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  • deepportage
    Posts: 18

    My wifes 250 polaris 4×2 pulls only in ideal conditions less that 6 inches of snow and if there is water on the ice she’s done[with chains]. The more weight you pull with it the worse it gets but it will work in a pinch but ageen not the ideal avt for ice fishing. if you have plowed roads the whole way your good to go, any x country should be out of the ?

    Posts: 18

    Yes they are very nice houses, I bought mine from them and I have been very happy with it, Mine is the one with the cooler holding the door open on there site. I realy can’t say enuff good this about Ed and his fish houses.

    Posts: 18

    Save your money and get a good rod, the Buzz Sticks were a marketing gimick.

    Posts: 18

    If you plan on using it out on the ice go with 334I, If not go 332

    I have seen the ice riged 334I’s and man do they work good for map,flasher,sonar,combo.

    Posts: 18

    I’m beting that this year will blow last year away .Last year was just urine poor out on URL ,There were tons of eye’s to be had but C&R only,The slabs seemed to be extinct at times and the one’s we caught had zoo planton? in there guts.
    This year just has to be better,now we can keep a few eyes

    Posts: 18

    Walleyes on LOTW first , Then just follow the good ice

    Posts: 18

    My Sportsman fish house has been very good to me it’s a 18ft v nose, The frame is made out of 2×4 tube steel and it tows soooooo nice down the road, the weight is 2,800lbs not bad for a shack this size

    I have had no problems with bent of broken springs,just last week I pulled it down a very low matence road[8 miles]it was bouncing all over the place with no prblems at all

    Posts: 18

    Duh Thanks, I was searching around for the suff in the the 2007 ice guide , now it’s all clear or flossed

    Posts: 18


    I good spool of Glide will work.

    What is Glide? and why is it

    Posts: 18

    Pray for ice Wigwam I’ll see you guys when there is 4 inches on the gap..Take care

    Posts: 18

    On rattle reels we use 8lb vanish and rods we use 6lb vanish. I have really come to like this line for all around use in the winter. Also it comes in bigger spools, between all of us we pick up a 5000 yard spool and that is enuff to do 15 rods and 15-18 rattle reels with some to spare for tip ups and string weeds..

    Posts: 18

    Cool, it’s nice to have a company that’s in tune to the fishermen and what they want. I’ll be picking up some when they come out.

    Posts: 18

    Can you still find them? or have they been gone for years
    Sorry for high jacking the topic…

    Posts: 18

    Go devil in 16oz, I would give my left toe if they would make a gold 16oz go devil, I have painted my own but factory finish would be nice!!!
    #2 Rattle varmits
    Nice site you all have here…

Viewing 18 posts - 1 through 18 (of 18 total)