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  • Castfly
    Posts: 4

    You can read the newspaper articles at this link a little down the page to Oct. 11th. You may contact my mother-in-laws attorney at Consigny, Andrews, Heming & Grant 608-755-5050. Contact attorney Michelle Zickert and mention Gillette. Again, we are looking for Gillette’s banking information (not yours, Hes has used so many differnt names, we want to make sure that we cover them all. Thank You

    Posts: 4

    I’m sorry you feel that way. We have a federal judgement against Mr. Gillette granted by the US District Court in Madison. If you have read the newspaper articles then you know who we are. We are searching for Mr. Gillette’s hidden assets. How can giving up the bank name and bank information be a scam? I would be happy to furnish our attorney’s name and phone number to anyone with any information.

    Posts: 4

    I have spent the last 14 months trying to get an accounting of my mother-in-law’s money invested with Nevin Gillette. Our lawsuit and the State of Illinois investigation has led to the charges currently against Mr. Gillette with more to follow. He has stolen an awful lot of money from mostly elderly people to finance his high life style and his ego. I don’t know if Team Supreme will survive. It will largely depend upon Mr. Gillette’s assets. We do know that he has had a large number of bank accounts in a wide variety of cities under many different names. What we are searching for now are these assets. If you have bounced checks, we need to know under what the account name is, the bank and the account number. We are also looking for his boats and any other assets that you may know of. You may contact me at [email protected] Thank You.

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