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  • hurricane
    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Vman is absolutely correct..there is NO open water to speak of on the entire chain…Ice is too thick and don’t look like it’s going out any time soon. Probably have the most ice at this time of year I have ever seen after living on it for over thrity years. definitely gonna be LATE this year. Sorry!!

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Don’t worry Kevin…his Mama won’t let him open it up for a race….Stay on your own lake, Bob…we got ENUF of them Chedic pontoons and yatchs up here…LOL

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Knock ’em dead we didn’t!!! TOUGH FISH’N everyone except two boats had a tough time…..We only boated two rainbows, one small king and a laker…had a blast though…well worth the trip. See ya on the water, sometime.

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Will have to be after this weekend going down to the Michigan Outing thing at Two Rivers…….can you say, KING SALMON??????

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Bad news in a way….was working down on the shoreline this morning and the gills are done spawning, at least in my section of the bay….all beds that were there earlier in the week are now fishless and have debris in them…Still think they can be had with poppers though and am going to give that a try off the pier as soon as this is posted… Will let ya know.

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    I sure as heck ain’t gonna drag yer chubby little body back up that darn hill……………..

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    I hear ya……..they are literally stacked along my shoreline….Too bad it’s so FAR down there and the War dept has all kinds of plans for me…

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Aaron~ can’t help you on the bass other than to tell you that EVERY tournament they have on the chain, it seems all boats head straight for Frankenburg Slough. This is the bay on the north end of Prairie, just south of Veteran’s Park (check the map)The tourney guys beat the water to a froth up here. I know, I live on it.

    As far as the flyrod…..DEFINITELY don’t forget that, as was said before the gills are going nuts…the water around my pier is just simply alive and boiling every night when the wind goes down. So, if you can’t get bass, there are always nice gills. They are a better size class this year than I have seen in many, many years, as proved by what Vman and I caught this winter. You should have fun, either specie.

    As far as walleye…..that is another story. The days of going out and catching a quick meal of them are over. We have a definite over population of small LM bass and they have taken over all of my “historic” walleye holes…Trolling seem to be the only way, of late, as there have been some beauties taken with this method….the down side of that is there are some real idiot pontoon owners who have absolutely no respect for fisherman and probably will cut your line, so, if you chose this method, be sure to watch for them. The sad part of this is most of these dorks LIVE on the chain and SHOULD know better….

    Bottom line…you WILL have fun. Hope this helps!!!!


    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Would like to add my thanks for the thread. Will confirm everything Vman said about the gills being the fish of the day…the shoreline in front of my place can not hold another bed from what i saw today…gills are in BIG TIME!!! There are a few bass (GREEN CARP) beds scattered in the mix, also.

    Again thanks for the thread…we’ll try to keep it active.

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Vman is definitely right…… The gills are in the shallows big time. My shoreline is very active with “boils” every night just before dark and again in the morning before the wind kicks up. It is “popper time” on the chain.

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    (by his SON)

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Monday morning will work, too…message me if you are going tomorrow, though…..

    Or call……………

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    NO problem there…what are the weekend plans

    Cameron, WI (north end of Prairie Lake)
    Posts: 15

    Yeah, well, the “Elderly Statesman” has made the trip….FINALLY!!!!! Can we say that on here or will it get pulled like that other psuedo site that went to the dogs?????????

    ANYWAY, HERE I IS….Let the FUN begin!!!!


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