Hey Robby, If ya really want a biggun…ask Kayla to take ya to her spot
June 18, 2012 at 10:58 am
Hey Robby, If ya really want a biggun…ask Kayla to take ya to her spot
Might have to get up there this spring….if I can stop looking for agates long enough
Well the chocolate and the flowers are on the dining room table…but my wife didn’t come home…Brian?
Seriously yes, We have a good flathead management tool in place already. I don’t think they do it as well anywhere else in the country…I just want the big boys to get bigger faster.
Oh, one more point concerning the two line thingy. Ten or twenty bucks is a lot cheaper than the current price for a two line permit…I know one guy who bought one last summer (twice). I think it was $300 and loss of fishing privileges for a year
Ok, maybe I’m being a little fishtitious. We could (by special permit) allow one large flathead to be brought up to the park every August to enjoy beer and beans…. and I suppose we could allow one or two smaller mudeyes to be kept by some hungry hillbilly. Keep in mind my vision of catfishing utopia only includes the Minnesota River. I think the current state record for the flathead catfish is way too old (and its funny there aren’t better records of this fish)…and I hope a little kid catches the new record on a zebco.
They don’t mind putting special regs into place for every other fish and body of water…I also enjoy reading poetry while I fish for trout.
The problem with better ideas is everybody’s got one. I would like to see regulation changes regarding flathead catfish in the Minnesota River…I have for many years now.
I originally promoted a total C&R on my mudeyes but I think that idea went over as too extreme. Ok, How about this one…”Only one flathead catfish over 70 pounds may be caught, weighed, measured, and photographed before being released alive back into the river”
Two Lines? How about you buy your extra line….what, 10 or 20 bucks? No Problem….you win..the state wins.
I would! Would you kiss FishHead???
I might even kiss him now…he finally got his teeth fixed.
I didn’t catch one flathead last summer…maybe theres still hope.
Thank you! Like I’ve been saying….Maybe its time to buy a buick and start fishing for sunnies
Heres one for you Brian..
Here ya go Brian..
Really looking forward to another getaway!
Would like to get back to the Potomac River again. Making plans now for the James. From what I’m reading, the blues don’t mind the cold either.
Southern California has a lot of good options too…just bring a gun.
I have a couple videos from the Cumberland and the Potomac but I don’t know how to post um.
Thanks guys!
I’m only 48….but being stiff in the morning has taken a whole new meaning
Nice Larry! We’ll have to hook up sometime…I think I should dust the rods off soon
Stir Crazy is right! When the kids are gone, its gonna be plane tickets every winter
I’ve spent a few hours upstream of the Mankato area. Theres a whole lot of water to cover from there up to Granite Falls! If I had to choose a Flathead stretch tho, it would be from Mankato down…or maybe New Ulm down. I find new spots (to me) every year…some get pretty close to home too!
You guys see the new Mapquest “air photo” option yet?…Nice!
I remember talking with an old timer who worked for Cargill down in Savage. He said when he first started working as a kid, there was only room to park one barge along the river bank. Now theres room for three side by side. I myself have seen a lot of the deep holes go away just over the last 20 years.
By The Way…This is Sally. Whatever works for Sally works for me
Nice Big Gloves Too
As a matter of fact, my gloves DO stink! I love that smell. I’m skipping a perfectly good polker game tomorrow night just to add a few more layers of slime on my gloves. Nice to have a landing net right there in your back pocket.
These young catlads will someday find they could have used a pair after they catch a spine, a hook, or drop a nice fish on its head in the bottom of the boat
I’m there for ya BK
Hey Dark!
Have you tried any big flourescent chartreuse or similiarly colored cranks on the MN?dd
I have not myself….I almost always go with more natural looking ones. I was with a buddy one time who used a fire tiger colored crank bait to catch three nice sized mudeyes in just a little while. He was casting off the deep end of a sand bar and I was fishing shallower near a creek mouth for walleyes.
I think it was two years ago? the Minnestoa was at very low levels during May. I was casting a 2″ silver/black shad rap along some rip rap. I got a 7# walleye…20 minutes later I got a 32# mudeye off the same spot.