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  • Harmonist34
    Posts: 15

    Don’t know where the guys that are pre-fishing on Saturday will launch – but there will only be 3 boats max from our club out there. For our tourney on the 11th we’ll launch out of Buffalo City.


    Posts: 15

    I snuck onto the first page of results! First tourney – got myself a nice round number: 50th place. I’m pleased with that. Lost two fish (like everyone else, I know, I know) that would have probably put me in the money. Can’t ask for much more than that.

    It didn’t do me a bit of good for tournament purposes, but I may have caught the big fish of the day – a 15+ lb. northern. My partner and I had found a strip in pool 8 where the baitfish were being pushed against a bank. He had a couple short strikes on a spinnerbait, so I switched to one. I saw a huge V of jumping baitfish that was at least 30 feet wide. Figured it was something huge, and I ended up hooking it two casts later. I managed to impale myself pretty good trying to hold it up for a pic, so I finished the tournament with a rag wrapped around my hand trying to keep blood off of everything in the boat.

    Great experience, as a whole. I wish I could fish the others this year!

    Congrats to D-Nort and anybody else on the board who cashed a check.


    How about that winning total for the non-boater?! I guess a 5.11 sorta helps.

    Posts: 15

    We had a club tourney on 5A and 6 last Saturday. Most of the guys in the club fish the river all the time. Nobody did very well. 4 fish for 8 lbs. or so won it. One guy stuck a 5.5 lb. largemouth, but almost everybody came in with only one or two keepers. Yours truly managed 3 bass that were over 13.5″ but couldn’t quite stretch to 14″.


    Posts: 15

    The keeping trophies debate is actually somewhat amusing to me because it’s the exact opposite of the perennial debate in whitetail deer hunting.

    Most tournament C&R guys are begging people to keep all the shorts they can catch and leave the big girls.

    Most trophy hunters are begging people to shoot only the old, big bucks and leave the little ones to grow up and become big.

    Anybody else see the irony in all this? ( :


    Posts: 15

    Glad I won’t be the only crappy bass angler there.


    Posts: 15

    Hallelujah! A boater has been found. Thanks for the help, all.


    Posts: 15

    One bump – still looking!


    Posts: 15

    Thanks for the tip – Ben was looking for a non-boater who will be fishing all the BFL tournaments. I guess I need to look for someone else who’s planning on just fishing this one tourney.


    Posts: 15

    You waiting on a tax refund for that entry fee? ( :


    Posts: 15

    I’m going to piggyback onto this thread. I’d like to fish my first money tournament, and I’ve picked the BFL Clinton tourney as the one to do it. As I understand the rules, however, I need a boater to register with to ensure that I’ll get a spot. Anybody looking for a non-boater to register with?


    contact me at [email protected] if you’re interested or know someone who would be

    Posts: 15

    Definitely…and a few other topwaters I like to use.


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