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  • HindsiteHunts
    Posts: 20


    Here is a lil fish House that I converted into a deer stand for my aging father that can’t quite cut the cold MN deer hunts after Chemo. Then the other one is a “stump” blind I bought that my lil brother sits in with his Daughter Sierra.

    Grat looking tower blind…….Thanks for posting the pics.

    Posts: 20

    Let him grow ……..He looks young, maybe even 2 1/2, if so he could mature into a real wallhanger!

    Posts: 20

    Once in a lifetime buck…….Awesome!

    Posts: 20


    Absolutely awesome………..That has to be the most unique mount I’ve ever seen. Thanks for posting.

    Posts: 20

    Lets see some other stands and blinds……There must be a slew of them to see from our IDO hunting community….

    Lets see them!

    Posts: 20

    Awesome footage thanks for posting.

    Posts: 20


    Has your archery season started out there in Maine?

    Our archery season began yesterday, but after two hard winters and a healthy coyote population our deer herd population is at it’s lowest since the 1970’s!

    We can no longer snare coyote’s in Maine for fear of a Federal lawsuit due to the accidental snaring of Canadian Lynx’x and bald eagle.

    The anti’s are holding a law suit threat over our deer population and our Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Dept. are bending over and taking it up the ____!

    Posts: 20



    Here is another blind I built last year….I actually built two of them and hauled them to the woods with snow on the ground.

    That looks like a slick unit, do you possibly have any pics of the inside and can I ask about how much did the materials cost you to build it?

    Here are a few more piucs of this 4′ x 8′ blind with crib doors that open on all side.

    Posts: 20

    Here is another blind I built last year….I actually built two of them and hauled them to the woods with snow on the ground.

    Posts: 20




    my fat would need a bigger chair thou

    I agree………..

    Just out of view is a swivel seat. You can just make out the green corner of it in the picture.

    you agree i have a fat

    there would be a recliner in that bad boy if it were mine wake me up when the deer get here

    As soon as I hit submit I realized how that could be taken.

    Posts: 20


    my fat would need a bigger chair thou

    I agree………..

    Just out of view is a swivel seat. You can just make out the green corner of it in the picture.

    Posts: 20

    Thanks for all the comments. It was easy to build and a hoot to sit in….I’m 6′ 1″ and there is plenty of head room.

    I’m going to work on my wagon wheel shooting lanes next. I have a few spokes cleared now and will cut firewood to create several more.

    I’m look forward to doing a few more things to the blind including a vent pipe that will run thought the tower and vent most of the human scent away. I also want to replace the wooden crib doors with Lexan . This way I can see and keep most of the heat in during a cold weather hunt. I use a few Buddy heaters in other blinds I have just to take the chill off a long sit.

    Posts: 20

    Thanks………I was gonna say 322

    Nice animals, did you take them on a single trip, if so how long was your hunt….A few details would be great.

    Posts: 20

    Very nice mounts……..Did you score the red stag, my guess is 320 to 350SCI.

    Posts: 20

    Looking forward to becoming a Gold member….Great promotion!

    Posts: 20

    Thanks for the welcome…..Looks like a great site.

    Posts: 20

    Absolutely awesome……….The buck of a lifetime and it will be almost impossible to repeat that kind of success!

    Thanks for posting.

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