I guess the only networking I will need to do is to run both the units off the one antenna. Does anyone know where I can get a list or figure out what ext. cables, t-connectors, etc. I will need?
Thanks guys!
you will need three “T” connectors. Two terminators.
one blue to red adapter cable. One 2ft extention cable.
I would think two 15′ extention cables, depending on
how far or close the gps antenna is to a unit. If real close
it may not need a cable or maybe just a two foot cable.
Check Lowrance LEI extras, red network, for all the
parts. They can be purchased elsewhere also.
If you are using a lgc 2000 antenna you will need an
additional blu/red adapter cable for that.
Suggest you plan it out so you don’t end up with more
parts than you need, it adds up!!