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  • EricEE
    Posts: 1

    We were up over the weekend and were able to boat 40+ walleyes with 3 below the slot, 0 in the slot and more 20-22 inch fish than you can shake a stick at. I’ve read all of the griping about the slot and how difficult people have been finding it to take a little lunch home with them, but as a pure catch and release guy I can’t say enough good things about what the slot has done to the quality of fish being caught in the lake right now. I shutter to think what the “meat hogs” would be doing to this fishery if these fish weren’t protected right now. Assuming the DNR and fisheries management can effectively manage the predation levels of the lake, I hope the slot sticks around for the foreseeable future. Get out and enjoy catching the fish (isn’t that what it’s all about anyhow?)…..stop at McDonalds in Garrison for a fish sandwich if you have the urge for a shore lunch.

    One additional note….I boated an 18″ smallmouth up by Myr Mar that looked so much like a football I had to check it for Paul Tagliabue’s signature. The belly of that fish had to be 5″ across. I guess that speaks to the water temp and the status of the smallmouth spawn schedule. What I wouldn’t give to spend a day fighting a mess of smallies if they were all like that.

    Can’t wait to get back….11 days and counting.

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