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  • kicknbass
    Glendale, Arizona
    Posts: 6

    Hey guys… our Kick’n Catfish is some bad smelling stuff. If you like the smell of limburger cheese and some stuff that i squeezzzzz out of old Arizona sunbaked road kill, you will like Kick’n Cat. Pure liquid fish-oil with a rotten base. All you have to do it cut off a piece of sponge, T-shirt, or if you are a live bait man,,, then dry the live bait with a rag or your partners pants and pour on some KNCat… the stuff really puts out one huge oil slick and the cats love it. I got a call from a guy down in Texas who buys it by the gallon. Well he talked about a half hour about all huge 40# plus cats he is catching with KNCat… After listening to him and all I finally asked what he was using as bait. what base? He said he doesn’t use any bait… He just pours the KNCat into a bucket and lets his trot line soak in it overnight. Then he puts the thing out with no bait and razor sharp hooks. He says the cats come up and rub and swim in small circles rubbing themselves all over into the hook snags them. This is no bull! If you e mail me I will give you his number in Texas. Says he has never had anything like our KNCat oil. I have guys tell me catfish stories all the time… the stuff really is good and really stinks and leaves an oil slick a mile long. Use it on a sponge, a piece of bacon, hot dog or what ever. They love the KNcat… and yes it is a SPECIAL blend, time proven. This one I worked on real good. Take care and let me know how you do. Cosmic> PS I have a catfish page on my 400 page site.

    Glendale, Arizona
    Posts: 6

    Your lucky that otter didn’t lash onto your pimple and start a fight with you. I think if you managed to pull him up into that hole all heck would have broke loose.
    Had a rattlesnake in my sleeping bag once… once was enough! Cos>

    Glendale, Arizona
    Posts: 6

    Cosmic here from Sunny Arizona… the guys on FTR and FTL have had a lot of discussion on scents and using an Aqua View camera to record the results. On FTR it is under the first heading of River gereral. On FTL it is under general discussion. All relate to Kick’n Bass fish attractants. Cos>

    Glendale, Arizona
    Posts: 6

    Hey Wollybugger. Thanks for the report. What you are seeing is not so strange to figure out. You are covering a jig with pure fish-oil that has amino acids and bite stimulants in it. When the fish come up to that jig they get small molecules of KNB washing off the jig. They pick up on these and they move in to taste it… Tastes good so they swim off with it. This goes to crankbaits and spinnerbaits when fish follow them back to the boat. On the way back they pick up those few molecules of scent washing off the moving lure and hit it. We get reports like this all the time. Good fishing to you buddy. Cosmic>

    Glendale, Arizona
    Posts: 6

    Glad Dave has product now… Hey this thing with the cameras under the ice is new to me. First I haven’t seen ice in 22 years and any camera I own is not even waterproof.

    So you guys do this night and day (cold just thinking about that) ? You dig two holes or use just one. Can you see two baits at the same time… one with KNB and one without??

    On FTL the one gentlemen said he could see the fish take the KNB jig and not the other one.. so you guys have seen this. I have pages of testimony like this, but not on ice fishing.. so it is all new to me. Thanks for the replies. Cos>

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