Go home tonight, don’t use the bathroom just pee in the corner of your living room. Don’t shower for a few months. Don’t wash your dishes just leave them sit where ever.
The problem with that suggestion is that this is the way that those people already live. And if you or I were to go toss out an empty pop bottle or coffee cup in their yard they’d be the first ones whining. When I was very young my dad took me duck hunting a public blind on state property. This public blind was a frickin garbage dump inside! You name it, it was in there. He simply told me this–If you could carry it in here, you can certainly carry it out of here…..That simple statement should be posted at every access site so these slobs get the idea. And by the way, the Fox River cleanup is this Saturday and me and my boys will be out there cleaning up after those same slobs again. Feel free to join us!