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    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    I stand corrected.
    Dam,3 more weeks

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    I geuss I did not see that. Since I dont drink, I was looking at the kid with the fish.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51


    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Randy’s Rentals.

    What, is everyone trying to be a pop up resort this year? With KJ rentals, who is a carpet guy, not a resort on one side and now Randy’s rental who also is not a resort on the other. Do you think that sounds kind of fishy, No punn intended. He rents water bikes in the summer out of his house! He lives up the road from me. Is he out there checking the ice every day and doing what needs to be done out there to make your trip a safe one? I highly doubt it. Be careful where you go when it comes to ice fishing this year, I think I would stick with a well know Resort for my 1st time out,and for that matter, every time out. Just my opinion


    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51


    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    One more to come

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    How do i load more than one pic. I have tried to load 3, but it will only post the one. I will post the other one here

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    No he did not make it out. He was trapped in half way down the crack. I beleive his brother found him the next day. It is a true shame and when the word gets out, it will not fare well with the media. It does not have to happen.This is why I recommend that people do not drive after dark. He was a local boy also.


    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51


    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    I talked to Kevin this morning. Your apology is excepted. I do the best job for my patrons, just as do you. I am a lot more leary about the ice than most of you. Remember back in 1990 when the ice took off from shore with 19 people on it. I was in the business for 2 weeks when that happened out of my resort. If it had not been for me and my boat, some of them would not be here now. That is why I use a lot more caution than most.
    Have a great and safe season out there. I know it is tuff, believe me I do!

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    I still do not see where I had slammed or blamed anyone for what had happend this weekend. I will not respond to anything more on the subjest. For those of you that have faith in me and my experiance, go to my web site for the real post there I will not be bound by so called site rules and ethics that do not give me the rite of free speech without cencorship
    That is all I have to say about that.
    John odle aka The Rockman 13207 twilight rd
    Onamia Mn 56359
    320 532 3431
    Owner of Rocky Reef Resort for 18 years

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Call the DNR. they will tell you that in fact there was a truck that went down. As per my conversation with The Dnr just yesterday evening, there were 6 total for the weekend. You could even call the guy that pulls them out. His name is Rick Straka He lives in the area. None of them were from the west side. I wonder why?

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Big G
    You are rite. This is not the 1st time for all of what you stated, But this is the 1st time since the early 60s that we have had this bad of ice conditions. Lets keep this in perspective. Look at Eddy lybeck or any of the resorts that have been doing this for a very long time. They are thinking just like me on this issue. We do have some control when it comes to letting people out of our acesses.
    Those are the facts.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Come on you two. Lets reread what I wrote. The only control that we as resort owners have,starts at the acesss. If you do not let them out. They cannot wander in the 1st place. I can tell you from experience, that 20% of the peole will listen to what you say. The rest are out there making the wrong choices. If you could have seen what I saw this weekend as far as people listening, you would have throw your hands in the air and quit. People were driving way over 50 mph and whipping shittys and driving rite next to houses all day and night long. I saw it and I heard about it from people that were out there this weekend. It was not just my place either. This topic has been turned into me against them and that is way off of the mark on the message I am tryng to send. Staying alive is all I am concerned about rite now. Me and you. Lets not forget who is morally responsible for your saftey when you use my access. That is any resorter that is letting people on the ice with vehicles rite now. I can tell you this. If someone would have gone down out of here. I would be closing the road off to vehicle traffic indefinetly. They did not and still took the 10.00 bucks and told people to just stay away from the marked area. Come on, was that the rite choice?. Bad move on their part I do beleive. I had my post deleted on another site that I am sure you all have been to, just becuase that particular resort on the site is a sponcer. If we as posters and members cannot voice or opinions on these sites, in a respectful manner without fear of censorship. Then what good are they? I have a feelimg that you will only get my posts on my web site pretty soon. I spend a lot of time putting these reports together and i do think them through before i post it, just to have them deleted if they strike a nerve with the owners of the site. That is Bull S**T. just imagine if you could do that to any press. We would be living like the Iracy’s, in fear for our lives to have freedom of expretion.
    The Rockman

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    That is correct-o-mundo Sir.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Jack under the photo albulm. I tried to post it here but it won’t post it, to big of a file.

    Thanks Rock

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Thank you. It is always nice to know that it is appreciated.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51


    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Thank you gentalmen for making us feel that what we do is apreciated. That is what refuels us after such a hard time on the big pond. We do what we do for you.
    Thanks again to you all
    The Rockman & Patti too.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Apology excepted. We all try our best to make it a safe outting. Some of us have been in the business long enough to know you can’t mess with mother nature, as she will win every time. I am not will to take any undue risks with peoples lives after 18 yrs in the business, especially when it comes to some one elses life. Some resorter’s are just a lot more cautious than others.
    That is all I have to say about that.
    The Rockman

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    You know on second thought:
    Brains, I mean Brian comments are so way off base, that I will not even entertain the thought of a responce to someone who doesnt have a clue about the life that we choose as Resorter’s. As a matter of fact, If it was just all about the money, we would be long gone by now.
    Just my 2 cents.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51


    I will respond to your statement when I return from my county board meeting.

    I can see that you would never make working in this bussiness.


    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    That is the only way to find out for yourself is to fish it,unlike Jack Dunn who has never fished it If he had, he would not dis it like that.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Don’t beleive a thing you here from Dunn about Rocky Reef, cause he don’t know Jack about it.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Got out on the ice by 6:30 am and was in by 9:30am yesterday. I walked out about 1/2 mile and Caught 4 walleyes from 17 to 19 inches and some dam nice perch too. 12 of them that I kept. 10 to 11 inches with a lot of 8 to 9 inchers and they were hungry.

    It was hard to keep a line down long enough for the walleyes to have a chance at the bait. It should be a great year for the perch if the walleyes decide not to bite all through the season. The ice is still at 7 inches max on my side of the main lake.

    I did see some crazy man out in vineland bay after the sun was up, with a full sized pick up and a ultra shack in tow. Don’t even think about doing any of that yet boys. Safty first, fun second.
    Have a great week and we will see you this weekend.

    The Rockman

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    I have 8 in the freezer from last night, just out in front of the resort in 16 ft of water. They were all brothers in the 17 inch range on fat heads and a green gamy hook. Went out with the 4 wheeler just about 3 o’clock, I was done by 5:30.

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