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  • KevinTurner
    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Super job Steve & Tony Dez…Congrats to all who placed! My pard & I couldn’t get the bigguns to bite, but we had a great time none the less!!

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Thanks Guyz!!
    Sorry for the late reply, I’ve not had much time surf the web…KT

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108


    Man, I miss the Miss!
    Great job guys!

    What he said!

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108


    That was one of the ugliest games I’ve ever seen in my 56 plus years. I do believe the NFC North IS THE WORST DIVISION IN FOOTBALL!!!!

    Hey Now…Are you forgeting about the NFC West? My Male Sheep are stinkn’ up the joint. Holy Cripes…What a rotten year for NFC football….

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Whadya ya do to git sand kicked at ya?

    Ifn’ ya play nice…..We’ll let ya in….lol

    How’s the new job goin’? KT

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    I’d pee my pantz ifn’ I caught a 6 pounder in a tournie!@! Great job…..

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    BK, Doesn’t happen often, but…I’ve had cats hit a buzzr’….Last yr my partner in the Sartell tournie thought he had a state record smallie….till it started to roll…lol

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    I skip the ice…Constant run bubbler….Pump fresh water on a timer….Seems to work well for 5 smallies, don’t know about bigger greenies, I seldom put them in the box….

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Howdy Brian…Say hey to the MN boyz while you’re there for me….

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    River….Need I say why? LOL

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    “Anyone else wanna negotiate?” Bruce Willis / The Fifth Element…

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Been there, done that…many times.

    I feel your (back) pain….

    I’ve got a new, light weight, 70 HP LoPro coming out. It won’t be near as hard to push off the rocks…

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    The standard FL 18 ‘Ducer will also shoot thru the hull.

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Howdy guyz…sorry for being late to the party. (I haven’t had much time to surf the web lately)

    Steve way cool pics, thx for postn’ them.

    Mack, I got your video, but it wouldn’t open. I’ll try again today….


    How much better would an opti get you and is there an option to have an opti ?

    If ya run the 240 & 175 in the 3800 rpm range, she’ll give about 4 to 4.5 miles per gallon (That’s better than a 60/40 merc OB Jet).

    Yes, you can get the 200 Opti in a sport Jet. The fuel data is unconfirmed, but I’m told about 6.5 miles per gallon at 3800 rpms.

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Darn, I shoulda had the waitress put a candle on his biscuits & gravy

    Happy B-Day Mack!

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108


    There is absolutely no torque steer with an outboard jet…steering my 150 is a one finger affair.

    What he said…OB Jets should have little or no torque.

    That being said, torque can occur if the “torque tab” is mis-adjusted inside the pump. Also, a rock or obstruction on the exit side of the pump, can cause steering torque.

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Steve, Yes, the same park. It should be a heck of a good time.

    SmallieGuy, I think the radioactive water makes them smallies fight harder…

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    I fished them quite a bit last year. Chunk ’em out & rip ’em back to the boat. Works great in shallow, fast moving water…

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    BK, I’m sure he said “teach”. The bass are protected on that stretch. Ya can’t throw hazardous waste in the river…lol

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Howdy Brady! Be great ifn’ ya could make it!!
    I bet you’d be a popular guy come attendence prize time…lol

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Hey guys thx for the RiverPro kudos…
    Brad, Thx for your interest. If ya mainly fish big water…stick with a prop. (I sure wish I could build a boat to do both well) Good luck in your quest…

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Many cross link poly (plastic) tanks will allow tiny amounts of fuel vapors to weep through. Most of the time, there will be no visible leakage. For sure check all fittings, clamps, & the sending unit.

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Part of my parole requirements. Also, I can’t get with in 100 yards of….oh, I think I mis-unstood the question. Never Mind….

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    With the Rams woeful season, I found myself pulling for the Vikes.

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    I gotta admit…I like the two fork idea. Git-R-Done

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