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  • jimmysiewert
    Posts: 469

    For the uniformed Social Media Keyboard warriors: There has never been cat litter put in a school.

    This is what is destroying this country – people believing the crap they see on Social Media as the truth!!

    Posts: 469

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    What I see now, even on Lake Pepin is this: historic and excellent 3-way and trolling locations, where EVERYONE HISTORICALLY, has been on the same page and traveled in same methodology , etc. are now blocked by a few of these individuals, that pull into the pack, spot lock, and use their new toy. The words are a flying out there for sure! VERY disrespectful.

    So you are saying if you fish in this area, you must troll, in line and same direction as everyone else?
    If I am new to the area and fish it different (not necessarily FFS) I am a bad egg?
    Just trying to make sure I am reading it correctly.

    No – not what I meant at all and sorry for the confusion. What we are seeing is 10 boats can be 3-waying a point / small flat for example and someone pulls in, spot locks and then using their FFS – thus not allowing all the trollers to continue doing what they were doing – for hours prior.
    At the Rush – I have had it three times now where everyone was trolling the break – and work together. Then all of a sudden someone shows up, drops their spot lock, and uses their FFS. What happens? Everyone was working together – and that is now out the door because of a singular individual not respecting others and what they were doing.

    Posts: 469

    What I see now, even on Lake Pepin is this: historic and excellent 3-way and trolling locations, where EVERYONE HISTORICALLY, has been on the same page and traveled in same methodology , etc. are now blocked by a few of these individuals, that pull into the pack, spot lock, and use their new toy. The words are a flying out there for sure! VERY disrespectful.

    Posts: 469

    One of the “irreplaceable’s” for sure.

    Posts: 469

    The fishing is fantastic and the response for teams that are going to sign up on Saturday morning is great! We expect a heck of a turnout for this special event. If you are still interested and want more info – please call me at 651-448-3255. See many of you on Saturday AM!!!

    Posts: 469

    I have this same thing and only pops up on mole mounds / gopher hills after I take them out. It grows faster on the exposed dirt than your regular grass and the round circles are the result for me.

    Posts: 469

    We are a go! All feedback I am getting is no wake will be off. All launch’s open. We are at 30 plus now and fully expect 55 plus boats. Great time for a great cause!!

    Posts: 469


    While you are on your self imposed pedestal – to hell with special speed limits through work zones; road closures due to flooding; closures due to blizzards; want me to keep going? You government conspiracy theorists / extremists (both sides)are the reason this country is going to crap!!

    Time to go out on Pool 4, enjoy the peacefulness of a full no-wake zone while and put the smack down on the Waldo’s. Tight lines.

    Posts: 469

    In all my life I’ve never seen the Cost Guard close the river to recreational boating like this. This is another over step of “authority” by a government agency that needs it’s wings clipped. Talk about trampling on people’s Rights, here is another example of it. This is just like closing all business during COVID. When is enough, enough and we take back our country. I don’t need the government telling me what is safe and what isn’t and I’m betting neither do any of you. We all know the water is high and dangerous. That’s why we aren’t out there. Back off big brother….

    So you think it’s ok to damage personal property, fragile ecosystems, on and on. “Come on man – get off your self righteous podium”!!!

    Posts: 469

    Yes! Just think of a wakeboard boat lapping waves at your doorstep, fish cleaning houses, trees that are now on waters edge or standing in the water.

    Posts: 469

    Isn’t that the truth!! Was out last night fishing and weekend/holiday warriors didn’t give a crap about no wake zone

    Posts: 469

    Didn’t our forefathers use wind windmills)to pump water? Sure seemed efficient to me waytogo

    Hydro for milling grain?

    You DON’T need electricity even for basic needs. We just have come accustomed to it.

    There are methods to generate less non-Renewable energy. Why wouldn’t you want this???

    Posts: 469

    The way I look at it is if it’s my land and I want to lease out or sell for solar / wind farm – and it meets all regulatory requirements – then it’s none of anyone else’s business. We are all against big government telling us what to do right? Well – that goes for the general public too right? I do me – you do you on your own property. Can’t have it both ways!!

    Posts: 469

    Thank you CaptainMusky! A few of us that organize take immense pride in organizing!

    This year is a tough year for us. It is our 12th year (lost one year due to Covid) and sadly our first recipient 13 years ago of this scholarship was Matthew Ruge, whom was one of the three officers that was killed in the line of duty this spring from Burnsville. Matthew was a Wabasha-Kellogg graduate. There will be tear’s I am sure.

    Posts: 469

    We are definitely making progress Haleysgold! We are pushing for a floating system (plans are already drawn up and have been in the past). Actually would save the City a lot of soft money as currently Streets and Parks are constantly moving in and out the docks – and it is a lot of time! I think everything will only revolve around docks for now for sure.

    Posts: 469

    Agree on the buckets! Works all the time!!

    Posts: 469

    Hey all!

    After a VERY hectic few months – I will start getting confirmation letters / boat #’s out to those that already entered starting tonight!

    As for those that haven’t entered yet – please plan on doing so soon! It will be another great event!!!


    Posts: 469

    Wow! I must keep missing the announcement!
    Thanks so much for all your support and of course big hugs await my Irish Triplets! They are some cool dudes that make me proud!!

    Posts: 469

    Same here Buckbadger! Not gonna be good!! My dry run is already flowing and with all this rain coming I am getting nervous how high it will come up yet!! The ole Mississippi seems to be getting a good flush this late spring!!

    Posts: 469

    A couple of us met with the mayor a few weeks back to improve the docks. We definitely are trying!!

    Posts: 469

    Gosh thanks all! Today is the last day vote (till midnight). If you haven’t yet, would appreciate your vote!

    Posts: 469

    I threw my vote in there for ya but dont think losing to any of the other dudes down plays your role in your kids lives. They all have good bio’s.

    Absolutely right! No winners or losers here. And any dad that is there for the kids through thick and thin are winners for sure!!

    Posts: 469

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dirtywater wrote:</div>
    Great idea but please only use dead/down branches. Cutting live trees in the BWCA is illegal and violates Leave No Trace principles.

    came here to say this – please follow the LNT principles.

    Absolutely! Never have nor ever would cut branches down. We have even brought our in in before also.

    Posts: 469

    Thanks everyone! I guess you can keep voting till Friday! I could put a party on for sure!!
    Just the thought of your kids thinking their dad deserves this is a win in itself!!!

    Posts: 469

    I knew I was in trouble when one of the other finalists name was Shorty grin

    Posts: 469

    Best thing we have ever done for fishing in the BWCA is to cut some decent branches down ((8′ – 10′) and lash them onto the carry yokes of two canoes. Basically make a catamaran with 4′ – 6′ of space between two canoes. So easy to do and if casting, jigging, slip bobbing you cannot go wrong. SOOOO much more stability!

    Posts: 469

    My own little invention!! I was using normal lint rollers for years and worked great! I went to better adhesive & it improved results even more and trademarked Woody’s Tick Tape!!

    Posts: 469

    This bi-partisan event was extremely successful. The businesses and residents all were proud of hosting this event and the PR for the businesses and our entire area was beyond was amazing. The catches by all the guests were absolutely mind -blowing. Many 25″ to 29″ walleyes were caught along with boatloads of eater size of walleye and sauger.

    Posts: 469

    Turtles and otters will beat on those flow troll doors until they open if they’re not wired shut. Both of them could be guilty of shredding bait bags.

    Right on the money! Turtles!! Found this out a couple times the hard way.

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