Been ready here. Going to Storm Lake tomorrow and plan to be on Spirit before sunrise on Sat.
Shaley, I’ll be looking for fishermen wearing tuxedos.
May 1, 2007 at 10:42 pm
Been ready here. Going to Storm Lake tomorrow and plan to be on Spirit before sunrise on Sat.
Shaley, I’ll be looking for fishermen wearing tuxedos.
Dredger was parked at the marina, last weekend. From what I understand the dredging will go on for years to come. BJG wade out by the island on the north shore by the college. I think that is a pretty popular area to go out and cast jigs. Careful on the water depth, I believe Storm Lake is up a little compared to past years. I’ve never waded on Storm Lake before, so that’s about the best info I can give you. Good Luck !
Thanks Wade,
That is low.
Thinking about going on Friday, if I can get the boat out.
Looks like a high in the mid 40’s, coldest day of the week.
3 weeks ago we would have been breaking out the shorts
and t-shirts for the mid 40’s.
How was the water level?
Was the big rock (house rock) exposed, covered by a lot of water or just have about 6 inches running over it (6 inches, this is how I first learned of the big rock one day)?
Thanks Shaley,
I missed this part of the regs:
The following exceptions concerning walleye. The daily bag limit is 3 walleye with a possession limit of 6 walleye in those inland waters listed below in the length limit category:
Now, is the ice gone yet??
Hopefully by the opener, have the weekend
already scheduled for vacation.
If this ice on the lakes thing continues every year, a guy might have to take up ice fishing.
Don J
I have a alumacraft Mag 175cs that I just love.
May 14 1998 for me. That’s when my daughter was born.
20 years of smoking.
WF it gets easier with time.
You’ll also notice that stairs seem a lot easier to climb than before.
to all of you!!!!!!
Why is diesel so expensive yet???? Its the bottom of the barrel sludge….cmon!!!!!
Wait till all the crops are out of the fields, then it will drop.
Then we can start all over again next spring.
As far as truck prices, that is the only bonus (good for buyers, bad for sellers). I want to get a “Newer” used truck next year. It seems the longer I wait, the closer I get to “Brand New”.
Don J
Having the front of the cover cut out? Is this pretty common with cover makers?
I ask because I just bought a cover this last spring and sure wish it had the front portion cutout.
Alumacraft Magnum 175CS, not only a pia to remove the windshield all the time, but the trolling motor has to be removed also.
Also does everyone remove their windshields,on a rig similar to mine, when traveling?
Sorry! didn’t mean to hijack the thread, this one just really got my attention.
Don J
A heavy brick comes to mind. Very expensive to ship.
Also works well for eliminating that annoying junk mail you get when they pay the return postage on the application, envelope, card or whatever it is you have to fill out and send in.
Just write not interested on the document, tape it to a boxed up brick and mail away.
Don J
Just an update.
I didn’t have much luck, caught a couple 12 inch’ers on the north side of stoney using a bouncer and spinner.
Also tried pulling some cranks for about an hour, no luck there.
On a side note, Spirit Lake got a good steady rain most of the afternoon.
I’m off to dry out my gear and boat.
West O is also my backup plan.
With gas prices, the fishing trips are fewer, but to make up for it, I fish all day and night when I do go!
Black/silver Alumacraft Magnum/Black 115hp Merc.
Don J
Lets hope it hangs on for a few more days.
Have a trip planned for Wed.
Saw a six pounder there last Sat.
Unfortunately it was at the fish cleaning station.
Spirit is smokin hot.
Eyes have been on the bite on Spirit. Wife and I limited last Subday in a few hours, took the boss and a couple friends Monday and limited. Wife and I limited again today. Center of the lake on Lindy rigs or spinner rigs, leeches , minnows, or crawlers. Havent had the need to try anything else.
Don J
Heard of another person in my area with the same problem.
Kept getting fuel in the oil.
He was told that you need to run it hard at first to seat the rings.
He took it to the river and beat the crap out of it for a day and it is fine now.
This is second hand info, use at your own risk !
I bought a switch at West Marine that you could run either battery or both when they started losing the charge and it worked out very good. Go to west marine and look up part # 3831419 this is a similar switch I used.
Same type of switch at Cabelas $27.
I have the same issue, 12 volt trolling motor and 2 batteries. I get around 14 hours of fish time per battery though.
I plan on installing the switch versus wiring in parallel.
That way I can rotate batteries easier before each trip.
Now if I could only arrange to have enough fish time to drain 2 batteries, wouldn’t that be a terrible problem to have.
Verizon… calling area, best service, almost best prices.
Guys thanks for all the replies. Being new to trolling crankbaits, I was not aware of trolling at different speeds. My impression was that there was a magical speed to try and stay at.
As far as the drift socks, I just bought one last week and will give it a try at the front of the boat. I attached it to the transom of the boat last weekend and was pretty surprised at how fast I came to a screeching halt. I had no idea those things work as well as they do.
I also had pretty much zero boat control, so I will try hooking up to the front. It’s a 38 inch sock, so I might have to try something smaller also.
As far as the trolling crankbaits goes, I think I have found a new tool to add to the arsenal. I imagined it to be a lot harder than it is and so I never considered giving it a try.
Thanks again,
Look in the jack on the back and see if any pins are bent.
I’ve had the problem with not getting a temp reading and
discovered a pin bent over.
I carefully bent it straight. Now it works fine.
I like the Lowrance/Eagle units, just don’t like the connectors.
Mine gets removed from the boat when it gets stored until the next trip. I am extra careful when removing the plugs.
Wish there was a better solution.
Motor is a 2005 Mercury 115 hp 2 stroke.
Do not believe it is an optimax, at least it wasn’t identified as such on the side.
Purchased a used boat from this dealer last Oct. and discovered it had a serious leak problem this spring.
Had it out about 7 times.
Dealer was willing to fix it at no cost to me, but that wouldn’t happen until June, maybe, or I could get a full refund to put towards a different used or a new boat.
Wife said do what ya gotta do.
I seized the opportunity to go new.
So it was a quick purchase.
Thanks for the stop watch idea.
I plan on following the breakin to the “T”.
Thanks for the info!
I’m sure my dealer will fill me in on the breakin.
I just want to make sure I cover all the bases when I pick up the boat.
Dealer has been swamped, he’s backlogged about 3 weeks. Boat should be ready next week.
Anxiously awaiting !
Just be sure and get a long 8′ antenna. Not a 36″
Question, I’m quite familiar with 2-way radio, is the difference in antennas that noticeable on the water?
I know the ‘8 antenna is 6 db gain vs the 36″ which is 3 db gain. In reality this is a difference of 3 db and should be noticeable, but not terrible. But water can change things.
The reason I ask is that I will be considering a radio setup myself in the future.
I would prefer the 36″ antenna, but if the general consensus is go with the ‘8, that is what I will go with.
Sorry to hijack the thread, just want to get experienced opinions.
you will get specific instructions that come with the motor as for proper “break in” procedure.
Follow that to the letter and you will be fine………Don’t take “2nd hand info” on what to do.
Do what the manufacture tells you what to do.
Oh, I definately plan on it.
This is also my first motor over 60hp.
Just looking at what kind of time frame is involved.
Anxious to go fishing, but motor breakin has to take priority.
Thanks for all the tips.
Had sort of an idea on using tubes, but wasn’t sure on how to secure the tubes. Cutting board would solve that.
As far as using the rod socks, that idea never occurred to me.
I think I will go with the socks. The plan is to keep the boat for the first part of the fishing season and maybe upgrade this fall or spring of ’07.
Thanks again !
What do you call 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the lake?
A good start.
I just started buying unpainted jigs and painting them myself. I do pour my own bullets, but prefer to buy the unpainted jigs for now. Powder coat paint seems to be the way to go in my opinion. Cures very hard.
B Fish N tackle here at IDA is a good source for unpainted jigheads.
Don J