When will they become a problem? Maybe they will be considered a problem after one of them decides to make lunch out of somebodys kid who is out squirrel hunting with their dad. The three S’s are the way to handle this problem.
It would be really nice to just see some average joe get this deer rather than someone who came in from the outside just because they have lots of money. But, the one thing that I fear is with all the attention this deer seems to be getting lately I hope it doesn’t end up getting poached or killed illegally. That would really be a shame.
I was down in Texas a few years ago hog hunting and some guy that was at the ranch paid the owner $7,500 to go shoot a Gemsbok that was in a small high fence area. Probably went back to the city, hung the mount in his office and told everyone about the african safari he went on. But your right, at least he spent his money on hunting, if you could call it that.
Yeah the ground jerky is pretty good, but the whole muscle meat jerky just simply cannot be beat. I know it seems like a sin but every year I usually take one whole backstrap and make it into jerky. I share alot of my jerky with family and friends but the backstrap jerky is private stock!
Remember to crack the oven door a little or you will be cooking jerky not actually drying it. Im sure it will be great. I actually like the jerky out of the oven better but I mostly use my dehydrator because I can do so much more at one time.
Try the hi mountain original and just use the directions on the box. I have used alot of different brands and none seem to stack up to the hi mountain. Some of the brands tell you to put it in the freezer right away while it is still warm to stay moist. I have found that when you do this you end up with a bag of frost. I prefer to pat the grease off right away while it is still warm and then let it cool for about a hour before i freeze it. Comes out tasting fantastic and without a wet bag.
Thanks guys. Actually he was shot with a 3 blade Trophy Ridge Undertaker. Believe it or not he hardly bled at all. Seems as though the hole clogged up and he bled out inside. Actually had a hard time tracking him as there was so little blood. I heard him crash so I knew he was down but it took about two hours to track him.
Team 15 is on the board with 18 points. Sorry about being field dressed before photo. I had to pull him up out of a nasty spot and needed to lighten the load.
Southwest Wisconsin in grant county. Not sure if it was another bowhunter or not. We got a problem with sticky fingered Amish around here that like to shoot deer year around and take things that don’t belong to them. Sorry if I offend anybody but it’s a fact!
Didn’t get to go out this morning. Got out this afternoon only to arrive at my stand to find out some worthless $#@$#@ had stolen my stand,ladder,bow holder, accessory hooks and even my friggen bow rope. Went to another stand and saw a doe and a fawn and 3 small bucks. To make it even worse someone put up a stand about 40yards away from the tree mine was stolen from. Kinda takes all the fun out of hunting when something like this happens.