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    Posts: 8

    Blaming IDA members not so much others who just read yah i know alot of people just read and not share or talk. thats the reason I came on today. just to speak my mind and plus ill start sharing how the fish bit and what works i have no problem in doing that.

    Posts: 8

    I could do this all day long with you but you know Im done with this ill be the bigger man and just drop it.

    Posts: 8

    Yah I know anyone can see that from the interstate. Before this year when was the last time you saw that many shanties out there besides 1 day last year. Uhm yah no one every went out there untill I saw the post on here. Then next thing you know everyones there. Not mad but just disapointed. And you say people knew about that spot is an understatement because everyone knew about it. But the funny thing was about that spot is I would go there from time to time and it was always the same people 5 at the most and knew them all good. Now after the post I dont know anyone but thats fine. So I say to the guys who just read this and dont talk thanks alot. Have fun and just treat people out there with class and dont yell at some random person if you hoping from hole to hole and someone takes on just let them have it cause your not there and they want to be and I know if its you you know who you are. other wise I hope everyone has fun.

    Posts: 8

    Yah your “community hole” use to be alot better. I use to fish there alot. I would go home with my share of fish. But once the word got out on IDA it went down hill. given theres fish out there but when lot of people clean house on them and theres a shanty town it doesnt make it “fun” i know everyone has all rights to go but I would of liked to see it if people would have ventured out on there own or by word of mouth. Thats the way it use to be out there. Everyone knew everyone and could shoot the sh*t with anyone out there but when I go there now its just not the same. Now I still hit my honey hole all the time but when I want to hit up plan “B” I realy dont want to.

    Posts: 8

    Yah I dont anythings personal its all good. The only thing that realy bothers me is when guys show up and start harassing my friends for fishing in an open hole away from other people that its their hole and they think they own it. Then to make things worse they start keeping dink 7″ crappies and smaller bluegills. I know everyone likes to eat fish but if we all start keeping the little ones in dew time thats all we are going to be catching are little ones. “LET THEM GO SO THEY CAN GROW” is all I would like to see out on the river.

    Posts: 8

    you want to be disgusted dont worry about if theres just a few dead sheephead on the ice which i agree is wrong and let them go unless you eat them. how about to many guys going there and keeping 7 inch crappies or 6 inch bluegills are hurting the fish population more than a few dead sheephead on the ice. so if you want small fish I hope you know that in the years to come there wont be big fish in the waters and only little “slab” swimming around

    Posts: 8

    Oh I know the rivers and lakes are public. But its just the principal. I hardly ever go to the “shanty-towns” I go to new spots and I find fish. But when I find my fish I dont go and tell everyone about the fish I catch. And I know I dont own the fish either.

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