kick in….. there seem to be WAY more predators here then rabbits…. Im not sure there will be ANY left by spring….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782
    there are more than one crack pot site on the internet… I guess you have to go with your instincts as well as your intellect….. but sunspot activity which predicates solar activity/power is WAY down… lets say we had an ice house…. it was made of glass and when it was bright and sunny it got really hot in there…. so hows it feel at night?? guess Id rather have a reliable heat source… at the momment our heat source is set on low power… sometimes it does that.. sometimes power slowdowns last for a few hundred years… sometimes longer than that.. sometimes less… this is not something that I have confidence in the ability of scientists to predict… Im confident that there has been global warming… Im not confident its going to matter much because the power of the sun is the main factor and right now its clearly not producing as much power… if this is a lie then why are the global warming people not debunking it? they seem to be just ignoring it and hoping it goes away… why would they do that if they are truly scientist and truly care about what happens to the world….?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    one thing I read today.. they theorize it will take more than 1 thousand years to reverse the damage so far… so I guess there isnt much hurry… Id say regardless of whether its global warming or not.. its already too little too late…. which means even more we simply need to be intelligent about our use of energy…. start with efficiency… at some point we will need supplemental energy supplies… now is the time to start being serious about that as well… at some point we will simply run out of ways to pump more c02 into the air….
    the weird thing to me I guess is why they call it global warming… today I was reading about changes to the north atlantic currents that may trigger an ice age in Europe… its weird to read them saying the polar ice caps will melt… yet ice ages will start?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    its the solar activity that I was speaking of that has caused a group of scientist to predict a mini (or worse) ice age.. they say the amount of green house gases has only a minimal effect compared to the amount of sun power reaching the earth.. and currently the suns output is down…. this could cause some real problems with people preparing for it being hot.. and not even guessing it might be cold instead… they are worrying about heat and drought resistant crops… instead they may need crops that are cold resistant and mature quickly…. cold has a lot larger possibility for causing crop failure since freezing is a buzz kill.. durring the middle ages they had what they termed a little Ice Age
    a period of reduced sun activity and increased volcano activity.. anyway some say the current trend for solar activity will soon equal that they theorize existed at that time…. thus causing significant cooling….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I guess WE are on the short end of the stick for global warming? what.. the rest of the world gets OUR heat? I thought if the artic ocean warms.. then the artic air mass warms… if the artic air mass warms… thats where our alberta clippers come from… but its colder than blazes up in the area of alaska that holds the air that freezes our b*tts…. ok sure… I have read their climatic evidence… Ive also read what other scientists are saying about an impending mini ice age… geeeeee…. I spose either its global warming.. a mini iceage… or nothing…. I dont rely on weather reports a week away… now they are trying to predict climate.. which I think is WAY more nebulous…. I wasnt trained in climatology… though I have acquainted myself with some of the basic theories…. but one thing I know.. is that cycles are natures way… how to say if this is manmade or natural? how to say if it will happen or which direction it will go? we could have global warming today.. and tommorrow a giant volcano could explode pumping so much ash into the air that it would change our climate for 200 years all by itself…. besides with the world economy in disarray just WHO is going to invest in this stuff just for the sake of being green? well.. yeah.. a few… but not enough… if they come up with an alternative energy that makes sense people will use it… anyway people can save or make money they will…. these meetings are pointless unless they figure out just how to motivate people financially….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yeah.. I can see this happening accidentally… it could happen……locals would know ducks are there and the open water too… I think anyone skipping water in the dark is into taking risks that will sooner or later kill them… which I guess is what I meant…. if someone did this accidentally and came forward then I would be in favor of going easy on them… if someone was intent on slaughter (and just how would we know?) that would be different… as for the media… they may or may not have an agenda… but Im in favor of the publicity if it limits this sort of thing… on the other hand… maybe its triggering a binge of copycats… either thing has been known to happen… so I dont think they should spend TOO much time covering it… or make TOO big a deal… some people will do anything for attention… lets face it.. this is probably something that is fairly easy to get away with… that is of course unless someone sets up a camera trap or two… some of them also can trigger alarms… almost for sure the guy who did it will come back and see what they did…. wisdom is probably not a strong point here.. chance are they will circle… come back and survey the carnage… even if it was accidental….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    kewl.. we had to agree on something someday!.. lol…
    Id take the under both defenses will play hard.. the steelers offense probaly wont be able to get a big lead and sit on it to force defensive turnovers and a high scoring game… so if I was a betting man.. Id take the steelers to win for sure.. and probably cover.. I feel better about it being an under…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    personally I thought the eagles would slaughter the cards.. but they took them for granted and it cost them… even then they SHOULD have won.. but the cards found enough heart to win and go the the SB… my hats off to them… that being said… they will be KILLED by the steelers… Im afraid Warner might not survive the game.. and there will be NO running against the steelers… Warner is not quick or mobile and will not be given enough time in the pocket to do what he does so well… the cards defense will hold for a while.. but this is going to be a war and when the dust clears its the steelers holding all the “cards”…..

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    its just a short matter of time before someone this stupid gets a penalty much worse than the law would give….. and probably win a darwin award in the process….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yeah I gotta see that.. one of the kewlest things like that I saw was in Alburqugue NM last year…. I was driving through bout sunset and there was a brush fire along the rio grande… and it scared up thousands of crows and they were milling around in the fire and smoke and it was all colored with a brilliant NM sunset… I was on the interstate and there was LE everywhere so I couldnt stop and get a shot… but it was amazing…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    it must have looked more like this.. but with crows instead of snows…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    this is so weird… I just discovered them 2 days ago…. but yeah.. they look very useful…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    kewl… if it keeps up I will have to get into a photo position.. events like that are spectacularly rare

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    but then that figure for Obamas included security… which added up to over 115 million because of the size of the crowd which attended… I heard Bushes number didnt include security.. or if it did.. I guess they didnt need to worry about the much much smaller crowd that showed up….. therefore their numbers were not much different and were simply a matter of scale… larger crowd=larger cost and not much to be done about it…. for instance they had a HUGE number of porta potties…. but even so there was only 1 per 400 people….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I spose they were trying to get airforce one.. but just goofed? (or is that goosed?)

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    lol.. imagine.. a debate as to what Party God would run for? wouldnt be any I could think of … guess he would have his own….. my point is he wouldnt run for either of the two main ones.. but then.. Im not God.. and dont speak for him…. so anything I say is just mostly a joke… and since tongue in cheek was my intent… Im not sure I hit my mark…!
    I totally agree that you cant spend more than you Make.. and since the last group did a worse job of that than any prior single administration they had to go.. now we are in quite a pickle because though I think Obama wants to balance the budget the current economic theory is that you cant shutdown spending without killing the economy totally… so instead you have to spend money you dont have to turn it around… this is not a party decision.. it was supported by all…. there is really no choice… if we werent already saddled with the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan.. none of which has been paid for.. (were just paying interest).. it would really help…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I think its fair to recognize the fact that we have elected a black president… this fact is significant to a LOT of people…. sure its possibly a sore point with some.. and means nothing to others Id expect that….
    I worked on a team to help elect Obama and I can tell you I didnt hear anyone sitting around spouting about electing a black president just for the heck of him being black everyone thought he was the BEST choice and there was a diverse group of people.. many not dems… some were republicans sick of the direction their party had taken.. and of course a lot of independants… I think maybe only 1/3 were dems… that tells you something…

    I hear questions about obama… they dont have anything to do with him being black.. that isnt an issue…..
    in short he wasnt elected because he was black… he was elected because the most people felt he was the best option and in addition the “other” party was pretty much summarily kicked to the curb… again… not necesarily because they suck… but for sure because they presided over some of the greatest disasters in US history… was it their fault? it couldnt have been totally theirs…. but in the US I do think you should pay for failure… not enough of that has been done… look at the CEOs who get rewarded for destroying their compaines… too bad those CEOs dont run for reelection…. they would all be out of a job…
    all that being said..
    I like Obamas approach.. he is really trying to bring the parties together.. to work together.. to solve problems together… we all need to do this… of course there is going to be dissent… you can see that right HERE!… not everyone will get on board… but hopefully enough will that we can turn this around.. our problems are not and never were something that one person (even a president) can solve… not until we elect God.. but he doesnt seem to want that job (and who can blame him?)…. but if God decides to run.. I think he will run as an independant… what dyou think?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Id say they are more comparing him to FDR… but then maybe its just the circumstances that are similar…
    Obama IS the guy I backed… do I expect miracles? nope… but I think he will do better than some here expect… but I sure agree with the POV that says if he DONT do good.. were all going to suffer… there is too much at stake here to tolerate much failure….. one guy was voted out already when it became obvious it was time for change… and if Obama cant swing things at all Im sure the blood letting will start with the next congressional election in 2 years….. his window of opportunity is very narrow… basically he has a bit over a year before his party will be called to task for results…. Im totally not worried about him messing with little things like gun issues or anything else.. ru kidding? he has WAY bigger fish to fry…. he is smart enough to know that if he works on only little problems the big problems will crucify him and us….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    man… I REALLY need a PRO level website to display and sell my stuff…. I HAVE to get going on that SOON…
    I have a free site that was put together a long time ago… this is display only no sales (so maybe I can show it here?) and a couple of photo contest sites that have my gallery….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    thanks everyone…..
    I actually do have a permanant gallery display at gallery 135 in downtown saint croix falls… though its a fairly small wall. I also am often at Chateau Saint Croix a Winery north of Saint Croix falls on hwy 87. Plus pretty soon I intend to be displaying in a gallery in Osceola Wi. I really should work at getting a display in the twin cities I think I have a decent chance of getting juried into a gallery there.
    I should be out getting more swan shots today.. its best when its sunny and well below zero… but the warm up is coming and Im not totally sure I can beat it…. but heck.. even if we DONT get below zero the rest of the winter.. Im NOT gonna cry!…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    ok… well.. there are a few enlightened anglers who would be HAPPY to have some fisheries protected!… but unless things have drastically changed there isnt enough of them to have the political clout it takes to get it done…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    the unfeeling cruelty of this episode with the deer is nauseating… it sounds like the kind of things that serial killers do before they start doing things to people…. there was no innocense here…. no mercy…. just raw savagery…. disgusting…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    there are so many factors involved… its hard to say with any certainty that two lines during open water would matter a lot…. many of our fish species are hurt the most in the winter… in the winter you CAN have more than one line… and heres the killer.. in the winter access cant be controlled.. by that I mean that as many people can drive onto a lake as wish… what happens is a lake gets hot and it gets killed….. in the DNR they see this all the time… one of my ol DNR buddies Dave Zapitello used to say “if we build it they will come”… I think you know what he meant…. basically a fishery cant long survive discovery… I wish there was a way to control that… but currently there isnt.. not unless they implement catch and release rules… which is what I think should be done on some lakes… but the politics of this issue is what kills it….. no one wants “their” lake to be catch and release… they are too short sighted to see how cool it would be to have an awesome fishing lake… they only see that they wont be killing fish from “their” lake anymore…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I read all the pyscho babble about how you are not your job… you cant be defined by your job.. if you loose your job you shouldnt loose yourself…. blah blah blah… Ive been very lucky so far and havent been in those shoes… they say you should plan ahead for it… man… guess I havent planned ahead… for instance I have a serious health condition… wow.. that was poor planning huh? our health care is tied to jobs… you dont get more screwed over than dead do ya? without good health care thats what Id be looking at… then of course there is money… well.. I guess I should have planned on being divorced and having 50% of my money out of every check go to her… but I guess that makes me used to being poor….
    well. anyway… I feel for you and all who loose their jobs… I hope they figure out a way to reverse this economy… its NOT looking good….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    well one thing for sure.. they DO love to fish for them… and one of my friends loves to eat whities too.. he has actually offered to trade me walleyes for white bass one for one… but of course I dont need help catching eyes… so I just give him a the white and ask for a beer… but those he is more reluctant to part with.. lol…

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    wow.. they could give him some knives and cooking implements and see what he does next!….

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