Cabelas in owatonna price matched the lx9 for me last week.
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January 17, 2014 at 9:20 am #1380514
Reeds sporting goods still has a good deal i believe. 550 with free shipping.
January 15, 2014 at 10:12 am #1379987Quote:
What depth was your camera at? If on the bottom you may be missing a lot of fish. Often times panfish will suspend or cruise very close to the top of the ice. You maybe missing a lot of fish if you are searching the bottom of the lake. Just a thought
I checked the bottom and a foot below the ice in multiple spots. Even with the flasher im not finding the fish like we did this summer. Tomorrow ill take the camera out there again and record some of the fish that are right at the surface.
January 15, 2014 at 7:33 am #1379950Quote:
How large are the Northern? They could be putting a hurting on the panfish.
The majority i have caught are 18 to 26. The biggest 33.
January 15, 2014 at 7:14 am #1379946There is not much snow cover on the ice. Less than 6 inches for sure. Most spots only a few. As for keeping fish, i only kept 4 northern this summer causr i believe there is way to many in there. Should i be keeping more fish? I have been told by the neighbor that there is northern , walleye, perch, gills, crappie, and bass. I have confirmed all of that except the bass.
November 14, 2013 at 6:42 pm #1350992Quote:
Federal definition of baiting (waterfowl are Federally controlled) vs state definition of baiting (for state controlled critters)
Not trying to argue with you but if federal controls waterfowl why is it that some states you can purposley plant corn and flood it and pound the crap out of mallards. While in some you cant.. Either way i think that is ridiculous that we cant hunt them fields. Its not like the farmer didnt want to plant his corn/ beans. Its a farming practice in my eyes. Just like when a sweet corn field gets chopped because they didnt pick it in time. Its illegal to hunt that because its baited they say. It aint like the farmer chopped thousands of dollars of sweet corn just so the average joe can shoot a few geese.. Well theres my rant for the day..October 26, 2013 at 1:23 pm #133221I just did that exact set up behind the house yesterday. Will check the cam in a few days and let ya know how it works. I have got pictures of 4 different bucks in the last week so bucks are on the move. One also attacked the Glen Dale buck by my house 2 nights ago. Should put a cam on that also.
November 15, 2012 at 4:31 pm #126918Quote:
Nice deer! How long were the main beams on your buck? Pretty cool how they wrap around and almost touch.
Congrats to the both of you.
24 3/8 and 23 3/8. The tips actually cross, just cant see it from that angle.September 3, 2012 at 1:52 am #122672The way i look at it is why would you want to support a company that HAS to get bailed out by the government?? A large company like that, that cant even keep itself afloat. No thanks…General Motors=Government Motors
BTW, I just bought a 2010 F-150 with the 5.4 and love it.July 22, 2012 at 8:07 pm #121486I currently have mine at the taxidermist right now. I took it to Cedar River Taxidermy in Orchard, IA. Expecting it back by the end of August. All said and done for a half mount with a habit base is gonna coat 550 to 575. Very reasonable I thought. I will try to post pics as soon as i get it back.
May 28, 2012 at 2:25 am #120877Bobby!! Ive told that brother of yours Benelli!! But seriously, I love mine but I’m not a fan of Benellis camo. To shiney and it rubs of fairly easy.
April 16, 2012 at 2:08 am #119917I watched an episode on netflix called CNBC Originals: Remington Under Fire. Not sure if its the same one but it had to do with remingtons firing without pulling the trigger. To me it was rather convincing and I have actually had this happen to me. Once or twice my Remington 700 has actually gone off with just closing the bolt believe it or not. This goes to show why you always treat a gun as it is a loaded gun and keep it pointed in a safe direction. In this episode they actually talk to the inventor of the remington trigger and even he says it always had a flaw but they would never do anything about it because of how much it would cost to put in a trigger into every remington 700 made. Literally millions. Just my.02 cents. Didnt mean to stir the pot as i will still shoot a remington any day of the week and even buy more.
March 5, 2012 at 3:31 am #119152Quote:
There is a feeding ban in SE MN right now year round, you can not put out supplement feed but you can plant food plots.
What are the boundaries for that ban?? Im assuming the ban was because of the CWD…January 12, 2012 at 8:00 pm #117661Thanks for the help guys. I did check my trim length and it was good. I loaded 9 different rounds with three different powders. One was Varget loaded with 26 grains. H322 with 24.5 grains. And benchmark with 25.5 grains. Varget shot a group you could cover with a quarter at 100 yards. H322 was very similar and Benchmark was about a half dollar of a group. All was shot with hornady 40 grain V-max bullets with federal No. 400 primers. life1978 sent me a PM that explained why the 28 grains would not fit in a 223 casing perfectly which made perfect sense. Thanks again for the help.
July 22, 2011 at 2:53 pm #107542I have not seen any myself either. On Wednesday i seen three jakes near a woods where i deer hunt and to my surprise there was a coyote fifty yards behind them doing a stalk on them. Luckily the coyote seen me and took off. Bring on the snow!!
July 1, 2011 at 3:31 pm #107110Yup, it works great!! I used to have the Blackberry Storm but i recentley got the Casio Commando. Only thing that sucks about the new phone is that the memory card is under the battery so its a pain in the a$$. But i always bring a extra card out with me and swap them so by the time im back to the truck all the pictures are uploaded onto my phone.
June 30, 2011 at 3:25 am #107082I personaly have always been a huge fan of browning citoris. I have never owned one but have shot a bunch and they fit me awesome. The only o/u i have owed was a remington peerless. I could shoot that thing like no one else. But i sold it since it had 3 inches cut off the stock and i out grew it. If you are looking for just a singles trap gun the browning bt-99 is also a sweet shooting gun. What makes you want an O/U???? There is a boat load of semi-autos out there that are ideal for trap. By far the best gun i have ever shoot with trap was a browning gold fully camo duck gun!! As long as it fits you go with it. Also it can be a universal gun to. Let us know what you decide to get. Hope this helped.
April 27, 2011 at 3:37 am #105520Quote:
One shot is still one shot, id rather see people giving the deer the best opprotunity to be taken ethically, and not wounded. We owe that to these great animals
Nicely saidApril 16, 2011 at 1:33 pm #104731SWEET!!
Dont kill em’ all though…………we need something to do in winter ya know
March 23, 2011 at 5:51 pm #102987I was told by a guy that works at cabelas in owatonna that you do need a permit to buy. But what he told me was if you are under 21 but at least 18 that you can still get a permit to buy but its only good for assult type rifles, not pistols.
February 7, 2011 at 8:44 pm #100114Just shot one on saturday at Archery Headquarters in Rochester. One word…..WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Like you said Pat, by far the quietest bow and absoulutly no vibration what so ever. I shot one set around 65 pounds with a 29 inch draw, which is an inch to big for me and i still put four arrows damn near touching each other at 20 yards. Just might have to get rid of my DXT this year. Also was looking for a new bow for my girlfriend…was looking into the passion but the owner of Archery Headquarters recommended the Z7 extreme for her to. Mainly because the brace height is more on the z7 so it will be more forgiving plus faster!! Might end up picking two up this summer.
February 7, 2011 at 4:48 am #100079Quote:
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! never had that problem with my Ford. Must be your tires.
Haha………i told him we could make it…….it didnt look that deep i said……..totally forgot we were in a chevyNovember 17, 2010 at 8:45 pm #93178In Minnesota it states in the law book. “On another person’s private land or a public right-of-way, a person may not take a wild animal with a firearm within 500 feet of a building occupied by humans or livestock without written permission of the owner, occupant, or lessee of the building” This is in Minnesota so im not sure about wisconsin. This was on page 6 of Minnesota’s law book under trespass law. Maybe it will be in Wisconsin’s under it to??
Hope this helps.
November 3, 2010 at 2:53 am #91268Already out with new bows? Seriuosly how can they keep making better bows? But it never fails, they keep getting better. The Z7 extreme looks sweet but i think my DXT will do for a few more years.
October 5, 2010 at 2:34 am #87608You have no hope to settle the CRAZY in your dog!
Just kiddin.