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  • Minnow1
    Posts: 16

    Jim and Jeff-another party private messaged me at 4:26pm today and is interested as well, so I feel obligated to give him first crack at it. If the sale doesn’t go thru, Jim I will contact you next, and then Jeff, if that doesn’t go thru, I will contact you. Thanks for the interest.

    Posts: 16

    Great job. What was your method of presentation?

    Posts: 16

    Thank you Red and Ice…you both took my question the way I meant it. I honestly didnt know….now I do….

    Posts: 16

    He means a fitted cap with no adjustable strap in the back. I get his point , I am not an adjustable hat fan either , but its not feasible to do fitted caps in a scenario like this. However, there is what is called a flex fit cap that is closed in the back and adjusts to any size head with a sewn in rubber type of band. I will say though this is a mighty sharp looking lid !

    Posts: 16

    I think we found our scapegoat!!!! It was all the shooting from the hunters that must have scared all the fish down to Alma!!!!

    Posts: 16

    I was out there with my buddy the exact same time all of you were too, from 0700-1200. Same exact tactics and results, great weather, fishing slow at best. We tried meat,hair,plastics dragging and vertical from dam to below Y. We 3-wayed below Y up thru the Y, same results. We even tried in front of Baypoint Park vertical jigging and nothing. I am still trying to learn Pool 4, but my buddy is much more versed on it. He mentioned the water level is the lowest he has ever seen, with literally no flow. No idea if that has anything to do with it or not. I suspect it does. Always good to get out though….

    Posts: 16

    I agree with Rigging Guy that the last three posts are good. They are essentially the same as mine without nuking the weeds first. My only concern is that you need alot of dirt to cover all those weeds, and odds are BigPike has crabgrass in there as well, which will survive the ‘covering’ and come thru again. I would kill,apply dirt,seed, rake in(roller optional) keep moist and go….heck, after all this advice, I wouldn’t blame BigPike if he just said screw it and put down astroturf…….

    Posts: 16

    I just did the same thing you want to do. I bought Weed B Gone with crabgrass control. It really does kill crabgrass. Get the one that attaches to your hose. Spray everything that needs killin…give it until most everything is dead.(Remember, this way, any good grass still lives). Once everything you want dead is close to death, bring in your dirt and seed.
    You don’t have to wait for anything to ‘wear off’ as far as the chemical is concerned. In fact, your biggest problem will be that weeds and crabgrass need temps above 50 degrees to ‘die’. I respectfully disagree with Randy on mixing in ryegrass. Go with a 100% bluegrass mix you can get from a Gertens type greenhouse. You can spread straw if you want, but it really is just a big mess…spread the dirt, spread the seed, lightly rake it in, keep it well watered and you will be fine.

    Posts: 16

    There is no doubt all of the above commercials give me a rash as well , but I have to wonder, are they not accomplishing what they set out to do ? We all know their names and the companies they represent and what they sell or promote, and we are talking about them….
    Sidenote: BK, I met you at Evert’s the first Saturday in April. You helped me get a license online. I can honestly say, ” I love the way you look, I guarantee it!”

    Posts: 16

    Wow..thanks for all the great advice. Solid info and a genuine willingness to share it is what amazes me and is why I keep reading and finally joined and posted. Thanks again for the invaluable info and warm welcome!

    Posts: 16

    That makes sense. Thanks guys.

    Posts: 16

    That makes sense. So, a wing dam with flow should have a tell tale ripple or something that changes the flow of water indicating that there is actually a dam there? Am I reading the water correctly right now that there is literally no flow right now on the Mississippi? Not looking for specific locations here, I realize one needs to find his own spots, but from Prescott to the Nauti Hog, I have not seen any wing dams with flow the last three weeks. Are there any with flow and surface indicators right now?

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