Chris… Thought you might like this…
I hadnt caughta pike in the winter months over 12lbs yet in my ice fishing carreer haha. But this weekend was a huge change, i realized, you CAN catch big pike in local lakes that have the “potential” BUT, to be successfull time after time with landing big fish, you must put on the miles and go to the lakes that HOLD big fish….
The last 2 weekends i targeted a lake 1.5hours away from home with my brother and dad. Dad and i didnt even have a nible last weekend but i had my redemption this weekend….
Caught 3 Northerns in the 5lb range, 3 that all weighed 12lbs and one monster 43″ 21.5″ gurth and 23lbs… These are the pics on my 23lber and i will post the rest when i get them.
But you are right, a double treble is a must, Tip up fishing means alot of missed fish but a big treble behind the head and a stinger treble at the tail is a sure way to increase hook sets. I noticed the shiniest sisco, hearing or smelt works the best. and 8ft to 15ft seems to be the key depth on any pike fishing lake or reservoir!
Keep atem boys!