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  • LundExplorer
    Posts: 24

    The sign on my septic guy’s truck says “Anoka County Volunteer Riot Control”

    Posts: 24

    How about “Mighty Erection Construction” ?

    Wifey gets credit for that name. After I built my garage she says to the neighbors, “Come and see my husband’s mighty erection…”

    Posts: 24

    I had a carbed F50, 4 carbs. They are known to be finicky regarding gumming up. I always ran 91 Non-oxy with Sea-foam.

    The problem with mine was that the gas inlet fitting on the top carb loosened and allowed air in. This was the elbow fitting that connected the gas line to the carb. It loosened at the carb and eventually came right out. Motor quit out on the middle of Vermilion. Dad towed me in and we fixed it by pressing the fitting back in place.

    The motor idled much better after it was fixed.

    Posts: 24

    Sorry to hear about your experience, I’ve been there too.

    On the bright side use your accomplishments as leverage. You made your boss look good, that is a big part of your job. Document your accomplishments, the impact it has had on the business, and find the right opportunity to present it to him whether its review time or not. Remind him of how you made him look good, don’t let yourself get walked on. Just use a professional but firm approach.

    And, I agree, welcome to the corporate rat race. One of my favorites is:

    The corporate world is like a tree of monkeys – those at the top look down and see smiling faces. Those at the bottom look up and see azzes.

    Posts: 24

    I chose the lakemaster chip. I hemmed and hawed a lot over this question and spent about 90 min bugging the guy in the Cabelas marine dept in Rogers about it too. I was looking at Lakemaster Promap vs Navionics’ Prem. North 2007 chip. I fish 95% of the time on Vermilion so that was a major factor in my decision. This is a summary of what I found:

    Cost: Navionics $149, Lakemaster 07-$99, 06 – $69

    Map detail (of Vermilion): Navionics 1ft contours, Lakemaster 3ft contours

    Road detail: Navionics No, Lakemaster Yes

    Lakes covered: Navionics – Major lakes in several upper midwest states, Lakemaster: Major lakes in Minnesota

    Ease of use: Navionics: Medium, Lakemaster- high

    The main reason for my interest inNavionics was the map detail of Vermilion. The biggest 2 factors for my decision to get the lakemaster was the roads and the ease of use factor. The Navionics chip was considerably slower in refresh speed on my H2O and it was more difficult to zoom to a specific lake without actually being on it.

    My 2 cents…

    Posts: 24

    Another battery option is AA lithiums. I have a pair in my H2O, left it on practically all weekend, and it used less than 1/4 of the battery. They’re not rechargeable but last a heckuva lot longer than alkaline batteries.

    Posts: 24

    I found a place online that sells discount coupons for Northwest. (Apparently its not the coupon they sell, but the service to get you the coupon information – must be an important distinction) I bought 2 $100 off airfare coupons for $12 each. It’s not exactly easy to book the flights (I had to do mine 1 at a time) but it did work and I got a reduced fare.

    No affiliation with the site here, just passing along something that worked for me.

    Posts: 24


    I have a cover that has a pocket sewn into it to cover the bow mount motor. I would like to have a quick release bracket to be able to take off the motor when we go joy riding so its not in the kids way up front.

    Posts: 24

    Does the bracket hold up to trailering? Or, will I have to remove the motor before hitting the road?

    Posts: 24

    Thanks guys for the heads up. I was considering buying a 65# 24v motor. Now I’ll think twice about it.

    Posts: 24

    What happened to Sportsmanship?

    It walked out the door on the heels of Responsibility.

    Posts: 24

    This is my reply to those who say that the rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes.

    Who Pays the Federal Taxes:

    Percentiles…Adjusted………..Percentage of
    Ranked……..Gross…………..Federal Personal
    by AGI……..Income………….Income Tax Paid

    Top 1%……..$293,415………..36.18
    Top 5%……..$120,846………..55.45
    Top 10%…….$87,682…………66.45
    Top 25%…….$52,965…………83.54
    Top 50%…….$26,415…………96.00
    Bottom 50%….<$26,415………..4.00

    What this says is that the top 1% of wage earners, or those people that make more than $293k, are paying 36% of the taxes collected. Likewise down the line. Those making more than the median, $26k are paying 96% of the taxes.

    Posts: 24

    Best Line:
    “Get Busy Livin’…or Get Busy Dyin'” – The Shawshank Redemption

    Cheesiest Line:
    “Nobody puts Baby in a corner” – Dirty Dancing

    Posts: 24

    Boy it sure is funny how all the “GO VIKES” spoutin’ on this thread dropped off after the Pack ate their lunch on 11/2.

    Posts: 24

    I’m in, Steve you the man!
    Tom Larson

    Posts: 24

    First of all, good choice. My Dad has this boat and it is a great ride.

    If they are a wash mechanically (ie: nothing wrong) I would lean toward the 4-stroke. I have a Yamaha 50 four-str. and love it. How do the prices compare?

    If you are in Minnesota and buy a boat from an individual, you pay sales tax on only the value of the trailer when you register it. I believe that if you buy from a dealer you get hit for tax on the boat, motor, and trailer. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

    Posts: 24

    Maybe they should also report the official DNR measurement method…”ST” for “stretching”…for fish just under 16” and “SC” for “scrunching”… for fish just over 14”


    Posts: 24

    I got 2 Fish Tags responses back the other day, the 1st was a 22″ that grew about 0.2 inches in a month, tagged on SE side by the Cedar Creek access and caught in St. Alban’s Bay…long swim!!!

    The second actually shrunk 0.5 in from 16.75 to 16.25, caught by the Sha-bosh landing. Maybe theres a discrepancy in measurement technique here??? Just like the DNR does when they’re checking your livewell???

    Looking forward to going back up there this weekend.


    Posts: 24

    I was checked on the water Saturday afternoon 6/15 in Sha-bush-kung bay, luckily no fish in the boat or the ordeal would have been much longer. They checked everything else out, I passed. Relatively cordial guys. I later saw the DNR boat tied up to another guys boat for at least 45 min during the hot bite- poor guy missed out on it.


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