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  • DianeMTT
    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Hey Steve~
    I will check on that for you and let you know.
    I know Mike and Renee are still taking donations for the silent auction.
    But will check on the raffle items and tickets.

    Thanks for the support!
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Thanks for the kind words.
    We have chased you and Stan for many years. I guess everything fell into place at the end of th year for us.
    Hopefully it continues into next season!

    Great finish in the final standings! I was surprised how the Championship changed things.
    Todd and I are very pleased with our finish as well!
    An ice fishing circuit…that would cut into my snowmobiling time…I don’t think so!!!
    I am a freak like you for the tournament fishing! Went and bought some more crankbaits tonight.
    We are taking the kids to LOW on Saturday (for the day), rest of the weekend at Winni.
    We want to get them in on the unbelievable bite.
    Hopefully we can find them some big ones!
    We are holding you to seeing you this Winter.

    I just finished with some of the details for the benefit and posted the info on our website, and am going to post here next!
    Thanks for the help.
    Again great finish! Nice job!!

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    So am I!
    Believe me!!!!
    Winni the next 2 weekends, then off to Lake of the Woods!!!

    See you there!
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Good Morning!
    Diane from MTT here, I am your answer gal. I run the website, work the events, as well as fish them.
    I just wanted to clarify some of your questions regarding qualifying for MTT CHampionship.

    To get an automatic invite to the Championship, you must fish 5 one-day events and one 2-day event.

    You may pick and choose which events you fish. You can fish on Sunday and not Saturday of the one-day events if you choose.
    We have a few teams that do their pre-fishing on Saturday, and compete Sunday. We are a working persons circuit, so this way they are not taking time off work.

    Also, for the 2-day events, you must fish one of these to be guaranteed an invite.

    You may fish the minimum required, or more, or all of them if you choose. We will keep your top 5 one-day scores, and your best 2-day score (if you fish both of these).
    So, you can constantly be upgrading all season and be in the running for “Team of the Year”.

    However, even if you fish all season, and lets say never weigh a fish (it has happened), and you have fished 5 one-days and 1 two-day you will still get an invite.
    We understand everyone can have an off year, or just be learning as well!

    Also, the top 75 teams, after the 2-day events are invited.

    With the MTT, you do not have to register at the beginning of the year for all of your events, you can to be sure you get in, but not required.
    So, you can decide as your schedule allows.

    I hope I have answered your questions regarding Championship qualification.
    If you have ANY other questions, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
    Or, you can look at the wewbsite, as all info in there

    If you would like ot be on our mailing list, let me know, send me an e-mail with your address.

    We have alot of great anglers that fish with us, alot of good competition and some really fun times. Everyone will make you feel welcome.

    Thanks so much for the interset!
    Hope to see you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Well, of course, Todd and I will be there!
    We cannot wait, it is always a great time on and off the water!

    We are heading up on the 15th.
    See you there!


    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Thanks alot guys!
    It has been a long, slow season for us.
    So, it was nice to get that right bite on Sunday!

    We are looking very forward to Lake of the Woods!
    Thanks again!
    See ya soon-
    Diane and Todd

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Good Morning everyone-
    I wanted to let all of you know I will be posting the Standings for the circuit first this week, with the results to follow shortly after.

    The reason for this, is we need to make all the teams that qualified for Championship, by being in the top 75, aware they made it.
    They need as much time as possible to make plans.

    So…please bare with me. If all goes well, the wait won’t be very long!!

    Thanks in advance!
    See you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Not a problem!
    The week has started good, so I could get them done quickly!

    See you soon-

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Thanks to all for being patient with the delay on posting the Winni results!!!
    I had my computer go down right before the tournament, had to get a whole new system. I am trying my hardest to figure it out…but I am at it’s mercy right now.
    So…please be patient with me for the next few events, hopefully I will learn quickly!

    Thanks again to all of our Anglers for the support this season and in the past, we truly appreciate you!!

    See you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    I have just posted the results from Mille Lacs last weekend.
    I have also corrected my mistake…it has been one of those weeks! Thanks for bringing it to my attention right away, I am glad there are so many other eyes out there to help me out!
    I hope to have the standings up soon as well.
    However, heading to Winni for the weekend, so may be next Tuesday!

    Also, for the team that tried to get in, and were told we were full…we truly apologize for any miscommunication.
    We were not full…close however.
    If you call Izaty’s and ask, they will have no way of knowing what the status is. The only official call on this is to contact the MTT office at 320-679-2825.
    Mike or Renee will return your call.
    They head out for the tournaments early as well as all of your Anglers.
    So, please allow yourself a little time to get a response, or come to registration. You can always leave a message at the office, or send me an e-mail and I can give you Mike’s cell number.
    I however, fish the events, so I generally head out a day early to pre-fish.
    So again, we apologize for anyone missing out on the last event. Please call the MTT, noone else knows for sure if we are full!

    Thanks for all the support!
    See you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    One of the things with Big Stone is, when a big storm kicks up, if you are one the water…there isn’t alot of “safe” shores to get to.
    With the lake being so rocky and shallow, it can turn into a real mess. There really isn’t an area you can beach your boat if you need to.
    There is only one ramp on the end of the lake, and with the wind pushing you around, it can be a challenge to get out of the water.

    He made the right call!!
    We will see you on Mille Lacs!

    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Good morning everyone!
    I “should” have the results up sometime today (Monday) or Tuesday.
    As Bill said, it does take time to get these entered and uploaded. I not only handle the results and the website, I also fish the events with my husband, and Daycare for 10 kids.
    So…the “worn-out” factor also comes into play.

    We will ALWAYS have our results up within a few days of the event. We choose not to send them from the weigh-in, as we like our website the have the “official” results posted first.
    Any of you fishing our events, can feel free to post off the printouts from the weigh-in. But please know, these will be “unofficial” results, until posted by the MTT.

    So, please be patient with us, I don’t think a few days is that much to wait.
    We would like to thank all of our Anglers and those of you interested in our circuit. We are growing each and every year due to all of you!

    See you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    You guys are quick!!!
    I just received my notice in the mail today. You saved me some work.
    Here are the specifics, since not all of our Anglers live in the same viewing area.
    The schedule is as follows:
    FoxSportsNorth – MN, WI, SD, ND, IA – Sat. Dec 30 @ 9:30AM

    KSTC 45 – Mpls/St Paul & out state – Sat. Dec 30 @ 10:30AM

    KVRR TV 15 FOX -Fargo/Moorhead/Winnipeg – Sun. Dec 31 @10PM

    KTTW TV 17 FOX-Sioux Falls/SW MN/NW IA-Sun. Dec 31@ 10:30AM

    WDIO ABC 10/13-Duluth/Superior/Hibbing-Sun. Dec 31@ 10:35PM

    So, have those VCR’s and TVO set to record!
    We would like to Thank all of our Anglers for their support of the MTT and Midwest Outdoors!
    The shows are just one step closer to the 2007 season!
    Hope to see you on “The Trail”-
    Diane @ MTT

    coon rapids, mn
    Posts: 55

    Just wanted to let everyone know the Results will be posted “hopefully” tomorrow, Monday.
    Just like Bob, I need some rest from the past week!
    So, keep watching the website for the updated results and the final standings for the 2006 season!

    Thanks to all the Anglers, you made the season a great one!

    Diane @ MTT

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