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  • Lynch6913
    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    i went to do some extermanating on a friends land, i wouldn’t of shot them at this time if they didn’t eat the flowers and plants in the spring, but out of the 5 rabbits the 3 i shot in the head didn’t have them anymore… and the other 2 that wern’t decapetated did not have the “whole set of ribs” so it will kill rabits at 30 yards and 3 feet… lol

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    i went to do some extermanating on a friends land, i wouldn’t of shot them at this time if they didn’t eat the flowers and plants in the spring, but out of the 5 rabbits the 3 i shot in the head didn’t have them anymore… and the other 2 that wern’t decapetated did not have the “whole set of ribs” so it will kill rabits at 30 yards and 3 feet… lol

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    tell ya what if he was anywhere but the big citie or if he’s by my pickup he’d anwser to the 12 gauge, i think he’d make a nice “hop” with some 000 buck…

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    tell ya what if he was anywhere but the big citie or if he’s by my pickup he’d anwser to the 12 gauge, i think he’d make a nice “hop” with some 000 buck…

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    ok that’s good then, cause i was thinking they coudn’t do that to us… they already gave us a season..!! lol

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    ok that’s good then, cause i was thinking they coudn’t do that to us… they already gave us a season..!! lol

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    that’s strange… how do you go about shootin a coon out of the tree if you can’t see it… i use lights now… is that illegal? obviously there congressmen dont coon hunt… so we cant shine’em while there in the tree?? fill me in…

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    that’s strange… how do you go about shootin a coon out of the tree if you can’t see it… i use lights now… is that illegal? obviously there congressmen dont coon hunt… so we cant shine’em while there in the tree?? fill me in…

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    well darn if your calling that is really good!!! congrats!!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    well darn if your calling that is really good!!! congrats!!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    the only way i’ve hunted is yotes and it’s awsome!! but 10 in a wqeekend is awsome!! did ya let the dogs catch them or shoot them??

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    the only way i’ve hunted is yotes and it’s awsome!! but 10 in a wqeekend is awsome!! did ya let the dogs catch them or shoot them??

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    hey, is there really goona be a coon season??? darn… any one got the whole rules for this? i sure hope that law is passed!! i’ll talk to my uncle/ he’s a senator and i’ll git him to vote for it!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    hey, is there really goona be a coon season??? darn… any one got the whole rules for this? i sure hope that law is passed!! i’ll talk to my uncle/ he’s a senator and i’ll git him to vote for it!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    thanks all, yes i should talk to my uncle!! what are some good front sights to put on? within a reasonable price.

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    thanks all, yes i should talk to my uncle!! what are some good front sights to put on? within a reasonable price.

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    hey, i’m going up on the 6th of january, we arer going to randalls resort by warsaw/bodett(spelling) and wondering what the fishings like there! whats key times and key lures!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    hey i’m goin up to LOW in aq couple of weeks. what is a good line to use for walley and the ocasoinal pike?? last year i used a 4lb berkley. is this to high/low? and what’s the best kind use? i usually go a little heavier becausae i don’t like loosing all my tackle.

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    can you catch a pike just using a walley rig in the winter? in rod and reel not tip ups. if not how should i go about gittin em?

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    Now that’s gonna feed a group! especillay with the hind end! come on guys think of the jerky!!!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    I use a hound to hunt coons but i am intrested in calling them in. any info is apprecieated!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    I use a hound to hunt coons but i am intrested in calling them in. any info is apprecieated!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    Very true James!!! thanks for the tips every 1!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    allright, thanks, i have a couple of cricks around to git bait out of. any other ways to fish for pike?

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    o well i better find another bait to use! is there another bait i can catch at the lake to get the same effect? junk fish??

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    that’s nice. hope u both git allot of huntin in. nothin better than taking a kid hunting!! as was said it is a flat shootin gun and is very virsitile between spiecies!!
    Good luck with it!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    that’s nice. hope u both git allot of huntin in. nothin better than taking a kid hunting!! as was said it is a flat shootin gun and is very virsitile between spiecies!!
    Good luck with it!!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    in MN i don’t think it starts therefore it never ends!! you can enjoy it all year round! i have just started cooning this year and we’ve slayed 12 in a couple bad condition nights! i am allways up for any info any one can give me on coon hound hunting!! slay the little monkeybutts!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    in MN i don’t think it starts therefore it never ends!! you can enjoy it all year round! i have just started cooning this year and we’ve slayed 12 in a couple bad condition nights! i am allways up for any info any one can give me on coon hound hunting!! slay the little monkeybutts!

    MN, USA, Hayfield
    Posts: 46

    i am terribly sorry for the way that came out. i worded it incorectly. i would never wound an anamal then let the dogs out. i would allready have the dogs git it up and running it like ah hound hunt, but while they are chasing the yote i would shoot it so the dog would catch up to it fairly quickly. sorry for the misunderstanding. but do u think it would be adequet?

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