Saw a showdown 5.6 a few days ago on the c list for the same price…..just a thought.
Chad Dee
Posts: 9
Saw a showdown 5.6 a few days ago on the c list for the same price…..just a thought.
Might as well do up the voodoo. No miracle cure other than fluids and rest…..after you go fishing
Been out of the loop for a few years, and do not know the current scoop on their operations….but would check out/google H&H guide service in the Alex area, as well as who would also probably be able to set you up somewhere within the 3 hours range. Both Drake and Josh would be able to put you on some fish.
If you can afford to….like others have mentioned…. get a bigger hub like a six-pack or one of those double units, a heater, and some of those cheap floor mats or i/o carpet. Set that thing up ahead of time in house if possible and they will for sure get excited to get out and play in it. I have had my kid and his friends out on the ice for years now and the biggest key to keeping them out there is keeping them warm and as dry as possible. Well, that and as many distractions and treats as you can. Outdoor sports like golf, whiffle ball, kick ball, skating, boot hockey, make shift frisbee golf, even horse shoes(no, not the metal ones) ….along with tip ups are a great way to “fish”. Keep the games short, warm up, and repeat often will easily get you hours. One of those portable firepits along with smore material or some hot dogs can provide some fun. After they are done with being outside, a couple bags of mom banned treats, a cot, and some sort of mobile screen with a movie is simply money, and will allow some time for you to fish as well. Good luck, it can be frustrating, especially if you have to bail on a good bite. But don’t push them……sometimes it just time, and ya got to go…..
Self diagnosed addict here. Suppose the 4th ish, maybe even New Years, is a better time. But Turkey day …….or a tuesday is ample justification as well Outside of the the 4th ish though, probably best bust them out on some open space outside of population centers. The authorities, wether they actually care or not, do have to respond to complaint calls. For sure, no matter where or when, proper sight spacing and securing of either the tubes or cakes should be the utmost priority. 70 ft per every inch of tube diameter distance from the audience and structures….if NO wind should be adhered to. Burying and/or racking the shells or duct taping/ adhesiving the cakes……is a must. This is cheap crap made in China after all and [censored] does go wrong. Play it smart. Play it safe. The more we do, the more chance we can get the better stuff legalized and won’t have to only legally light sparklers and fountains……
Flip a coing between the two. As of last year….. Eskimos were still having some issues with the hubs/supports breaking, Clam with their zipper tabs. Clam had some nice mesh compartments, Eskimo better windows and placement. Clam anchors completely suck and don’t fall for that tool attachment either, Eskimos are perhaps the best stock option out there, but something like an Ice Angel should be considered. Good luck getting the eskimo back in the bag….ever….JK…but they need a way bigger bag. Clams bags are bigger, but when its at the end of a cold long day and snow is sticking to the ground flap, personally just bungee it up and worry about it later. Probably would send the extra jing on the insulated no matter the brand you choose. The hub is a no brainer for me as I have a kid and love the extra space. They are limiting in how much you will care to move though, and while you can set a hub up on really cold and windy it is a pain and probably won’t do it as often.
Early on you are going to find them anywhere from 5 to 20 isn ft. A lot of variables will come into play such as time of day, ice clarity, and cloud cover, but in general start shallow early/late and deeper during the day. A lot of variability as far as what part of the lake your on as well, but essentially look for weed lines, rocks, breaks, or transitions.