What a smoothly run tournament. It was our first annual, but it definitely won’t be our last. There wasn’t hardly a second of waiting around at the ramps, the organization was smooth, plenty of parking, and lots of courtesy everywhere on the river. My partner and I are somewhat green on the river, but we learned a little more today. Thanks to Jon and Everts Resort for a great day on the water. Already to looking forward to the next trip down.
Forum Replies Created
February 22, 2011 at 12:44 pm #940274
Hey, we’ll offer the Bucks also…wait, they may hurt your chances to sell. How about buy one get one free?
February 8, 2011 at 5:38 pm #935128That new lake map is unbelievable. Do you guys have any idea how on Earth they can be giving those things away for free. The thing is very nicely detailed, in color, and virtually indestructible. I was looking at it this weekend and just couldn’t believe it was free. Was there a grant of something granted to the group that put it together? What made me think of the map is all this talk of cribs. You could darn near walk across the lake on the cribs. Especially those on the West side of the lake. Should be a handy little scouting tool.
January 28, 2011 at 5:59 pm #931413That’s Bob Munden who happens to be on the Outdoor Channel’s Impossible shots, and yes he is that cocky on the TV show too. Not only would I not shoot against him, I wouldn’t shoot against his wife either. Seems like a pretty decent guy. He pulled off a balloon shot at 800 yards with a pistol on the show.
January 27, 2011 at 7:47 pm #931121Probably sipping coffee while he’s waving at Danica at the back of the pack.
January 26, 2011 at 7:29 pm #930681Sounds like a good day. Do you know…. is anyone is demonstrating the Contour Elite electronics?
January 14, 2011 at 5:57 pm #926329One thing Newton has going for him as that his mechanics are fairly decent. His accuracy, now that’s a different story. He has a chance to be alright if given time to develop behind a veteran, but with the Matt Ryan/Joe Flacco success, QB’s are expected to learn on the fly out of the gate. I wouldn’t bet anything on Newton being successful. As far as Fairley goes I definitely believe he would look much better in Green and Gold. That guy’s going to be about as inmpactful as Sue if he has a motor.
Man I’m going to miss football season when it is over!
January 6, 2011 at 5:07 pm #923355Heck yes it is unethical!!!!! I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
Just kidding, just knew no one else is going to say it. But it definitely more ethical if you come on here and share all of you hot spots when the bite is on.
Happy Harvesting!
December 29, 2010 at 10:59 pm #920713Couldn’t agree more. I teach elementary school, and you’d be shocked at what I have seen. Kids come to school with obvious signs that something happened to them and then they will make up a story to protect the very scum that did it. They are so scared to say anything that they just keep taking the abuse. All we can do as teachers is report the incident and try our best as a school to protect the kids. Social services will make a note, but they will seldom look any further until there is a file.
Anyone watch the show “Dexter” on Showtime? If you haven’t, check it out. Every town could use one of those guys to help expediate the legal system once in a while.December 23, 2010 at 1:25 pm #919605Yeah, sounds like you are the QB and all of those offensive linemen are out there making the hole for you. No love in the press, but the heart of the team. Good luck on the chase for the tank.
On a side note…..still cannot believe that size of the northern suckers we were sinking last winter when we came up and fished in one of your houses. (We didn’t even have big enough hooks to hold them) I’m waiting so see that big northern picture on here also. I’d always rather catch a walleye, but something that would eat those sucker minnows has got to be scary.
Thanks for posting the pics…..I know its good for business, but it also keeps all of that don’t have those fish in our area dreaming of our next trip North.December 21, 2010 at 6:11 pm #919026I think that having a new toy definitely increases your success, and the biggest reason is that you get out on the water more. My fishing buddy has a beautiful Hummingbird side imaging unit. We have a blast looking at the underwater structure, fish cribs, trees….you name it. They show up like you’re down there with goggles on. We have marked fish on side imaging unit, and then went back through and caught those fish. I don’t personally believe that the side imaging was needed in those particular occasions. However, the biggest advantage that I’ve seen using the side-imaging is the advantage to scout SO much faster. If you find a spot that looks interesting on a map, you can spin through there and check it out in a quarter of the time it would take with sonar. That’s the biggest advantage. Once you’re on a spot, GPS and sonar are just fine. So if you’re looking to spend more time catching and less time chasing, side imaging will do that once you master how to use it. Well, at least become capable using it…..”mastery” is going to take a long time. There are a lot of people on here that are very good using them. Ask questions and you’ll usually get some very good feedback. Good luck and like was mentioned earlier and many times before on IDO, make sure you buy from a store that has excellent customer service and a company that has the same. Good luck on your purchase.
December 19, 2010 at 9:55 pm #918435Yeah, not so good if you’re playing against Vick. I was looking good until that fourth quarter. Now Brady is going to have to go nuts against my Packers tonight. He’ll probably do enough to crush the Packers but not get me through to the Championship. Lose Lose….but it was an amazing comeback.
December 16, 2010 at 7:39 pm #917769Great idea for a post. About five years ago we were walleye fishing below the dam in DePere and a friend of mine hooked a sturgeon which isn’t that uncommon over there. Well, he fought this thing for over an hour….huge. We had to go downstream a ways to get it out of the current to even have a chance. Well, finally it gave in and we had it basically beached. When that creature came into the shallows his back looked like a bait rack at Gander. We counted 9 crankbaits attached to its back including ours. Well, as we were about to make a cleaning on free baits, the fish gave a burst and broke off. We just looked at each other and just felt about as dumb as you can imagine in that situation. Not only did we not get any of the free baits she was offering, but we also lost ours in the process.
Quite a memory for sure!
November 10, 2010 at 2:49 pm #908841Thanks for sharing, I guess it makes sense but I would have never guessed that all of those baseballs were hand stitched.
October 26, 2010 at 5:14 pm #906275I was going to respond in a smart aleck way, but the news and Sportscenter is doing a fine job covering the Purple People. No more abuse needed. At least the Chosen One will have more time to spend on his cell phone while nursing that fractured ankle.
On a serious note however, in case some of you missed it, there is a new international sign for choking. All in good fun. Now you know what us Cheeseheads had to endure last season.
October 19, 2010 at 4:19 pm #904890All us Packer fans have heard all year is about the weapons that Rodgers has. Ha! Ha! Ha! Of course no one specified if the weapons were modern or primitive.
Anyone who has really watched the Packers over the past few weeks knows that our offensive and defensive lines are BELOW average. If you can’t win up front, you can’t win. We won’t block ends, Rodgers will get sacked 5-6 times, and then the Vikings will win in overtime. I’ve seen this one before.
Our only prayer is if Mathews can come back close to full strength. He is a difference maker on defense. Even a fossil from Mississippi can pick apart a defense if given enough time.
Either way, I am positive that the game doesn’t have the luster that both sides expected it to have at this point in the season.
Good luck to Rodgers and the Packers!!!!!October 18, 2010 at 3:13 pm #904737I was going to agree with the water in the hole method, but after watching Czech’s video post hard to beat that method. I think you could sell tickets if you offer good enough seats.
October 13, 2010 at 12:47 pm #904029Fantastic crappie lake Winter and Spring. I was a little concerned that the numbers would go down with heavy fishing pressure during dam repairs over the past 3-4 years, and fish congregated in the only holes left. The body of water seemed to be big enough to sustain however as we caught good numbers and good size this past Spring. The panfish limit is ten, atleast it was, so that seemed to help. I used to live closer to the area, so I chased walleyes a lot more, but haven’t lately. Used to have good luck drifting along rocky points with jigs and live bait. Good luck!
Had to jump back on and edit a little. Don’t forget to stop into the bait shop just north of Hatfield by the little red tavern. They always have good info. for paying customers. Also, if you head up the East Fork, take it slow. Lots of floating timber and submerged rocks.
September 2, 2010 at 4:26 pm #897160Careful Queenie fans, it’s only 10-12 years or so before Aaron Rodgers is a Viking. Don’t be too hard on him right now, you’ll need him to carry your scrubs in a decade or so. Okay, that would only make him mid-thirties, let’s say fifteen years. Isn’t that where all old Packers go to die?
May 18, 2010 at 8:27 pm #872847That is an awesome story. To find something like that is unique, but to find it so quickly after it happened is even better. At least the kid will have a practice fish, and a pretty nice one at that.
Only thing is you’d better get the OK from the DNR. I know a couple years back (second hand info. for me) a guy caught a musky on his foot in Northern Wisconsin. The fish latched on and came in the boat with his foot. Apparently it was not a legal fish because it was caught by an illegal method.
I have no idea about the laws of picking up floaters but better safe than sorry.
Thanks for sharing.May 10, 2010 at 5:19 pm #870875What I was told is that to be a true redhorse, the tail is the feature you look at. I white sucker can appear to have a reddish body. The redhorse also has a smaller mouth. This is info. that I was given, and I am only sharing what I was told. Check out the roughfish.com website. It may be a little help.
May 4, 2010 at 5:21 pm #869166Amen to that! Thanks for the pick me up! I have not been in the military, but that has to be the mentality that each of the proud men and women that protect this great nation. If you enjoy your freedom….Thank a soldier!
April 22, 2010 at 6:47 pm #866031I love it….The Vikes fans on here had to hate on Brett for so many years that he only gets mentioned as #4. I can’t say I blame you. I refuse to really acknowledge that he is a Viking. I am still living by the thought that he is still retired.
What is all this talk about him QBing this year for the Vikes? Did I miss the announcement or what? I know I didn’t miss the announcement. Favre would never announce his retirement or return this close to the draft. He would have to give up some of the spotlight to the draft. The movie star isn’t about to do that.Still my favorite Packer in history, but boy has he really done all he can to change people’s perspective on him.
April 16, 2010 at 12:59 pm #864378Hey, thanks for sharing Ted. Isn’t crazy how you feel like you get to know these guys on these fishing boats over time. Not looking forward to the upcoming episodes when we lose big Phil. Not only that, but this had to be the year that his kid Jake switched onto another boat. It is really going to be a tough pill for that kid to swallow. At least they parted on good terms. Best show on TV…without question.
April 15, 2010 at 12:54 pm #863962I can’t wait to see the follow up story on this. I am sure there will be some stiff pay-offs under the table I mean fines handed out. There won’t be another bit of info. on this story ever covered publicly. What an absolute joke!