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  • Knute78
    SE MN
    Posts: 3

    Here are a few of the best we took from this past fall…sorry for the quality…we only have Wildview 2.0’s at this time…but they got the job done.

    SE MN
    Posts: 3

    This is my SE MN 5.5 year old 9 pter that I shot on October 5th, 2007. Haven’t had him scored yet but he will go in the mid- 130’s.

    After 10 years of hunting, my first bow buck not is not too shabby. I have done my part and shot many does in that time and passed many smaller bucks in hopes of better results.

    This is a success story at its best. We took over a farm 3 yrs ago that was hunted and pressured extremely hard the last year (2004) the other group hunted. They shot 13 bucks under 2.5, and the land owner, my friend, claims that # approach 30+ bucks in the last 3 seasons they hunted (holy $%^&) but to each their own. Since taking over the farm we have been doing some QDM, implemented bows-only, and added a no hunting sanctuary. After 3 seasons we are noticing a huge difference in the #, age classes, and quality of bucks on the farm.

    This buck is one that we didn’t have any trail cam pics of…so we are unsure if he was a local boy or not. Too bad he won’t get any photo time in the future…


    SE MN
    Posts: 3

    The flashing lights most likely will be an indicator of what’s wrong with the laptop. Either call Dell or if you look for you manual it should tell you what the lights mean (your manual will also be online at that you can download it). Most likely something over heated and died or you memory has come loose. The lights should tell you. #1 though is check your memory modules. Try reseating them, if you have two modules, remove one and/or then the other, typically only one will go bad and if removed it will work again. Try removing the battery and putting it back in (with the power cord removed).. Next is, it’s probably burned the motherboard or cpu.. happens, rarely, but happens. Any other connections or cards, try wiggling them for connection. If you’re not getting the initial Dell screen then something hardware wise is majorly wrong or has gone bad. Good luck!

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