Thanks for the info. I cant wait to give it a shot..

Posts: 366
I totally agree with Cals post. The fish are always going out there. On most lakes you have a lot less pressure. If you are going for strickly walleyes then LOW would be my choice
I voted for SD…As you stay in the comfort of a hotel room and have a choice to fish lots of lakes in a small area around Webster SD. Great perch, walleye, and even pike fishing in these lakes. Depending on snow you may need to have wheelers or snowmobiles to get around. Lakes are typically not plowed for vehichle traffic.
Lake Winnipeg is also a fun trip!
Update, Sunday prefish was not very good I did catch a 22.5″ eye but no others. Had a few short bites but were missed. Lindy rigging 10′ snell and leech.
Forward to Tues night. Hot/humid. Blasted off went to spot 1 to get out pike and bass. Took 2 hours to get 6 bass and 3 legal pike in the boat. Biggest bass was 18.5″ and the smallest was 16.5 so they were all very nice. Pike were not huge but counted for league. Then off to Walley spots 1,2,3,4 and five. Had 50 minutes to put a 14″ eye in the boat. Spots 1-4 nothing.. marked a few fish. Panic mode set in and then to spot 5. First pass 1 short eye 10″. Second pass another 10″. Out of time. O well..
Out of the 13 boats only 3 legal eyes brought in. So overall it was a pretty good night.
Thanks again for the tips.
Thanks for the replys. I will give things a shot. Gonna pre fish tomorrow am for fishing league tues night. Friends were out lastnight and got 4 17-18″ pulling plugs and lindy rigging.
We have stayed at Castaways for $25/night per guy. No AC and nothing special but when all you do is lay your head down for a few hours its a pretty good deal.
OOO What a great place with even better fishing. I love fishing the are of the Cheyenne. It is flat out beautiful out there.
heading there myself going out of castaways. keep the beers flowing of course if youre not the boat’s driver, And the lines full of eyes!
Will be there on Fri also accross from the bar in the fish house next to the old boys with the pontoon. Will are you going to stop for a beer???
There will be 8 of us at Castaways. Not gonna start at midnight but will be out bright and early. Heading up at 11 on Fri, stop in Bach, Reeds and then Castaways.
We will be in the fish houses accross from the bar. Stop by for a
or two.
Kooty I fished a tourney out there last summer in Aug and the fishing was lights out. I do remember what it was like in 2000 when they basically had liberalized fishing limits because there was no forage base left. It took several years but it was very very good last year. Lots of big fish to.
Thanks guys, my fishing partner came down with strep throat so it has been pushed back to next Sun, Mon Tue..
I like the boot story, I wonder who that was
Glad to see I was involved in the top five. Sure did catch some LARGE PIES THAT DAY!!
Well I am supposed to be heading to Webster early early Sat am. Anyone have any contacts out there that would be able to give a guy any idea if I will be either drive a truck out or 4 wheeler on, Waybay, Bitter, Ponsitte, Opits.
I am worried that all the access areas have been blown in and not having access to a sled I am not sure if it will be worth it.
Anyone have any info. Kooty???
Give Quentin a holler.
He’s been posting up some good info of late and it sounds like he fishes out there just about every day.
Thanks James, I have been exchanging PM’s with him until today.. I am hoping to hook up for a good update again before Friday.
Thanks Slab Slayer!! I was going to call them 2marrow.. Thanks again.
Welcome back and the most important thing Congratz on being 18 months sober!!!
Hey Pug you can also get suckers and other bait at Kochs at County Road 19 and Hwy 55.. They open up at 0600. The bite has been very very good on Sarah the past several weeks. Good Luck!!
I to am looking for a pointing lab/family dog. What can a guy expect to pay??
Will get a 12 pack and go rent a rod and buy some squid at the peer in Fourt Myers. I have caught a lot of different fish there, even a very small shark of some kind. Can be hard to reel them up to the top of the peer but it is kinda fun.
I to have had alot of problem with my LX 5 charger. I went to Marcum and they gave me a new one but when I got it home and put it to use it never went from red to green either. I finally just bought another charger from a competitor and it works just fine with all 6 of my batteries.
Good luck.
Wayzata Bait and Tackle. Brought some there two years ago. Long wait. Just off 394 west of 494.
Bet that rig would shut down the spring netting on Mille Lacs!
I like it
Heading up Mon with the wheel house and staying till tues night. Gonna use it as a base camp and do a lot of whole hopping on Tues.
Nice work Jason
I talked to a few others who were shut out yesterday so it sounds like you really put the smack down during a tough bite
Thanks Will that makes me feel a little bit better. Not as good as your honey hole but it fixed the itch.