I have a 2005 Polaris Sportsman 500 H.O. and tonight while plowing snow, it died on me. I can get it to start but it will only run at idle. If I try to give it any gas, it sputters and dies. Sometimes I can get it to rev up but after a few seconds, it will start to die out. It almost seems like its either flooding out or not getting gas. It is not fuel injected so I don’t think it is anything electrical. I thought maybe the choke was stuck, but if I pull out on the choke at all when its idling, it dies right away so I think the choke is still working fine.
Thank You John…

As of last Wednesday I could have wrote this word for word including I was plowing snow when it quit. I almost bought a fuel pump ($56) for it because it seemed to be getting very lean when trying to increase the engine speed from idle. But I did not buy the pump… That just did not seem to me to be the problem because it happened so suddenly. I read on down and you posted your fix (E-Ring on high speed needle). I pulled the carb off and looked on the inside of the intake side and there it was the needle was all the way down and you could see the groves where the “E Ring” should be. I don’t know it the needle or the e-ring is worn so I am going to try a “E-ring” tomorrow (I work at Napa). I could have fixed this with out taking the carb off but thats OK… I am happy finding it with your help 
I just want to thank you for posting the problem and the fix. I think I would have spent a lot of $$$$’s before I found it or took it to the dealer.
MTHank in Montana