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  • KHines
    Posts: 27

    2 of us will be up splitting time between chasing Muskies and walleyes for the week and then end up at LOW next weekend to pull the camper home. Weather looks good. Email if you are going to be there and I will get you my cell. [email protected]

    Posts: 27

    Fished Sunday 11/20. Launched at Myr Mar. Had to chop about 3/4 inch ice in the lagoon. Don’t expect any of the deeper launches to be usable by the end of the week. Saw people launching at Pikes point (south Garrison). To shallow for my boat. Bring sand and kitty litter if you go. Or at least a shovel. That is a slippery ramp after a couple of cars go up it. Winch your boat on if you can. To shallow to power load. Garrison Reef had 12 boats throwing and trolling on it on Sunday.

    Posts: 27

    We got out about 3 PM on Saturday. Were going to troll for some musky prior to the night bite. To rough. Fished the west side. Lots of boats. We started out in 7-10 feet of water and couldn’t get a fish. Changed colors, speeds, and baits. Finally moved into 4-6 feet of water at about 9:30. Had a 27 in 10 minutes. Then things slowed down. I started switching baits again. Ended up with fire tiger berkley frenzy minnows. The bite was really starting to go at about 1 AM. Filled the box and left about 2:30. Ended with 2 throw backs (27 and 28) and 2 limits between 16-19. You definately had to pay attention with all the boats. Thankfully the moon was bright.

    Posts: 27

    It was also the dead sea for us. We launched on the West Side and fished weeds until about 10. Would have gone to rocks, but the big motor was not pulling water pressure. So just fished on the kicker for the night. With the storm rolling in, didn’t want to get to far away. Tried different speeds, depths, colors, and styles of baits. Nothing. Be back in 2 weeks to try again.

    Posts: 27

    We launched at the casino launch this Saturday. Use the North ramp. The other one has a big frost heave in it. Was able to get on and off no problem. Water got pretty skinny once we got out of the bay. 16 to 18 inches. Kept the motor up and never touched. No green bouy’s marking the channel, only red ones.

    Posts: 27

    We were out from 6am until 11am on Sunday. We were pulling crawler harnesses on the mud. We ended up with 3 slots and a 27, 26, 25, 24, and a 23. Not the hottest bite. Caought almost all of the fish in about an hour and a half. Must have hit a feeding window. Man was it hot at about 11. Felt like my brain was cooking under my hat. BTW, we were pulling 9 foot harnesses with chartruse big colorado blades. Couldn’t get a bite on brass this weekend.

    Posts: 27

    We saw one on Saturday on the north end. A fat 24 incher.

    Posts: 27

    Garrison is ussually the last open launch I have found. I am planning on being up there Sunday. Please post if it is all froze up and save me the drive. I am not ready to quit fishing though.

    Posts: 27

    I will be out chasing musky all day Sunday and some walleyes in the evening. One day every weekend until iceup. Thank you all for all the info. It has helped a ton. Kevin

    Posts: 27

    On the battery issue. I had this earlier this year. I had a charger put on my kicker by Crystal Pierce in Rogers. Cost about 130 installed. I now can watch my volts on my graph when going and it charges better than my big motor charges the battery wehn running full throttle. Trolling with all the stuff on and lights in the dark will draw a battery down.

    Posts: 27

    If he still had all the crushed empties in the splash well from last week, you probably had baits and cans floating all over inside the boat.

    Posts: 27

    James, thanks for a great night of fishing. If I was not hanging tree stands this weekend, I would be back trying all the good stuff you showed us. Already had a walleye fry for the family. Will be back on the pond the 29th.

    Posts: 27

    I was trolling spider reef and the structure to the west was not very acurate when I was trolling. I was trying to stay up on top. So was easier after a couple of passes, but was not where my GPS showed it.

    Posts: 27

    I will be up for the evening of the 13th with Mr. Holst. I hope to figure out what I am missing. Have always fished the lake in the day time. Will be on Lake of the Woods for the full moon chasing muskies.

    Posts: 27

    I will be up Saturday night with wife, daughter, and her boyfriend on the West side bobber fishing. If this is not going, I may run south and pull cranks.

    Posts: 27

    Trolled Indian Point last Saturday for about 2 and 1/2 hours. There were 5 to 6 boats bobber fishing on top of it all night while I was there. I just gave them the room that they needed and never crowded them. I will say it is difficult to judge distance on a bobbing set of lights in the pitch black.

    Posts: 27

    James I enjoy your posts. Have followed your Mille Lacs posts for the second season now. Would enjoy the trip. Nice offer.

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