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  • DaveD1
    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    That thing looks so good I think I’d just put that in my house for a mount instead of having the real deal done.

    Simply amazing!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Thanks for the input so far guys. This gun will be a stand gun and will be used in a mix of open farm ground as well as some timber. I shoot my Knight now with a 3×9 40mm and it is just perfect for the areas I hunt. I basically purchased this gun for a back up or for rainy days when I don’t want to worry about keeping my powder dry.

    I’ve had red dots and they are nice, I really just want to eliminate the battery variable. While I have never had any problems with batteries going dead, it is always a fear.

    At this point I’m kind of leaning toward a Leupold® VX-I Shotgun Scope, 2X7-33mm. Leupold’s have never let me down and I’m afraid if I get something else I’ll just be disappointing. The other option would be to get a 3×9-40mm Leupold VX-1 or Rifleman.


    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44


    Place the SD card in a bowl of rice. The rice should soak up all the moisture and you should be good to go. Putting the SD card into use before it is completely dry is what will probably short it out.

    Although I haven’t tried this for an SD card yet, it has worked for 4-5 cell phones.


    I’ve washed several compact flash cards and they have all been fine. The rice thing has worked with a cordless phone believe it or not. Gotta love having two boys.


    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    That’s very considerate of you. If I could get to our food plots through all this snow I’d do the same.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    That looks really good! Do you know if he boiled or used beetles? Either way that’s a nice mount!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    That is great that you have the deer and will be able to share the memory for many years to come. I hope that some day my grandkids, if I have them will do the same with my trophies.

    Also, that is fantastic looking!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    That is a brute. That makes 2 for him over 200″ that I know of.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    He sure is a BIG BOY! The other mounts are no slouches but he just looks gigantic!


    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Looks pretty plush! When do you want me there? I can be there anytime.

    Good luck hunting out of her and post some harvest pics from the new blind!


    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    WOW! I don’t know much about coon hunting but 44lbs is a big animal not matter what kind. Congrats to you and the dogs!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    If you can find the CNBC video online it is definitely worth the watch.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Congrats on getting that dude, he is a beaut!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Congrats and great job telling the story! Heading to check the pic out now.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    I dub you the “mad scientist” of food plots. Simply amazing!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Before you know it you’ll have an entire clan hanging out there. Hopefully big brother and papa will show up to stay a while!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    I would have to add an addition to the house with cathedral ceilings just to hang that rug on.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Seeing him makes me want to head out west again. Maybe next year!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44


    Looks great Dave

    BTW, I love this line…”Our new shooting house for the kids.”

    Big kids count too don’t they?

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Good luck! Can’t wait to hear the story and see the pics!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44


    Looks like somthing is going to get there.. What do you have planted there?

    A turnip and rape mix. We are hoping to change it up a bunch next year but not sure what we are going to do yet.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Right now I’ve got two Knights and they are awesome rifles but with that being said…my next rifle will be a CVA due to the ease of cleaning. I’d buy a TC but the CVA is a pretty nice gun for quite a bit less $$$.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    With that kind of start the freezer will be stocked in no time. Congrats!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Looks like fun was had by all. Congrats!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Our new shooting house for the kids.

    Left View

    Out Front View

    Right View

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    First off, that sucks!

    Second, don’t listen to everything the vets tell ya.

    We have a year old basset hound and at 8 months he started to limp on one of his front legs. They did x-rays and told us it was a problem with is bones and they are growing funny(sorry I can’t remember the exact name of it)and that he would always have this problem but we could do surgery. We decided to put him on anti-inflammatory meds for a couple weeks and see what happened. Guess what, after 2-3 weeks of limping and only being on the meds for a week, he stopped limping. It was either growing pains or he got injured attaching my lab. He is now 1 year old and has not limped in almost 4 months.

    Do yourself a favor, try the meds for a few weeks and see what happens, you owe it to the pup!


    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Here’s my poor mulie! He has an entire family of reindeer on top his noggin.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Speaking of Christmas decorations. My wife and mom usually puts rudolph noses on all of our shoulder mounts. I came home the other day and there were 6 little stuffed reindeer hanging from my 5X5 mulie. I think he’s a 35X35 mulie now!

    Cool looking euro by the way!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    I saw this one a year or two ago. Nice buck for sure.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    All I have to say is that Jay sure knows how to kill the big ones! I’d love to see his trophy room!

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    If only the entire world would read this post.

    Congrats on your success! Tell your dad that’s a great looking buck!

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