wow..thanks for the general would appear I have a ground problem..thanks guys
May 8, 2007 at 2:30 am
wow..thanks for the general would appear I have a ground problem..thanks guys
I have pulled with it before and didn’t have an issue with my other boat….it’s a 97 tahoe…but what you are suggesting the trialer perhaps is not grounded well???? makes me read the fishing reports alot closer…have to make it count when I go…..
hey this might be a good place for one of those survey things…I would like to know what most people are happy with….
I had midwest wireless for about 7 years, I agree in this area seems to really work great and cheaper then most…switched to verizon because alot of my friends had it and said it was good and it is still good, but a little more expensive and doesn’t seem to be quite as good in this area as midwest wireless. But when traveling verizon seems to be a little better…all those network guys following you though can get a little annoying especially standing outside your fishhouse
I appreciate the disscussion….I never knew nor thought about the folding of the flag and the meaning..kinda took it for granted I guess…Thanks
Do alot of trolling for walleyes on pepin and really like my 8 1/2 ugly stick trolling rods with line counters for long lining or planner boarding…and use a stiffer 7 1/2 foot for threeway or bottom bouncers…seems to work good for me…Fiberglass seems to be much more dureable and last longer whatever you choose…good luck
Spinner dave….sounds like alot of fun…the keys are on my list of salt water places to fish and I appreciate the info…It would be nice to have a forum of salt water fishing experiences and tips…While I do alot of walleye fishing in MN. I also love some saltwater action…fished hatteras …totally awsome… and a few other spots…totally agree a salt water forum would be awsome and interesting…and who knows…bet it would open up some local fisherman to a whole new world of fishing…I actually have a topic for disscussion as well……Why not more center console boats up here??? they can make a great walleye /catfish boat …trust me
Just curious…What percent are we paying in taxes on a gallon of gas?
Was at Winona Sunday evening for about 2 hours and Caught 5 northerns off shore at Vercota Landing and Minnesota city boat harbor. They seem to be in there pretty good right now. Water is dropping though not sure how long it will last. Just up from the campground though… Good luck..
Used the camera as a down rigger weight one time, attached a quick release to it and pulled a crawler harness around. From top side it appeared to be a slow day of fishing but it was amazing to watch the number of perch following the harness around, and just see reactions of fish.
Just a thought (from experience). Keep in mind if you do lock through, your return trip could be delayed by barge traffic.
Here is an article on how these pictures came about. Still a cool story even though it’s a little different from the internet story. mountain lion story
By no means am I an expert, but once a year I will catch sturgoen while catfishing in the fall below Red Wing Dam. All I do is anchor in 20+ of water and throw night crawlers on the bottom and always seem to catch a few..Rig heavy they are tough fish…
62.75 I never been wrong at guessing the weight of a fish in a picture when no one really knows.
Good story. It’s always nice to know there are people out there to lend a hand, I’ve needed one a few times myself over the years. Especially at wind blown boat ramps..
Just a thought.
Growing up in Colorado and still having family there I go fishing the quite frequently. Over the last several years some of the mountain resevoirs were drained completey and many lakes looked very similar to Ohae now. This is or has occurred all the way down the platte and Colorado rivers. Lake powell is also way down and in a similar situation. What I’m getting at is some lakes were built for water supply and gave us the opportunity to fish, but there is not much you can do when Mother nature deals you a bad hand. The good news is many of the lakes in CO are filling or filled back up do to a good winter, and I’m sure in time Ohae will to. The drought out west has affected alot of states and hasn’t helped the fishing at all, it is unfortunate, but I don’t know of any politician that can make it rain.