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  • Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Good news is no firearms were taken, I’d be fit to be tied if that was the case Kooty!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    My truck was broken into last week in my driveway in Cottage Grove, I got home late from work and must have left it open. Gone are various electronics, a compressor, bunch of Nissan tie downs that will probably wind up in the trash as they are Nissan only. Pisses one off to no end. Glad to hear that they got the bstartds maybe.

    And insurance? Yeah, but $1500 worth the crap is a break even after the deductible plus the rate hike for 5 years.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    “In fact, he shoots it with a precision that I find annoying.”

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Hey thanks guys, great points all. I guess my thoughts were to have them as starter guns, although I also thought they are a nice gauge to have in our locale and would make good slug guns to boot (yes, I have ulterior motives, guilty). But no expectations either way other than get them started. Money wise everything is times two so that does not help, the 870 or 500 is in the budget, but not by much. I even thought about getting one for now, and go from there just in case hunting isn’t for them (it is genetic, right?), but as tfg said there are politics involved. Any thoughts on where to buy? I’m thinking gander at the mountain of cash you just spent or wally world, maybe FF? If I could find used I’d consider that also if the price was right. Thanks again all for the feedback.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    I tend to agree with you on that point, heck at ten they know better. Problem is there is no going backward and the ‘what if’ is way too costly. Keep me posted if you find a favorite please, the reviews are all over the place.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    I missed it, worked late. Anyone see it? Anything of interest?

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40




    I prefer Ditch Parrots

    I don’t think they taste as good.

    You mean they’re not supposed to taste like Bald Eagle??? LOL

    A lot better tasting than loons….

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Kooty, rule number one is to not get out of the truck too quickly, great time for a cup of joe. Also, farmers can be start butts, esp the one that explained that he only granted permission to those who would cross the pig yard to talk to him. He was telling me this as I was about half way across and noticed that he was on the OUTSIDE of the fence.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Been there. Last weekend we talked to a very nice guy but he did not own the land we wanted in on, he did know who did. Well, we went there, the 12 year old that answered the door said go for it! Dad was cutting crop, his brother lived next door, mom was jogging. We ended up tracking mom down and she said fine, but did not know where the property ended. I told her the neighbor did, and she said that he would know as he used to farm it. The owners brother asked us who let us on, I told him and he said his brother would have said no. So here we have the neighbor telling us where to go on someone else’s land, the 12 year old giving us permission, and now a domestic situation between the brothers and the jogging lady. It gets complicated for sure.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    So if you guys happen to own land and a Titan pickup drives up this Saturday morning, be nice to the hansome young gentlemen that knock on your door! I feel my odds are better sending the boys to knock rather than this semi-old ugly mug!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Is accessing ag land considered less of a deal by some? Or do you think it is the road hunters that the locals were eluding to?

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    It’s truely hit and miss Wade, but we usually find something to walk. Funny how the least little fence line can hold birds, or the least little draw with water can hold fish. Really, the kids found pool locked trout last time out!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40


    I guarantee I had worse luck than you today Kooty.

    No picture Mike?

    Kooty, don’t mess with the dash stuff, get a sawz all. Really, I had a dowl stick for a door handle for years, worked just fine.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40


    One good thing about this wind, most of the political BS is gone.

    Exactly Kooty! I noticed the same thing on the way to work today, there is a higher power!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    I’m in for logo’d outwear, was just shopping anyways!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    I’ll be serious for a minute, but one minute only. Look up Mokavi cats, looks like one of those.

    Don’t I win pancake mix now or something?

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Green eared sunfish. Ah, wait a minute, wrong website…

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40


    I always figure if I miss, then I don’t have to clean birds.

    Works for fishing too!

    Have fun, I’ll be at work

    Works for fishing too! Use it all the time.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40


    Heard no drumming. SOunds like your in a decent area if they are setting up territory.

    Either that or the natives are restless! We’ll see what this weekend brings I guess.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Did you hear any drumming up that way Mike? Almost every place we walked we could hear drumming. It’s the twin’s 9 yr bday this weekend, wonder if going again would be ok? It probably wouldn’t be noticed (inlaws in town) except that one of the twins wouldn’t let me go without him.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Funny about the wife Mike, mine’s the same way with grouse. I haven’t been out since we had the boys, put my dog down in that time and just haven’t had the time. Fast forward to now, new pup fresh out of school, twin 9 year olds ready to walk, tried out the tent on back of the truck the last few weekends. We’re ready! Now I just need to find those old trails I used to frequent 10 years ago!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Dad, isn’t it common for the fuel reg to go bad and have the fuel pump run excessively thus destroying the pump? I believe that is what happened to mine. Bad thing is, the reg is located under the upper intake manifold, crappy design for a $20 part that tends to fail!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    And if you can live without the 4x, can’t you just pull the front drive shaft? Or is that an old school fix?

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Everything you’ve stated wrong, I’ve done to my ’97 Yukon that now has over 240,000 miles. I did sell it a few months back, not because I wanted to, but because my bro moved out of the country and gave me his 2004 at no cost. The Yuk is still running fine up north in Cook MN. I guess it depends on how good you are at doing basic wrench stuff, as I would not justify paying $100+ labor hours and did it myself. The biggest cost of your issues is labor, the rest is basic wrench work (air tools rock!). I apologize if this has been said above, but I saw this post on the other side today and just thought I’d give it go reply wise. Good luck! My 0.02, keep ‘er going.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Sorry about the hen’s head, I nuked her. Had issue with shooting hens, first time on the farm….

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    We had fun! Nice folks there, boys had a ball.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    By the way, no BK over here? I’m staying!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    Thanks guys! Called Orlando last night, nice gal, have a field Monday morning. Kings? Oh yeah, baby, I could live there!

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    No worries too much, I promise to work with the 12ga for a bit before I crack the case on the 7mm Weatherby ultralight mag again! Good news is I set the reloader up again last weekend, due to the current policital climate I had to.

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