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  • JCW
    Posts: 8

    What are the hours?

    Posts: 8

    I’ve had a concealed weapons permit in Iowa for some 30 years. The County Sheriff determines who can have one. We got a new Sheriff, formerly the head deputy, a few years back. He immeditly started jerking everybody around. To get a permit from him you had to prove a “need”. The only thing he couldn’t deny was if you carried “sums” of money. So starting this year he comes up with a program where you have to Qualify with the hand gun anually, which wouldn’t be so bad. Execpt no other countys in this area do this. He attached a very hefty “fee” for letting you qualify. Since the “fee” goes to his use, in addition to the annual fee for the permit. I decided that no oftener than I need to carry, a 12ga. pump under the seat serves the same need. Besides that unlicensed carry is only a misdemeaner anyway. So this year I’m not renewing my permit. Did he win? I don’t think so.

    Posts: 8

    The response has been great, in only a few days time. I have about as many folks as I’ll be able to work with this summer. Thanks FTR this is a nice feature to be able to meet like minded people, and Thanks to you who gave it a look.

    Posts: 8

    The Local paper had a write-up on hummers yesterday, a 03′ H1 starts at $105,160 for the open top 4 dr. they also list the website, check it out.

    Posts: 8

    Hi Steve,
    I’ve been to Eau Claire a few times, that’s a nice area to be in. We’re about 2 1/2 hours from St. Paul, thats usually about as far as the wife will drive. But if I’m real lucky on a nice day she might drive 100 miles or so just before the border.

    Posts: 8

    Hi RiverEyes,
    To me, Wabaskang has at least 5 seperate lobes or areas, not including other lakes like Keynote. It actually has the Cedar River system running through it, from the falls at Perault to the rapids at Wine Lake. I’m curious what you consider to be the main lake? I agree with you that the fish are everywhere, I’ve found the narrows, and points seem to work most often for me.

    Posts: 8

    Hi Steve,
    Home being about 20 miles west of I-35, we go through the cities to Cloquet, then north to International Falls, East to Hwy 502, jog west to Vermilion Bay, and North up 105 (Red Lake Road) It’s about a 11 hour drive for me so we usually drive straight thru. I’m sure there are plenty of Antique shops in Northern Minn if you have the time. Like most cottage people we always find plenty of chores to do while we’re there. I’ve found that fishing the smaller lakes, going out from 4 PM til dark is a very sucessful time. We are on the SE shore of Wabaskang, near Perault Falls, there are 15 or 16 cottages nearby, but most of the time only a few neighbors are there. Where is Chippewa Valley?

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