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  • MikeRyan
    Posts: 35

    Thanks for all your replies,

    The emulator was not my brain storm, I do have and use mapcreate to manage data. Several weeks ago while talking to Lowrance, one of the techs said it is better to use their emulator, he does everything on it, so I did. Just not shure if I will like it. Will try to play with it tonight and will post results.


    Posts: 35

    Thanks for your posts,
    Never been to any of them. I was also told to put in by Mad Dans or something and fish the shallow areas there.
    We are thinking of 4am to maybe 10am. Does that sound ok?


    Posts: 35


    The major problems with the 334 are not fixed as of now.
    Huge engineering problem (screw-up) by Lowrance, most problems are coming from the intesity of the display. That is why you loose your signal. I get the info from RF engineering at Lowrance. Just get a 332 and go fishing.


    Posts: 35

    Thanks for your posts,
    Lots of water, lots. Just focused on a few mile stratch south of Winneconne. Got bunch small bass on plastic dragged over some weeds, but no big bass. Maybe the bigger ones are retired or just not there. Never made it out to Waupaca river, looked to be far and I have neve been there. Thanks anyway sheepheadmaster.


    Posts: 35

    Win money did you say, ha. I am hoping to donate as little as possible. Thanks for all your posts and perhaps I will post my results next week, if any at all.


    Posts: 35

    So, just in case are there any good bars in the area.
    I prefer to get some bass, but……

    Posts: 35

    River traffic on Wolf, is it an issue
    or are there some backwaters to hide in.
    Is it better for LM or SM bass?

    One of these days I will work full 8 hours.

    Posts: 35

    Bit red in the face on this end,
    never thought of asking about the river we are staing on.

    Fox perhaps a bit far, but just might give it a try.


    Posts: 35

    I have talked to him before and want to clear few things before I fill out the order form and push send.


    Posts: 35

    Hey Wade,
    If I purchase the 332C and no puck, do I need any special cables to run them both? From dash to bow is about 7’+.
    Would I need a special TM mount transducer?

    where do I get all that? most stores sell complete units.


    Posts: 35

    Bit confused,
    I allready have a 332c at the dash.
    So if I get one for the bow, I will not need another GPS puck?
    Will there be any issues with 2 transdusers running at the same time?


    Posts: 35

    Thanks for your posts,
    I all ready did the 334 experiments, no thanks,
    to many issues with shielding,(it’s not the sky) but your point is well taken. Perhaps I will just get another 332.

    What about something like Buttom Line,or…..any good?


    Posts: 35

    Within reason, but no real budget.
    I have a 332C at the dash.


    Posts: 35

    I have been going around and around with my user name and a password for a while now. After clearing cookies still I am still going around.

    Refrash did not help.
    Sending a message to myself did work, but I am still unable to read the first message.


    Posts: 35

    Let me help me,
    While on the lake, mark waypoints as you catch fish, 1st fish= 001 waypoint, 2nd fish=002 way point and so on. You can make additional notes on paper or via a recorder for 1st fish, 2nd fish and so on. When you get home, you will download your waypoints to a card and up load to a computer.
    You can also then re name these waypoints in anyway you want. Your waypoints/fish cought locations will display on the map. You can then select that area and download it to your card for future use in your unit, if you repeat these steps you will build a history for that body of water.


    Posts: 35

    Canons Power Shot S80 is the way to go, why do I say that? I do some semi-pro work and reserched all easy shoot cameras which also offer some advanced setting just in case I would need them, but the S80 is not cheapy, cheapy.


    Posts: 35

    That looks very clean, but was told by RF engineer for best performance to keep the puck 2’+ away from the unit and that guy works for Lowrance.



    Posts: 35

    I have not been to a photo shop in 7 years, I take about 1500 hundred + pics per year and use HP photo printer if I want great/good quality. To put them in albums for general view I copy them into W tamplete, thus I can get 5 or 6 pics on one side of a cheap photo paper. When I have time, I burn pics and videos to a DVD.


    Posts: 35

    I did pick up the 332 c and much much better performance.
    First power on it took about 3 to 4 min to lock after that it was under a min. This unit does come with the network connectors, so if you are loking for a clean looking install you will not get it with this unit unless you do it in dash, otherwise you will have some connectors hanging around. Once you install in line fuses on both power lines you then can solder them (red+red and black+black) thus ending with just 1 set of red and black. The puck power line needs a switch as the power is on at all times.
    The puck should be a leat 2′ away from your unit as you will have a problem with SHIELDING which will result in poor receiver signal. Don’t try to splice any closed cables, it will not work. I was told that the 332c is just about the best combo for under 1000 dollars. I did talk to several RF techs/engineers in regards to the diffrence in signals among some units and……….To avoid Jolly jail I will take the 5th.

    Cheers to all,


    Posts: 35

    Thanks for more of your posts,
    The first time I turned it on it took 3 beers or so to lock, =15 min. After that it was anywhere from 2 to 4 min.
    The WAAS was on, and I aslo tested it in the open space.

    I think the whole GPS thing is very strange, and I am not ready to trust manufacturers and their way of marketing their products to a general fishing industry. A qulity product should be tested for performance in adverse conditions and not in the middle of the lake on a sunny day. This technology has been around for a while and it should work for our type of applications. My son tells me it’s time to leave it alone and tells me I am to detailed ( I think he used another word for that) I am trying to do just that, but this type of thing gets to me every time and the consumer needs to get after these companies to clean up their act.
    We already have Bill Gates, one is enough to experiment
    on us. Anywy, I will return this unit and try one with the puck, if that fails I will get a Ray combo unit as thats
    what I have on my cruiser and that unit and others alike are dead on.



    Posts: 35

    I just happened to have my bass club meeting last night and I asked around about the Lowrance units, most guys prefer the puck style units as they feel those are more accurate. Their preference is the 332c and 3500c. Did not talk about the speed under 1mph, but I can tell you that my short lived 334c showed me moving at .5mph, the problem was, I was standing still in my driveway testing it. I will be picking up a 332c tonight.


    Posts: 35

    hey Wade, no big deal all frindly on this side.
    I have to agree with Chris, everybody is good at something. If I had the space I would buy 1 unit from each, but that is not he case. Gary, I had both of these units 1′ apart and I was not watching what satellites they locked on, but I will take a look at it again, but then why would they lock on to diffrent satellites if the units are next to each other? and yes I do own 2 Garmins and this is my first time with Lowrance and I am scared. lol

    I think as a avid outdoorsman shure would like to find out why the diffrence, I can live with few feet, but in hundreds that is a tough one.

    Thanks everyone,

    Posts: 35

    This is not Lowrance vs Garmin. This is a money spending consumer vs anybody. When you have same conditions and 2 diffrent mfg units reading 200/300 feet of diffence among the 2, then you have to ask , why is that? On water in bad weather as you run into someones dock is a bit late to research this issue, the entrance to my harbor is 100 feet wide.

    So I think for now I will assume that the 334c is a foulty unit and will replace it with another one or pehaps I will just get the puck style unit. Does anyone know the length of puck cable on the 332c?

    Thanks ,

    Posts: 35

    Friend of mine is a communications engineer and he tells me that as of now the GPS receiving technology is just about at its peek, now just waiting on Milliatry to give us more.
    He also thinks that some Mfg companies tweek their units to gain publics confidence and market shares. But who know what he has been drinking. I think I am going the puck way and get a 332c, hope to hear from that guy Wade.

    Posts: 35

    Perhaps you should visit my post on the Gen Disc. board
    re “are the GPS receivers all the same in performance”. Keep in mind that till now it is just a car issue for me, but I think I will be getting the 332c with a puck, yes it does have more wires and all but I think it will be more flexible and the puck is small.


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