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  • Crickschop04
    Posts: 72

    Sounds like the golden record was broken again…

    Heard of a 4.5# being caught and registered recently…

    Posts: 72

    If I were you I would at least give the x67c unit a look see. If you run the icepack you can have it set between your legs while you paddle, and the self leveling transducer is nice in a canoe too. Finally, if you were to pair it with a good quality 12v 9amp batt. you should get a whole weekend’s worth of use out of it.

    It doesn’t make for the greatest of ice flashers when there is interference, but it sounds like you may not be in an area where there will much as far flasher to flasher interference.

    Posts: 72

    If I understand your question correctly, you aren’t having trouble breaking thru, just getting it out.

    Are you keeping the auger turning? Just hit the throttle a couple of times on the way out.

    Posts: 72

    I used a similar recipe that I loved.

    Only difference was I added a couple of Tbs of chipotle powder, and made my own fish stock by boiling the fish heads and bones w/ a good amount of vegetables.

    Posts: 72

    Is my wife selling my boat? I have a 1989 Dominator with a ’05 Etec on it.

    Rod storage is a bit of an issue I really wish they would have made the rod locker just a couple inches wider.

    Only other complaint I have is that for me personally the back seat is just a bit too close to the tiller handle.

    Posts: 72

    Headed up that way this weekend and wondering what to plan on travel wise.

    Do people drive vehicles in the bay? I realize its all sleds out to the islands…

    In the bay, what species/techniques are currently producing?

    Posts: 72

    FYI- The limit on crappies at Cascade is 5. Just an FYI for next time you head out.

    It was changed ~1 year ago. So not everyone has gotten accustomed to the new regs yet.

    Posts: 72


    Holy smokes, what a weekend! I’ll do a full report on this later today but I wanted to share a pic or two.

    …waiting…must…have…fish porn…

    Posts: 72

    Yep, 22lbs out of the backwaters. I grew up next to the guy.

    Posts: 72

    I’ll recommend the Best Western Soldiers Field. Close to downtown, close to the mall, and Twig’s is a great place to eat.

    Posts: 72

    I’d just follow around the guy with the electric yellow hat! Also a good way to find where the crappies are biting.

    and no, Thank you Bill

    Posts: 72

    Bill- I didn’t know that you were a cat guy too. I thought you were strictly walleye/panfish.

    Posts: 72

    I still believe that there should be reduced limits for ALL bodies under a certain acreage for the entire state i.e. under 50 acres a limit of 5 sunfish, etc…

    Posts: 72

    Actually Jake, as I remember the sheriff’s office actually stated, that although it would be tresspassing to gain access they would refrain from enforcing the law. Not to mention the fact that vehicles were very obviously parked illegally along a marked roadway, and field drive. One could gain legal access by DNR standards by wading the feeder creek, but this obviously was not the case for most fisherman as there was a well established trail over the dike. I agree with CT in that if the county would have towed a couple of vehicles, given a tresspassing ticket or two rather than slapping a parking ticket on the windsheild that there would have been less abuse.

    Maybe I’m a little over sensitive to the situation, but it seems like some “sportsman” have a over active sense of entitlement.

    Now it seems as though the county and township have come to some sort of understanding, but lets not let the ends justify the means!!! Nobody should feel like they have to let someone do something because they are going to do it anyway. Its like a little kid giving the school bully his lunch money before the bully even asks, because the kid knows if he doesn’t he’s just gonna get beat up later.

    Posts: 72

    If you click on the link you can see a picture of it. Biggest channel cat I’ve seen!

    Posts: 72

    Now that I’m back to playing softball, I’m pretty tied up. Played in Burnsville Thurs., Mazeppa on Fri.(good to see ya Dan), and Champlin Park for 7 games Sat. and Sun. Four days in a row out of town playing ball=no fishy fishy. Hoping to get out on Sat. morn for some eyes.

    Posts: 72

    Was the marina packed? Maybe thats where I’ll head.

    Posts: 72

    Mike- Interested in joining me this afternoon?

    Posts: 72

    I’m heading down to the backwaters tonight to see what I can scare up. Mike were you tipping your plastics with anything??? Was it pretty crowded down there? Seems like there would be quite a few people taking advantage of the extended light.

    Posts: 72

    Wow!!! I can’t believe that the PB would post something like that!!! They are usually such fence sitters on these controversial issues. That’s kinda like an advertisement for fishing out there. Maybe they’ll print a follow up with an angler holding up there parking ticket or towing bill.

    Posts: 72

    I’m from Kasson originally and my folks still live over there so I go there a bit. I’ve been bunny hunting at the spot we’ve been talking about, but I’ve always wondered about if there were fish in it. I’ve ran into guys out there fishing who said its a decent crappie spot.

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