Your observation of the 20 inch convention is a valuable piece of information that I wish fishery people would listen to….most fingerly stocking serves as ‘Trout Chow’!
Seriously, I spent almost 2 hours on the phone yesterday catching up with a friend of mine, Kelly Galloup. Kelly lives in Montana now but is originally from Traverse City, MI and a well known author and frankly one of the most well versed fly anglers on ‘Trophy Size’ trout. We discussed this exact issue of feeding large trout with poorly designed stocking plans. Also, one thing that is important is that trout whether brown, brook, bow or cutts simply do not stay put. Telemetry studies show trout that move over a mile a day in search of forage. One trout in a study in Idaho repeatedly through out the season covered over 24 miles of streams. I can tell you that with seasonal temp changes in Montana water that holds exceptional trout in April are barren come August and those fish have moved over 10+ miles to better water. SO that having been said water that is attempting to be restocked with brookies will have to be managed carefully to be re-established and protected from competition from other fish. What a dilemna! In Montana the brookies represent a nuisance in certain water to the rainbows
FWP will not allow their stocking in private or public waters whatsoever! But I am with Dave…next to cutts my fave are brookies there is just something magical about them and I would like to see more streams managed specifically for brook trout. Don’t get me wrong I love browns n bows too but those lil brookies are just a unique resource.