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  • marbleye2
    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Lost my 18 year old son 3 years ago in an accident. As others have stated, there’s nothing you can say or do to make the pain go away. But just being there, letting them know you care and walking through it with them is important.

    Also, it’s important to be there not just in the hours and days following the accident, but in the weeks and months ahead. In most cases, the lowest point for them has yet to occur. When the quiet settles in and everyone goes back to their life when yours has been forever altered, it can get to be very lonely. Being there to let them know they’re not forgotten goes a long way.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    My family and I stayed at Custer State Park this summer and loved it. There are trail rides available at the Blue Bell campground. Not sure of a phone number to get more info, but I think they had 2, 4 and 8 hour rides through some pretty cool country.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Thanks for the suggestions guys.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    My sympathies to you and your friends.

    I buried my 18 year old son a year and a half ago after he was struck by a car and killed. Like your God son, he was a great kid with a tremendously bright future. It’s been an interesting ride for my family since then. My wife and I have been very involved in some grief groups and now help to lead one.

    If you or your friends ever need to vent or talk to someone who has been there, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Shoot me a PM or something and I’ll gladly share my phone number, email, etc. The biggest help we found came from the realization that others had gone through this and that what I was feeling was normal. Your friends are in for a long haul, but having good people to surround them will help on their journey.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Just got back from up there…booted early though when the state parks shut down. Gotta do a Swen and Ole’s pizza…it’s pretty tasty. Can rent kayaks and paddle around the big lake or hike the Superior Hiking Trail. I think Lutsen and Duluth both have Alpine coasters or something like that if you like the adventure ride type of experience.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    That is awesome. I can relate to some degree. I lost my 18 year old son to a car accident in February. We liked to hunt pheasants together and of course I missed him terribly on opener. Opening morning at 9:01, a minute into the season, a rooster flushed and I dropped it with a single shot. I just had to shake my head and smile knowing that I was still hunting with Dustin even though he’s no longer with me in body.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Good luck with quitting. I never smoked but chewed for 16 years. Quitting that was no treat, either.

    If you need any more inspiration to quit, I am watching my mother in law whither and suffer from years of smoking and second hand smoke. She has less than 25 percent of her lung capacity left and she’s not that old. In her case she can never catch her breath so she’s often gasping for air even though she’s on oxygen 24/7. Not to use the negative reinforcement as a quitting tool, but its her reality and I’d hate for it to be yours, too.

    Okay…off the soapbox. Good luck!

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    I had the floor redone on an older Alumacraft back a number of years. I was happy with the work and the cost. I sold the boat a couple years after having it done, but the customer service was good and the work was very solid.

    I’d give them my recommendation for what it’s worth.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Many of us struggle to keep things in perspective. I buried my 18 year old son 3 weeks ago today. Since then my perspective on what is important has changed a whole lot.

    As long as we keep our arrows focused on ourselves, we’re going to be sad individuals. When we spend a little more time looking for ways to make someone else’s day better, it makes a difference in how we look at things. We’ve all got it pretty good. Sure some have it better, but many have it worse.

    Okay, enough preachin’ for one post. It’s Friday!

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Thank you all for the kind wishes and the suggestions. We are leaning on our faith heavily and it’s a good place to lean. God has definitely been with us, and we have been surrounded by people who love and care for us.

    His high school has and is planning to do some cool stuff to honor him and keep his memory alive. We plan to do a number of things to remind us of his life. This spring I plan to build a backyard fire pit area where we can “get away” and where his friends can come over and hang out. That’s been hard, too, watching his friends go back to college and move on with their lives–which they have to do–but I want that for my son.

    Anyway, sorry for the rambling, but it feels good to “talk” about it, too. Thanks all.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Bigcrappie, where on 35 are you? I need to make it home tomorrow and may have to avoid 35 if there are that many vehicles to get cleared out.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    My family and I made it to a hotel room in Webster City after traveling back from a funeral in St. Louis. Hands down the last 30 miles was the worst winter driving I have ever experienced in my 45 years. Thank God for white lines on the road or I would not have known which way was up.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Thanks for all the input, guys. I do a lot of cross country skiing, but with this deep snow I’m stuck going on trails and I would like to get off the beaten path more. I will take all your feedback into account. If we’re gonna have winter, we might as well enjoy it, right?

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    10. While in a clothing store fitting room, say very loudly…”Hey, we’re out of toilet paper in here!”

    I honestly did that at the Kohls in Burnsville back in my younger days. People in the other fitting rooms got a kick out of it…once they found out I wasn’t serious.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Can’t believe I spaced off Jimi Hendrix! Wind Cries Mary, Little Wing, awesome songs.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    So many bands so little time…

    Foo Fighters
    System of a Down

    The top two I would say are among the greatest…the others I just like to crank.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    I’m hopefully heading down this weekend instead of chasing roosters.

    Is there an advantage to using three-ways versus a bottom bouncer? Is it mainly so that if you snag you don’t have to replace the whole rig?

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    I run a Crestliner, my second, I’ve also had an Alumacraft and fished out of several Lunds. I think it’s totally your preference. If it floats, it’ll work. It’s just a matter of what you want. I liked the layout and the price of the Crestliner. I don’t think you can go too wrong with any of them.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    I used to do a lot of bowhunting, but as the kids aged and I had more activities to follow and coach, the bow went on the shelf and has been there for too long. I was thinking that a deer and turkey tag in the pocket would double the fun of sitting in a blind with stick and string.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101


    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Congrats! I’m looking forward to the story and pix.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Thanks…I don’t feel too bad. I had a blast. I was rather surprised to be drawn anyway since that was my second straight time of being drawn. Since I hunt an area without a great deal of permits, it was a pleasant surprise to be out there in the first place.

    I’m already looking forward to my next opportunity…whenever that may come.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    I agree its a great place to come for information. If I learn something worth sharing after all the info you guys have given me I’ll make sure to post. I want to give info, not just get it.

    Thanks for all who are willing to share.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Thanks for the posts…I’m going to ditch work early and hit it again this evening. I’ll take my newfound knowledge with me…I’m also taking my buddy that has the horseshoe up his keister and the already filled tag. He seems to have all the luck. Maybe it’ll rub off.

    I really do appreciate the tips. I’m still learning this game and most of what I do know came strictly from being out there myself. When you don’t know much to begin with, it’s hard to be self-taught.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Thanks for the encouragement and sorry you’re not having any better luck. I’m far from giving up, but puzzled why on our scouting trips and opening day birds were gobbling, then nothing. I had kind of assumed the same things you were asserting, so its encouraging that maybe I’m still doing the right thing.

    Good luck in your pursuits…and thanks for making me feel better. By the way, I’ve considered writing a book about 101 ways to eat your deer/turkey tag! Goodness knows I’ve had plenty of unfilled tags to pick from.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Buckmasters bridge on Madison can be good, albeit a popular place. Also, the northwest side of Lake Frances by Elysian can be good, too.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Good one!

    I think in a couple more years that red one will be a real keeper!

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    Thanks for the info, Gobbler.

    I’ve heard of people “tucking them in” at night so you know where they’re roosted…how do you know when they’ve roosted? Do they gobble at night like they do in the morning? Will they respond to calls? Basically I’m asking how you do that without messing things up for the next morning.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    I’m having the same trouble. My user name and password don’t work there, but it does here. Go figure.

    Eagle Lake, MN
    Posts: 101

    That is awesome!!! Nothing like an uncontrollable fit of the giggles.

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