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  • Loose10AE
    Posts: 1

    You saved our lives. Words cant describe how thankful both my friend and I are. The ice chunk came up so fast. Neither of us were hurt. Just a little shaken up.
    I know for a fact, that if you had not come up. We would have not been around today. My friend swallowed a good amount of water, and was having trouble breathing, you pulled him out first. I was just cold.
    This is the first time I have been out on the river, and my first time with out a life jacket. If anybody plans to head out onto ANY body of water without a life jacket on… Dont do it! Dont sit on the damn thing. Or stuff it away. PUT IT ON! It will save your life. Not everybody is as lucky as we are.
    Again, thank you so much for pulling us out.

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