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  • dr._flathead
    Posts: 220

    I always forget to bring a scale that goes over 50lbs.

    Posts: 220


    I would be looking for legal guides.

    Oh don’t worry he got his “Six pack” over the winter, It’s legit now!

    Posts: 220


    Not a bite tonight. I need to hire a guide. <sigh>

    I know a guy in Hastings that runs a Guide Service for Cats, If you dont catch a 30+ pound fish it’s FREE!!!!

    PM me for more info.

    Posts: 220

    Havent you ever fished for Channels before BK?

    Posts: 220

    Well, It’s funny you ask…..

    I’ve always liked cut Sucker, but after this winter and doing some expierementing, I think my opinion may have changed to something new, I will let you know when I try it in open water…. Oh and then theres the shipment from the west coast that we have coming in the next month or so (I hope) that could really change my opinion of my favorite CC bait!

    Posts: 220

    I’ll go with…..But you can have the fish, I’m going for the hot Russian chicks!

    Posts: 220

    Its WIDE OPEN!!! I used it this evening….

    Posts: 220

    I was down there yesterday, it was good. We fished for about 2.5 hours, and put about 30 in the boat. Gold was clearly the color of the day! plastics were not hte ticket, minneos out performed them by far. We only used one line each. being vertical was also very important, which was kind of suprinsing….they did not want the bait moving! If you weren’t VERY close to bottome, you caught NOTHING!

    Posts: 220

    The head Guide (Who will be guiding James) loves Apple Pie! This pic was taken by a client during the ever popular “Platinum Package” Which includes all the beer you can drink, one bottle of Hot 100, a jar of home made Everclear Apple Pie, the Beer flag will be displays on the stern light, and no matter how drunk the Guide gets he will still drive you home!

    Ready to book that trip Jim?

    Posts: 220

    Guides usually can’t walk on PHIGS outtings…..

    Pro staff gear has to be earned BK…. Do you like “Apple Pie”?

    Posts: 220

    The only good Smallmouth I’ve ever seen had a 10/0 hook thru its back, and a 4oz sinker holding it to the bottom.

    Posts: 220

    What I’m trying to say is, James may enjoy the experience that PHIGS offers, Big fish, High BAC, Loud Exhaust, it all part of the backwater experience! PHIGS takes you farther off the beaten path in search of the best drinking/fishing places!

    Tell James to ask about the “Platinum Package”! and how to become an elite member of the PHIGS team! We have hoodies!

    Posts: 220

    I bet they’d have a blast fishing together! I’m pretty sure James would pound the beers like a champ on a _ _ _ _ _ guided trip. _ _ _ _ _ never gets skunked so I know James would get some footage for the show!

    Something to consider James!

    Posts: 220


    When’s the invitational?

    Invites have already been sent out! The trainwreck is July 13th! I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the Mississippi that night!

    Im sure _ _ _ _ _ could make an opening in for James if he were to book a last minute trip for filming….. :toast

    Posts: 220

    Ive been up to that lake many times. The last time was about 20 years ago. I know a GREAT walleye spot I will share through PM’s. I also have a couple questions for you. PM me any questions you have.


    Posts: 220

    Theres an operation out of Hastings that could guide him…..It would be a night of fishing he’d never forget! (or remember) depending on how involved he’s willing to be…. The Guide consistently puts fish in the boat, even when some don’t….

    Posts: 220

    $70 on a Hooded Sweatshirt?

    I MUST be missing somethig here..

    Posts: 220

    IDO = Nutters new online dating site….. awesome.

    Posts: 220

    So with the given suggested models, which would be the best for summer use behind the boat?

    Posts: 220

    I know that spot very well! Many-a-trout have been wrangled from it!

    Posts: 220


    Oh how I miss Sportsmens Warehouse

    X 1,000

    Posts: 220

    Several of my Coworkers are from Rochester/Webster, one of them knew the victim personally. Pretty sad!

    Posts: 220

    I watched that episode on TV, and was pretty impressed, but one question….

    With MOST survery info on the DNR site being quiet dated (Early 90’s for example) How relevant has that info been to you guys in finding fish? Is it still valid so to speak?

    Posts: 220

    I used to go up quite often, I miss them days…170’s 150’s Cub’s….. Just over the tree tops is awesome! I remeber falling asleep in the back seat of a 172 (if I remember right) and my buddy and copilot thought it would be fun to put the aircraft into a stall…..BEEEPPPPPP! I about siht when I heard the stall buzzer, and felt my stomache in my throat…… Good times!

    Posts: 220

    Anyone with a child can appreciate this video, it pulls at the heart strings…. posted on my FB!

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