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  • JLB
    Posts: 1

    Reel Guy – I may be able to help you if you are considering a trip to Table Rock. I am actually looking out the window at the Rock as I type this, I live on the west end near Shell Knob on the King’s River Arm. Have fished it 14 years and now that I live here it’s the only place I fish, getting out about 80 times/year. Was looking at this board as I am trying to plan a trip to Lake Pepin in May. Usually go to MN every June for SM at Lake Vermilion, but may have to adjust schedule this year.

    Peak of spawn is mid April. It’s a large lake with a lot of different conditions, patterns, and water temps depending where you are on the lake. We have largemouth, spots, and smallmouth. It’s a typical highland reservoir with generally clear water. Lots of rock, but no aquatic vegetation whatsoever unless the lake is high enough to flood the shoreline bushes, which is usually the case in the Spring.

    The “easiest” time to fish is March through mid May, when you can find a lot of fish shallow. Good fishing can be had year round, but July-late September is probably my least favorite period. Lots of large fish caught throughout the winter, especially late Feb and later. Later in the Spring, you can catch shallow fish just about any way you like to fish, lots of presentations work. My best single day ever for size was last year, post-spawn in mid May.

    It’s a beautiful lake in the Ozark mountains, but be forewarned is gets a phenomenal amount of fishing pressure in the Spring, so expect a lot of company. That said, it’s a huge lake and there’s plenty of room, good fisherman generally do well that time of year. It’s not a “big fish” lake, but 5# LM are pretty common and you should probably be able to hit that mark on a trip, just not very many times. There is a 15″ length limit on all 3 black bass species so expect to catch a lot of 14-15″ fish.

    These are a lot of general statements, if you have specific questions just ask and I will try to give specific answers!

    Tight Lines – JL

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