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  • desperado
    Posts: 3010

    I don’t know why those two on the Buffalo County Facebook page couldn’t get out of that situation. That Wilcraft has the big paddle tires, I’ve never even needed a push-pole with that tire type.
    I’ll just say this; Wilcrafts and airboats both have their place, and yes airboats are bigger and faster … thus if you don’t have superior (or at least proficient) skills with an airboat, you’ll get into bigger trouble faster than you will with a Wilcraft

    Posts: 3010

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
    I have spent hundred of hours operating Wilcrafts in all kinds of conditions imaginable. Helped the manufacturer field-test much of advancements which have been made in the past 15 years and field-tested prototypes of other configurations which never came to market.
    I’ve taken many new Wilcraft owners out and taught them the intricacies of operating a Wilcraft at its optimum ability, including putting it in the water and teaching them hands-on how to get back on the ice.

    Posts: 3010

    Once you’ve broken though, there is some technique to getting back up onto the ice. And like anything; the more you practice this maneuver, more proficient you become.
    Two wheel drive is okay for climbing out of the water anyhow; because if you break through, you want to put it in reverse and get back up onto ice which you just drove across (if you already broke through, chances are the ice in front of you is just gonna get more crappy)

    I’ve done it hundreds of times on every type of ice condition you can imagine and have always been able to get out; it’s actually easier to climb onto soft ice at the end of the season tha it is to climb out of a spear hole onto hard thick ice.
    Some times getting out of the water took longer than others, sometimes I had to break a 75 foot long trail of crappy ice (with my rear tires, in reverse) to get back to ice that was strong enough to support the Wilcraft climbing up onto it. And this was 75 feet of ice that I had just driven across; it takes stroget ice to GET you up than it does to KEEP you up. Given enough time and enough gas, I’d break my way all the way back to shore if I had to (although thankfully I’ve never had to).
    With a two wheel drive model and the smaller knobby tires (as opposed to the bigger paddle-tread tires), you often need a push pole to keep the rear tires in contact with the edge of the ice.
    So if someone was stranded, I’d expect they didn’t have the expertise and equipment required in the situation and/or the time to get themselves out before someone tugged them out. When we travel with two Wilcrafts, we sometimes tug each other out, but only because it’s quicker.

    All that said, IF ever actually stranded after breaking through … rather be sitting dry in a truly amphibious machine and waiting for a tug, than treading water above my vehicle/ATV/snowmobile and waiting for a rescue

    Posts: 3010

    state mandated “swimsuit area” training and licensing?

    Just issue a sticker to prevent SSAIS …SwimSuit Area Ivasive Species

    Posts: 3010

    Is that a long-john or are you just happy it’s national doughnut day ?

    Posts: 3010

    The jig is up Wiggum … guys at DT say you flaunt yur cleavage for that kinda customer service

    Posts: 3010

    BK I’ve fished that spot quite often; even drifted between the dock and swimming platform, so have been cognizant of not tangling in the tether … have never been confronted by the property owner though; have you ?

    Posts: 3010

    We honor their sacrifice best when we fight here at home to protect the same freedoms which they died for overseas

    Posts: 3010


    1. 27dd39065116dd636291836c3b557377bd42c8e34d83bce986e9ff4fe0e604f0.jpg

    Posts: 3010

    What grade level did he read at ? doah

    Posts: 3010

    Class act “today” … not necessarily “all the way”

    Posts: 3010

    Square Lake
    Yes there’s a fishing pier
    It’s a Washington County Park so you need a sticker (the same one you need for launching at the bluffs)

    Posts: 3010

    Sleeping commando is illegal?
    Take me to jail. yay

    I’d say a night in jail is deserved just for the bad mental image you’ve inflicted upon anyone who reads this. (just a friendly hint … you might not want to sleep commando in jail blush )

    Posts: 3010

    why doesn’t one of the local morning news shows run a “how to not be That Guy at the boat ramp” for their fishing opener segment

    Posts: 3010

    Illinois obviously needs a law proscribing the allowable time-limit for parking in a cemetary

    Posts: 3010

    go ask alice

    1. alice-shroom.jpg

    Posts: 3010

    look both ways (for trains) also make a good 360 degree scan (for choo choo cops)
    THEN make yur dash

    Posts: 3010

    desperado, you writing another opinion piece on the railroad ??? doah rotflol

    That’s muh story Mr Choo Choo Cop, an’ ahm stickin’ to it. Hasn’tcha seen muh published on interwebs ? … “desperado-afishynado” at da blogspot der doancha know

    Posts: 3010

    Care to post the part about what’s considered a authorized newspaper reporter ?

    Posts: 3010

    Dealing with a railroad is a bit different than things like electric and gas lines
    Back when the railroads were being built, they were given all kinds of special poop as an incentive to “get them built”

    Posts: 3010

    roll but it’s a lot harder to find a tree to climb

    Posts: 3010

    Crossing railroad property is a lot like hiking in bear country

    Posts: 3010

    ^ evidently, from Bill Koepke’s (BK?) post, they tear into a bag of silage

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