I think 1000’s are perfect for ML’S….
Forum Replies Created
May 23, 2011 at 9:34 pm #968384
There was a twin in the back room sleeping. My daughter fed that little one 2 bottles and played for an hour with it. How could I tell her that it was enough? You don’t get to do that everyday. We thought we would let her enjoy it.
May 14, 2011 at 8:18 am #965974Quote:
that guy looks angry
You would be angry to if you were wearing that hat.
January 13, 2011 at 11:11 pm #926085I love having the snowmobile. Just get one with reverse. I dont have reverse, but mine was only 600 bucks.
July 16, 2010 at 3:24 am #887262My wife bought me a Frabill for Christmas…… Guess which one I really wanted? Enjoy it for me too Brett. I really wanted the square tubing., Cuz I do struggle with the round tubing sometimes. We were re-arranging the garage today and I got to “air” mine out in the yard., on a 90 degree day, I sure was thinkin ice.
July 9, 2010 at 1:55 am #885496Some crazy lady backs our Caravan into a huge cement anchored light post, A light post so big you just can’t miss it!, Smashes the tail light out, and does’t say anything about it till her husband gets pulled over for a broken tail light!!!!!!!!!!
Did I mention my daughters 16″ bike in the driveway? I really am scared when my wife is driving..
July 5, 2010 at 2:36 pm #884492This lake does have some nice walleyes in it, but to target them is tough. I hope you know how to eliminate 75% of the water, cuz you will need to on this lake. And once you do that, the last 25% will probably be occupied. Mostly by bass and musky fishermen., and only 25% of them seem to know what they are doing. The ones that dont, will have there boat parked right over the fish, while thay cast away from it. No motors on Sundays!!!!
July 5, 2010 at 2:29 pm #884491I’m sorry reverend, But now that it is closer to you moving here, I have to tell you,….. You DO have to convert over to a Packers fan. Sorry to break it to you. It’s an unwritten law. Don’t worry, after this season, you will wonder why you never converted earlier. I mean….. the Bears?????? You might want to keep that skeleton in the closet. Good luck with the new job and hope the fishing proves worthy.
July 5, 2010 at 1:08 pm #884486——————————————————————————–
My spring picked crawlers are all still doing great. Not one died!, Even the ones I take out in a smaller container fishing stay alive for me, As long as I put them in the fridge when I’m done for the day. I do not put those back into the main box, dont want any weakened ones with the bulk. I changed the bedding for the first time since I picked, All was well, but I felt it was time for new bedding. The container I keep them in seems to be a perfect size for about 250 crawlers. The frabill bedding bag seems to be a good amount for 250 too. I still have plenty left for another bedding change. So that would be 3 beddings worth per bag. I fed them again…..also the first time doing that since spring. I only had babies right after picking them, I think they dont mate when they are in a fridge and cool all the time… Anyways, just an update if anyone was wondering about doing this.
July 4, 2010 at 2:40 pm #884409trying to eat pizza for breakfast and made the mistake of checking this thread out…..pizza is going down hard now. thanks
June 27, 2010 at 3:40 am #882907I came hear just to see how many others did., And saw this sharp lookin camera set-up. I’m assuming it has recording capabilties?
June 10, 2010 at 10:21 pm #879015Thank God they spoke english, otherwise nobody would’ve wanted to go thru the hassle of getting and paying an interpritor, and they would’ve got off scott free! Probably would’ve been able to keep the fish and given a free deep fryer and some fillet knives.
May 24, 2010 at 2:13 am #874174“Take what you need, leave your fair share.”
If the same people I see on some of the shorelines fishing get to that resteraunt, they will be broke in a month!
May 23, 2010 at 1:37 pm #874033Holy cow!, and I complain about indians coming on our property and stealing our propane tanks from the cottage? I think you got me beat. Sorry for the un-needed displeasure of your situation.
May 21, 2010 at 2:13 am #873610Are you guys saying that there are actually women out there that clean fish? Huh…..what!?!… Huh?…
C’mon! I thought they only complained about the smell in the garbage when the fish remains started to make themselves known.Good luck with that. anyways, Its definately a good sign though with her holding that fish.
Does she bait her own hook?May 21, 2010 at 1:58 am #873605Its nice to hear some good news for a change. Thanks for sharing it and I hope your new job is as exciting as you are about it. Good luck!
May 18, 2010 at 3:12 am #872633I pick them as soon as I see them. Today is my last day pickin. With no rain in the forecast, and warmer temps comin, Anything left out there will be toast real soon. (at least in S.E. Wi..) The Misquitos were bad, and the poison ivy was out in full force. I think i’ll count my blessings that I had a good year, got no poison ivy, and had no ticks. I also think that this was not as good of year as years past. Trees that should’ve had a bunch, didnt. I never really got the “bumber” crop in one spot. Oh well, maybe next year.
As far as what do you do with them….You can do a search on the internet that will give you many ways to prepare them. I soak mine in salt water for a good hour. This is mainly for bug removal and a good rinse. I cut them in half length wise, This is where you can make sure all bugs and slugs are out. Then I fry them in butter, garlic, and onion. I like them cooked soft, and I also like them with a crisp to them. I suppose cooking anything in butter, garlic, and onion is going to taste good, but thats what I do. I tried breading them, but that didnt turn out so good for me.
Man, every little itch i have right now is a little panic of do I have poison ivy??????I wear rubber boots and shower immediately when I get home, so I should be good.
This is all I got today. I might have to get me one of those mushroom bags. I hope they have bigger sizes…..
May 16, 2010 at 11:11 pm #872333Gutoneforme,
At least you remembered a bag. I went out today and once again forgot the bag!Did well again. I didnt even go where I wanted to, so I get to hit that spot tommorrow.
$15 for 4 morels???? I heard they were expensive, so that could be right. I’ve seen on the travel channel that they were selling them $40 a freezer bag, and it wasnt much more than 4.
Watch out for poisen ivy out there, its everywhere! I recommend rubber boots.
May 16, 2010 at 3:15 am #872274I went geo caching with the wife and daughter today and saw a few elms along the way and checked, (thinking its gotta be too late), and to my surprise I found a whopping 3 morels…. This got me curious, and when I got home, I went exploring. What the heck, today IS May 15th, and that is the day I usually go every year…cept this one. I went out and was very pleased with what I found. I didnt think I was gonna get any, so I didnt even bring a bag. Thank god I had a hat on. Some of them were getting old, but still worth pickin. I dont see any ticks on me yet, so thats a good thing. Wife and daughter had several today.
May 5, 2010 at 1:12 am #869297I use the basement fridge set on low…..yes, its cold enough for the beer too.
I go with the basic frabill combo and I have know problems. I use rain water to moisten the bedding. Just leave a bucket out in the rain for that. Feed them once a month, Change the bedding every three months. The crawlers always have their heads out the furthest, Look back towards their smaller lighter colored ends, You can usually see the hole they are coming out of. Grab them there. Like said earlier, Grab and hold. In it’s effort to get away, it will backfire on him and come right out. If you break one, toss it, it will only help kill your good ones. Dont stretch them. I use a headlamp on floodlamp, red is just not enough light for me. I scan for them and when targeting one, I will get him just on the edge of my light. I can usually grab them with ease. I’ve heard stay away from ones from the roads. My buddy kind of confirmed this when he told me all of his “road picked” crawlers died right away. But then I read other posts that it sounds like that may not be the case. Don’t know, what I do know is from a garden or a cornfield you will get healthy crawlers that stay alive.
May 2, 2010 at 9:17 pm #868632A tilled garden and a cornfield can give up lots of easy pickin crawlers. If you catch them mating you will get babies.
May 1, 2010 at 1:24 am #868402McNaab?????? Really????? You would rather have him over Favre? C’mon, I’m embarrassed for anyone who thinks that.
April 24, 2010 at 4:04 pm #866455Quote:
Why have most of the new spinning reels have the drag in the front of the bail.
I believe this was to eliminate added weight. I liked the back drags, but have learned to like the front drags just fine,,,,,and the lighter weight is always welcome.
April 24, 2010 at 3:59 pm #866453Quote:
I’m right handed, and reel with my right hand for both spinning, and baitcasters.
I also do this. I always get the questionable look when a buddy uses one of my spinning rods. I tell them that they were raised the wrong way and should learn the proper reeling techniques if they would like to continue fishing with me. I cant be around such ignorance. Even the old thumb push reels used as a kid were on the right side. I shouldnt have to always switch the handle to the “right” side when I buy a new one. Get with the program spinning reel makers!
April 16, 2010 at 1:14 am #864241I have a small 14′ shallow v boat for the rivers. I went with a 55 lb., and having that power when I need it is awesome. Yes its a little to much power for such a small boat, but I can beat any current so far. Its fun making a wake with your trolling motor.